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[AJAX] Solicitação de Código
3 participantes
Fórum dos Fóruns :: Ajuda e atendimento ao utilizador :: Questões sobre códigos :: Questões resolvidas sobre códigos Javascript e jQuery
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[AJAX] Solicitação de Código
Detalhes da questão
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Versão do fórum: ModernBB
Olá, FdF!
Eu gostaria de solicitar aos usuários que entendem da linguagem AJAX para que criassem dois novos códigos para utilização em meu fórum, sendo ele, o código de Edit e o código de Preview com AJAX. Caso algum Ajudeiro/Moderadeiro/Admineiro julgue proibido a solicitação dos dois códigos ao mesmo tempo, peço que deem preferência ao código Edit.
Caso queiram ter uma melhor noção do que estou falando, os senhores podem clicar aqui, onde leva para o FdF Americano diretamente numa página onde um usuário disponibilizou um único código AJAX englobando todos os tipos existentes e aqui, onde leva para um Plugin criado pelo usuário @Luiz para deletar posts sem refresh na página.
Boa sorte!
Re: [AJAX] Solicitação de Código
Se no código que encontrou no FdF Americano encontra o que precisa, por que deseja que criemos outro código novo quando podemos reutilizar simplesmente um já feito e que funciona?
Tanto que, caso você queira apenas manter o Edit e o Preview, basta manter o número 1 no código e o resto colocar o número 0 (o código com o número 0 [zero] é interpretado como "falso", oposto do número 1).
Ficando assim:
Provavelmente vão surgir mensagens em inglês, mas existe sempre a possibilidade de as traduzir a seu gosto. Procure no código, está super visível!
Se no código que encontrou no FdF Americano encontra o que precisa, por que deseja que criemos outro código novo quando podemos reutilizar simplesmente um já feito e que funciona?
Tanto que, caso você queira apenas manter o Edit e o Preview, basta manter o número 1 no código e o resto colocar o número 0 (o código com o número 0 [zero] é interpretado como "falso", oposto do número 1).
Ficando assim:
- Código:
console.log('//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
console.log('//------------ ------------//');
console.log('//--------------------- Version: 1.5b ---------------------------//');
console.log('//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload //');
var os = {
config: {
beroreunload: 1,
edit: 1,
quote: 0,
delete: 0,
preview: 1,
reply: 0,
placeholder: 0,
letters: 5, //min words in the textarea before reply
time: 3000,
speed: 400,
color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
lang: {
success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
newpost: 'A new message has been posted',
error_reply: 'Try again',
reply_words: 'You must write ',
reply_btn_send: 'Send data...',
notice_default: 'No predefined text',
no_message: 'There is nothing written in the editor',
no_subject: 'You must specify a subject for your message.',
pm_error_a: 'You must specify a username to whom to send this message.',
pm_error_b: 'This or these user(s) do not exist',
pm_error_c: 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last',
pm_success: 'Your message has been sent',
placeholder: 'write something here...',
edit_subject_placeholder: 'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 10 and 255 characters',
delete_main: 'Do you want delete the post #',
delete_yes: 'Delete',
delete_cancel: 'Cancel',
edit_mode: 'Editing post #',
quote_mode: 'Quoting post #',
loading: 'Loading...',
save: 'Save',
notice_wait: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
previewHTML: '<div id="preview_content"><a id="close" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;" onclick="os.close(\'preview\')"><img src=""></a></div>', delete_style: '#confirm_content { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 30px}#confirm >a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #333; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none!important;}#yes { color: #fff!important; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background-color: #5bb75b; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #62c462, #51a351)!important; background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: #51a351 #51a351 #387038; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)!important;}#cancel { margin-left: 5px; color: #fff!important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #db5530 5%, #db1f1f 100%)!important; background-color: #db5530; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #854629;}', init: function() { os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname); os.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(window.location.href); os.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(window.location.href); os.