�ltimos assuntos - Widget ultimo assuntos com avatar Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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Widget ultimo assuntos com avatar

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Tópico resolvido Widget ultimo assuntos com avatar

Mensagem por IsmaelS. 10.10.17 23:43

Detalhes da questão

Endereço do fórum: http://ismaels.forumeiros.com/
Versão do fórum: ModernBB



Nesta versão é possível colocar avatar nos últimos assuntos? Como aqui na FdF

Última edição por IsmaelS. em 11.10.17 13:34, editado 1 vez(es)
Hiper Membro

Membro desde : 24/11/2012
Mensagens : 2994
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Tópico resolvido Re: Widget ultimo assuntos com avatar

Mensagem por Kyo Panda 11.10.17 13:13

Utilize esse código:

* Application: Avatar in Recent Topics Widget!
* Description: This application can displays the members avatar.
* Version: 1.03172014-jq1.9.1 - Narmer (Menés, Meni)
* Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2014/03/17
* View more in: http://ajuda.forumeiros.com
* Copyright (c) 2013 JScript <jscriptbrasil at live dot com>
* This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the WTFPL, Version 2
jQuery(function () {
  * User Definition Variables
  /* Put here the widget title for your native language!!! */
  var sWidgetTitle = 'Últimos assuntos'; 
  * System Defined Variables - Do not edit if you don't know!
  var oConfig = {
          '<!--' +
          '* Application: Avatar in Recent Topics Widget!' +
          '* Description: This application can displays the members avatar.' +
          '* Version: 1.03172014-jq1.9.1 - Narmer (Menés, Meni)' +
          '* Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2014/03/17' +
          '* View more in: http://jscript.forumeiros.com/forum & http://ajuda.forumeiros.com' +
          '* Copyright (c) 2014 JScript <jscriptbrasil at live dot com>' +
          '* This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it' +
          '* under the terms of the WTFPL, Version 2' +
      sDefaultAvatar: 'http://i78.servimg.com/u/f78/18/17/62/92/defaul10.png',
      sWidgetTitle: sWidgetTitle,
          '<style>' +
          '.ipsUserPhoto.widget {' +
              'float: left;' +
              'margin-top: 3px;' +
              'margin-right: 10px;' +
          '}' +
          '.ipsUserPhoto {' +
              'background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #FFFFFF;' +
              'border: 1px solid #D5D5D5 !important;' +
              'box-shadow: 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);' +
              'padding: 1px;' +
          '}' +
          '.ipsUserPhoto_mini {' +
              'height: 30px !important;' +
              'width: 30px !important;' +
          '}' +
      sTarget: '',
      sCommon: 'a[href^="/t"]',
      sGetIMG: ''

  // Add CSS

  /* Forum versions! */
  var phpBB2 = jQuery('.bodyline');
  var phpBB3 = jQuery('#wrap');
  var punbb = jQuery('#pun-intro');
  var invision = jQuery('#ipbwrapper');
  if (phpBB2.length) {
      oConfig.sTarget = '.forumline:contains("' + oConfig.sWidgetTitle + '") tr td.row1 ' + oConfig.sCommon;
      oConfig.sGetIMG = ' #emptyidcc .row1.gensmall img:eq(0)';
      jQuery('.forumline tr td span:contains("' + oConfig.sWidgetTitle + '")').attr('id', 'last-topics');
  } else if(phpBB3.length) {
      oConfig.sTarget = '.module .inner:contains("' + oConfig.sWidgetTitle + '") ' + oConfig.sCommon;
      oConfig.sGetIMG = ' #profile-advanced-right .module:first .inner img:eq(0)';
      jQuery('.module .inner:contains("' + oConfig.sWidgetTitle + '")').attr('id', 'last-topics');
  } else if(punbb.length) {
      oConfig.sTarget = '.module:contains("' + oConfig.sWidgetTitle + '") .mod-recent-row ' + oConfig.sCommon;
      oConfig.sGetIMG = ' #ips_currentPhoto img:first';
      jQuery('.module:contains("' + oConfig.sWidgetTitle + '")').attr('id', 'last-topics');
  } else if(invision.length) {
      oConfig.sTarget = '.module.borderwrap:contains("' + oConfig.sWidgetTitle + '") .box-content ' + oConfig.sCommon;
      oConfig.sGetIMG = ' #profile-advanced-right .box-content.profile.center img:first';
      jQuery('.module.borderwrap:contains("' + oConfig.sWidgetTitle + '")').attr('id', 'last-topics');
  var oTarget = jQuery('#right, #left').find(oConfig.sTarget);
  oTarget.prepend('<a class="ipsUserPhoto widget" href="#" title="No avatar!"><img class="ipsUserPhoto_mini" src="' + oConfig.sDefaultAvatar + '" alt="" /></a>');