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(window.location.href); os.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href); os.phpbb2 = os.getEl('.bodylinewidth').length; os.phpbb3 = os.getEl('#phpbb'); os.invision = os.getEl('#ipbwrapper'); os.punbb = os.getEl('#pun-intro'); os.subject = os.isTheme && os.getEl('h1')[0].textContent; os.body = os.getEl('body'); os.form = os.getEl('forms').post; os.b_r =; os.b_r_v =; os.textarea = os.form.message; os.action = os.form.action; = os.getEl('.sceditor-group')[0]; os.b_p = os.form.preview; os.b_p_v = os.b_p.value; os.url = os.isTheme ? '/post?t=' + os.form.t.value + '&mode=reply' : os.isPost && document.location.href; os.sceditor = $(os.textarea).sceditor('instance'); os.content = os.punbb ? '.entry-content' : os.phpbb3 ? '.content' : os.invision ? '.post-entry' : os.phpbb2 && '.postbody'; os.a = os.getEl('a'); os.config.placeholder == 1 && (os.getEl('.sceditor-grip', os.form)[0].previousElementSibling.placeholder = os.lang.placeholder); os.buttons(os.a); os.beforeunload(); }, buttons: function(a) { var b = 'os.get(this, \'quote\');return false', c = 'os.set_delete(this);return false', d = 'os.get(this,\'edit\');return false', e = ', \'preview\');return false', f = os.isMP ? ', \'mp\');return false' : ', \'reply\');return false', i; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { os.config.quote == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', b); os.config.delete == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', c); os.config.edit == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', d); } os.config.preview == 1 && os.b_p.setAttribute('onclick', e); os.config.reply == 1 && os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', f); }, get: function(c, d) { os.url_universal = 'undefined' != typeof c.href ? c.href : c; var a = os.url_universal.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote)|viewtopic/)[0], b = os.post_number(os.url_universal), f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, t, u, x; os.XML('', os.url_universal, function(e) { x = e.responseXML; switch (a) { case 'editpost': os.sceditor.updateOriginal(); f =; m = os.getEl('.post--' + b); g = os.cr_el('input'); g.className = 'inputbox medium edit_subject'; g.placeholder = os.lang.edit_subject_placeholder; = 'subject'; = 'display:table;margin:0 auto;width: 99%;margin-bottom: 5px'; g.value =; !os.getEl('.edit_subject').length &&,; os.edit_subject = os.getEl('.edit_subject')[0]; m.length && (m[0].style.border = '1px solid orange!important'); os.sceditor.val(f); os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'edit\');return false'); os.encode_edit = os.serialize(; os.url_edit = c.href, os.edit_number = b; os.b_r.value =; os.notice(os.lang.edit_mode + b, os.config.color_b, 'false'); os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed); break; case 'quote': os.sceditor.updateOriginal(); os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed); f =; h = os.sceditor.val(); os.sceditor.val(h + f); os.notice(os.lang.quote_mode + b, os.config.color_a, 'false'); break; case 'viewtopic': k = os.getEl('.post--' + b, x)[0]; = 'none'; k.className += ' new_ajax_post'; j = os.getEl('.post--' + b)[0]; 'reply' == d && (os.buttons(os.getEl('a', k)), os.set_post(k)); 'edit' == d && (t = os.getEl(os.content, k), u = t[0].innerHTML, os.getEl(os.content, j)[0].innerHTML = u, os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'reply\');return false'), os.fadeIn(j, 500), os.scroll(j, os.config.speed)); os.sceditor.val(''); os.notice(os.lang.success_reply, os.config.color_e, 'true'); break; } }) }, post: function(e, o) { var t, s, r, n, i, l, a, c, p, d, f, u, g, _, b, m, h, v, y, h; os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), clearInterval(t), p = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.sceditor.val()), v = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.edit_subject.value), os.url_post = 'delete' == o ? e.href : os.form.action, os.uritexto = 'reply' == o || 'mp' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1' : 'preview' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&preview=Preview' : 'delete' == o ? '&confirm=1' : '&subject=' + v + '&message=' + p + '&mode=editpost&p=' + os.edit_number + '¬ify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', a = os.getEl('.new_ajax_post'), a.length && a[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), y = os.sceditor.val(), y.length > 0 && y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length >= os.config.letters || 'delete' == o ? (os.isPost || os.isMP) && os.form.subject && os.form.subject.value.length >= 10 || 'preview' == o || os.isEditPost || os.isNewReply || os.isTheme ? ('delete' != o && (e.value = 'preview' == o ? os.lang.loading : os.lang.reply_btn_send, 'preview' == o ? = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d : = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d), os.XML(os.uritexto, os.url_post, function(e) { i = e.responseXML, l = os.getEl(os.phpbb2 ? '#page-body' : '#main', i), d = os.getEl('.postbody', i)[0], t = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), s = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), c = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost), _ = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_b), b = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_c), m = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_success), h = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_a), /mp/.test(o) ? h > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_a, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : _ > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_b, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : b > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_c, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : m > 0 && (os.sceditor.val(''), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), setTimeout(function() { document.location.href = '/privmsg?folder=inbox' }, 2e3)) : /(reply|edit)/.test(o) ? (os.viewtopic(i), r = os.view_url, = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d, s > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.flood, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : c > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.newpost, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : 0 > t ? (os.notice(os.lang.error_reply, '', 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : os.isTheme ? ('undefined' != typeof r && os.get(r, o), 'edit' == o && os.edit_subject.remove(), os.notice(os.lang.notice_wait, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : (os.overlay(os.lang.loading), os.sceditor.val(''), setTimeout(function() { document.location.href = r }, 2e3), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v))) : /preview/.test(o) ? (os.create_preview(), f = os.getEl('#preview_content'), f.appendChild(d), os.fadeIn(d, 500), os.b_p.value = os.b_p_v, = '') : /delete/.test(o) && (n = os.getEl('.post--' + os.post_number(os.url_post)), g = os.getEl('#confirm_wrap'), u = os.getEl('#overlay'), n.length && (os.phpbb2 ? (os.fadeOut(n[0].nextElementSibling, 500), os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)) : os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)), g && g.remove(), u && u.remove()) })) : (os.notice(os.lang.no_subject, os.config.color_d, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), = '') : (h = y.length > 0 && null != y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g) ? os.config.letters - y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length : 5, os.notice(os.lang.reply_words + h + ' word' + (h > 1 ? 's' : ''), os.config.color_d, 'true'), 'reply' == o ? os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v) : os.refresh(os.b_p, os.b_p_v)) }, refresh: function(c, d) { c.value = d; = ''; }, overlay: function(c) { var a = os.cr_el('div'); = 'font-family:arial;display:block;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;min-height:101%;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);z-index:999;color:#fff;font-size: 45px; text-align: center; line-height: 13'; = 'overlay'; 'undefined' != typeof c && (a.textContent = c); os.body.appendChild(a); }, create_preview: function() { var m = os.cr_el('div'); = 'background:#fff;left:15%;position:fixed;top:10%;width:70%;height:65%;overflow:auto;z-index:999;box-shadow:10px 10px 40px black;border-radius:3px;font-size:1.2em;padding:10px;font-family:Arial;text-shadow:0 1px 1px white;color:#666;'; = 'preview_content'; m.innerHTML = os.previewHTML; os.overlay(); os.body.appendChild(m); }, set_delete: function(f) { var d, b, c; b = os.cr_el('div'); c = os.cr_el('style'); b.innerHTML = '<div id="confirm_content">' + os.lang.delete_main + os.post_number(f.href) + '?' + '</div><div id="confirm"><a id="yes" class="yes" href="' + f.href + '" onclick=",\'delete\');return false">' + os.lang.delete_yes + '</a><a id="cancel" onclick="os.close(\'delete\')">' + os.lang.delete_cancel + '</a></div>'; = 'confirm_wrap'; = 'font-family:arial;display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: auto; text-align: center; z-index: 9999; padding: 7px 13px; position: fixed; top: 35%; left: 30%'; os.overlay(); os.body.appendChild(b); c.innerHTML = os.delete_style; c.type = 'text/css'; = 'd_style'; !os.getEl('#d_style') && os.getEl('head').appendChild(c); d = os.getEl('#yes'); }, set_post: function(h) { var e = os.punbb ? os.getEl('.topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? os.getEl('.catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? os.getEl('*bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && os.getEl('.topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling; os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling); os.scroll(h, os.config.speed); os.fadeIn(h, 500); }, XML: function(a, b, f) { var c; c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')); 'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true); c.responseType = 'document'; c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : ''); c.onreadystatechange = function() { this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this)); }; }, serialize: function(b) { var a, i, j, l, s = []; if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) { l = b.elements.length; for (i = 0; l > i; i++) if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type) if ('select-multiple' == a.type) for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value)); else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value)) } return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+'); }, notice: function(c, f, h) { var a, b, d, e, g; g = os.getEl('.notice_reply'); b =; d = b.parentNode; a = !g.length ? os.cr_el('DIV') : g[0]; e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center'; !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b)); = 'block'; a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_default : c; = ('undefined' == typeof f || f == '') ? os.config.color_a : f; 'false' != h && setTimeout(function() { 'block' == && ( = 'none') }, os.config.time); }, fadeIn: function(a, b) { var e, d; if (!a) return; = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible', b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function() { e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')' }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)') }, fadeOut: function(o, e) { if (o) if (e) var s = 1, t = setInterval(function() { s -= 50 / e, s > 0 || (clearInterval(t), s = 0, = 'none', = 'hidden'), = s, = 'alpha(opacity=' + 100 * s + ')' }, 50); else = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = 'none', = 'hidden' }, close: function(c) { var a = os.getEl(c == 'delete' ? '#confirm_wrap' : '#preview_content'), b = os.getEl('#overlay'); a.remove(); b.remove(); }, scroll: function(o, e, t, s) { e = e || 500, s = s || window; var n = s.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset; if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o); else var r = os.getTop(o, n); var l =, i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function(o) { window.setTimeout(o, 15) }, a = function() { var c = - l; s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.position(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.position(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a) }; a() }, beforeunload: function() { var a = os.sceditor; a && (window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (a.val().length) { return 'ok' } }); }, easeInOutCubic: function(t) { return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1 }, position: function(o, e, s, t) { return s > t ? e : o + (e - o) * os.easeInOutCubic(s / t) }, getTop: function(o, e) { return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e }, viewtopic: function(h) { var i, g = os.getEl('a', h); for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href) } }, post_number: function(c) { return c.match(/viewtopic/) ? c.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : c.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1] }, cr_el: function(o, e) { var t = document.createElement(o); if (e) { for (var s in e) 'style' != s && (t[s] = e[s]); &&, } return t }, getEl: function(o, e) { e = 'undefined' != typeof e ? e : document; switch (o.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? o.charAt(0) : o) { case '#': return e.getElementById(o.substr(1)); case '.': return e.getElementsByClassName(o.substr(1)); case '*': return e.getElementsByName(o.substr(1)); case 'body': return e.body; case 'head': return e.head; case 'forms': return e.forms; default: return e.getElementsByTagName(o) } } }; $(function() { $(function() { (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && os.init() }); });
Provavelmente vão surgir mensagens em inglês, mas existe sempre a possibilidade de as traduzir a seu gosto. Procure no código, está super visível!
Re: [AJAX] Solicitação de Código
Hancki escreveu:Olá!
Se no código que encontrou no FdF Americano encontra o que precisa, por que deseja que criemos outro código novo quando podemos reutilizar simplesmente um já feito e que funciona?
Tanto que, caso você queira apenas manter o Edit e o Preview, basta manter o número 1 no código e o resto colocar o número 0 (o código com o número 0 [zero] é interpretado como "falso", oposto do número 1).