  // Fire event for 'scroll' to show the content only if is visible in view port...
  var elem = document.getElementById("last-topics");
  if (isInViewPort(elem)) {
      LastTopics(oTarget, oConfig.sExpression0, oConfig.sGetIMG);
  } else {
      jQuery(window).on('scroll.lasttopics', callFunction(elem, oTarget, oConfig.sExpression0, oConfig.sGetIMG));
// Function to check if an element is visible in view port
function isInViewPort(elem) {
var rect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();
return (
rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && /*or $(window).height() */
rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) /*or $(window).width() */ );
// Start function to show the content...
function callFunction(elem, oTarget, sExpression0, sGetIMG) {
return function() {
      // Chech if the element is visible in view port!
if (isInViewPort(elem)) {
          // If visible, stop event!!!
          LastTopics(oTarget, sExpression0, sGetIMG);
// Show member avatar in Recent Topics Widget!
function LastTopics(oTarget, sExpression0, sGetIMG) {
oTarget.each(function () {
      var oThis = jQuery(this); // DOM chached for fast execution!
      var temp = oThis.next().find('.mod-recent-author a');
      var UserURL = temp.attr('href');
      if (!UserURL) {
          temp = temp.next();
          UserURL = temp.attr('href');
      var UserTitle = temp.text();
      var oImgTag = oThis.find('.ipsUserPhoto_mini');
      var UserIMG = 0;//sessionStorage.getItem(UserURL); // Gets the avatar saved in local storage (Fastest!)

      oThis.find('a.ipsUserPhoto.widget').attr('href', UserURL).attr('title', UserTitle);

      // If avatar alread saved, then no request member profile!
      if(UserIMG) {
          oImgTag.attr('src', UserIMG);
      } else {
          // if not, then only request per session!!!
          jQuery.get(UserURL, function(data){
              var profile_img = jQuery(sGetIMG, data).attr('src');

              if (profile_img !== undefined) {
                  oImgTag.attr('src', profile_img);
                  // Saves the member avatar in local storage
                  sessionStorage.setItem(UserURL, profile_img);

E ao CSS:

.ipsUserPhoto.widget {
    position: absolute; 
    left: 0;

.mod-recent-row {
    padding-left: 45px;
    position: relative;

.mod-recent-title:not(:first-child) {
    margin-top: 20px;
    display: inline-block;
Kyo Panda
Kyo Panda
Hiper Membro

Membro desde : 08/01/2012
Mensagens : 4641
Pontos : 5939


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Tópico resolvido Re: Widget ultimo assuntos com avatar

Mensagem por IsmaelS. 11.10.17 13:34

Perfeito amigo, obrigado!!
Hiper Membro

Membro desde : 24/11/2012
Mensagens : 2994
Pontos : 4142


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Tópico resolvido Re: Widget ultimo assuntos com avatar

Mensagem por Kyo Panda 11.10.17 13:34

Questão marcada como Resolvida ou o Autor solicitou que ela fosse arquivada.
Tópico marcado como Resolvido e movido para Questões resolvidas.
Kyo Panda
Kyo Panda
Hiper Membro

Membro desde : 08/01/2012
Mensagens : 4641
Pontos : 5939


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