Ficando assim:
- Código:
console.log('//-----Written by Chalo ------- Open Source 2014-2016 -----//');
console.log('//------------ ------------//');
console.log('//--------------------- Version: 1.5b ---------------------------//');
console.log('//Reply, preview, quote, delete and more, without reload //');
var os = {
config: {
beroreunload: 1,
edit: 1,
quote: 0,
delete: 0,
preview: 1,
reply: 0,
placeholder: 0,
letters: 5, //min words in the textarea before reply
time: 3000,
speed: 400,
color_a: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffff88 0%,#ffff88 100%)',
color_b: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffaf4b 0%,#ff920a 100%)',
color_c: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #87e0fd 0%,#53cbf1 40%,#05abe0 100%)',
color_d: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff3019 0%,#cf0404 100%)',
color_e: 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #d2ff52 0%,#91e842 100%)'
lang: {
success_reply: 'Your message has been entered successfully', // <--- change this text exactly like is display in your language board
flood: 'Flood control is active on this forum, please wait 10 second(s) before replying or posting',
newpost: 'A new message has been posted',
error_reply: 'Try again',
reply_words: 'You must write ',
reply_btn_send: 'Send data...',
notice_default: 'No predefined text',
no_message: 'There is nothing written in the editor',
no_subject: 'You must specify a subject for your message.',
pm_error_a: 'You must specify a username to whom to send this message.',
pm_error_b: 'This or these user(s) do not exist',
pm_error_c: 'You cannot make another post so soon after your last',
pm_success: 'Your message has been sent',
placeholder: 'write something here...',
edit_subject_placeholder: 'The length of the title for this topic must be ranging between 10 and 255 characters',
delete_main: 'Do you want delete the post #',
delete_yes: 'Delete',
delete_cancel: 'Cancel',
edit_mode: 'Editing post #',
quote_mode: 'Quoting post #',
loading: 'Loading...',
save: 'Save',
notice_wait: 'Please be patient, sending data to the server',
previewHTML: '<div id="preview_content"><a id="close" style="float:right;cursor:pointer;" onclick="os.close(\'preview\')"><img src=""></a></div>', delete_style: '#confirm_content { color: #fff; margin-bottom: 7px; padding-bottom: 5px; font-size: 30px}#confirm >a { display: inline-block; padding: 4px 12px; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; color: #333; text-align: center; text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; text-decoration: none!important;}#yes { color: #fff!important; text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); background-color: #5bb75b; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #62c462, #51a351)!important; background-repeat: repeat-x; border-color: #51a351 #51a351 #387038; border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); text-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)!important;}#cancel { margin-left: 5px; color: #fff!important; background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #db5530 5%, #db1f1f 100%)!important; background-color: #db5530; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #854629;}', init: function() { os.isTheme = /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname); os.isPost = /\/post\?f=(\d+)&mode=(newtopic)/.test(window.location.href); os.isNewReply = /\/post\?t=(\d+)&mode=(reply)/.test(window.location.href); os.isEditPost = /\/post\?p=(\d+)&mode=(editpost)/.test(window.location.href); os.isMP = /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href); os.phpbb2 = os.getEl('.bodylinewidth').length; os.phpbb3 = os.getEl('#phpbb'); os.invision = os.getEl('#ipbwrapper'); os.punbb = os.getEl('#pun-intro'); os.subject = os.isTheme && os.getEl('h1')[0].textContent; os.body = os.getEl('body'); os.form = os.getEl('forms').post; os.b_r =; os.b_r_v =; os.textarea = os.form.message; os.action = os.form.action; = os.getEl('.sceditor-group')[0]; os.b_p = os.form.preview; os.b_p_v = os.b_p.value; os.url = os.isTheme ? 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', \'mp\');return false' : ', \'reply\');return false', i; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { os.config.quote == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(quote)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', b); os.config.delete == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&tid=(\w+)\&mode\=(delete)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', c); os.config.edit == 1 && /\/post\?p=(\d+)\&mode\=(editpost)/.test(a[i].href) && a[i].setAttribute('onclick', d); } os.config.preview == 1 && os.b_p.setAttribute('onclick', e); os.config.reply == 1 && os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', f); }, get: function(c, d) { os.url_universal = 'undefined' != typeof c.href ? c.href : c; var a = os.url_universal.match(/(?!\/post\?p=(\w+)\&mode=)(editpost|quote)|viewtopic/)[0], b = os.post_number(os.url_universal), f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, t, u, x; os.XML('', os.url_universal, function(e) { x = e.responseXML; switch (a) { case 'editpost': os.sceditor.updateOriginal(); f =; m = os.getEl('.post--' + b); g = os.cr_el('input'); g.className = 'inputbox medium edit_subject'; g.placeholder = os.lang.edit_subject_placeholder; = 'subject'; = 'display:table;margin:0 auto;width: 99%;margin-bottom: 5px'; g.value =; !os.getEl('.edit_subject').length &&,; os.edit_subject = os.getEl('.edit_subject')[0]; m.length && (m[0].style.border = '1px solid orange!important'); os.sceditor.val(f); os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'edit\');return false'); os.encode_edit = os.serialize(; os.url_edit = c.href, os.edit_number = b; os.b_r.value =; os.notice(os.lang.edit_mode + b, os.config.color_b, 'false'); os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed); break; case 'quote': os.sceditor.updateOriginal(); os.scroll(os.form, os.config.speed); f =; h = os.sceditor.val(); os.sceditor.val(h + f); os.notice(os.lang.quote_mode + b, os.config.color_a, 'false'); break; case 'viewtopic': k = os.getEl('.post--' + b, x)[0]; = 'none'; k.className += ' new_ajax_post'; j = os.getEl('.post--' + b)[0]; 'reply' == d && (os.buttons(os.getEl('a', k)), os.set_post(k)); 'edit' == d && (t = os.getEl(os.content, k), u = t[0].innerHTML, os.getEl(os.content, j)[0].innerHTML = u, os.b_r.setAttribute('onclick', ', \'reply\');return false'), os.fadeIn(j, 500), os.scroll(j, os.config.speed)); os.sceditor.val(''); os.notice(os.lang.success_reply, os.config.color_e, 'true'); break; } }) }, post: function(e, o) { var t, s, r, n, i, l, a, c, p, d, f, u, g, _, b, m, h, v, y, h; os.sceditor.updateOriginal(), clearInterval(t), p = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.sceditor.val()), v = 'edit' == o && encodeURIComponent(os.edit_subject.value), os.url_post = 'delete' == o ? e.href : os.form.action, os.uritexto = 'reply' == o || 'mp' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&post=1&prevent_post=1' : 'preview' == o ? os.serialize(os.form) + '&preview=Preview' : 'delete' == o ? '&confirm=1' : '&subject=' + v + '&message=' + p + '&mode=editpost&p=' + os.edit_number + '¬ify=on&&post=1&prevent_post=1', a = os.getEl('.new_ajax_post'), a.length && a[0].classList.remove('new_ajax_post'), y = os.sceditor.val(), y.length > 0 && y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length >= os.config.letters || 'delete' == o ? (os.isPost || os.isMP) && os.form.subject && os.form.subject.value.length >= 10 || 'preview' == o || os.isEditPost || os.isNewReply || os.isTheme ? ('delete' != o && (e.value = 'preview' == o ? os.lang.loading : os.lang.reply_btn_send, 'preview' == o ? = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d : = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d), os.XML(os.uritexto, os.url_post, function(e) { i = e.responseXML, l = os.getEl(os.phpbb2 ? '#page-body' : '#main', i), d = os.getEl('.postbody', i)[0], t = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.success_reply), s = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.flood), c = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.newpost), _ = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_b), b = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_c), m = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_success), h = l.innerHTML.indexOf(os.lang.pm_error_a), /mp/.test(o) ? h > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_a, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : _ > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_b, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : b > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.pm_error_c, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : m > 0 && (os.sceditor.val(''), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), setTimeout(function() { document.location.href = '/privmsg?folder=inbox' }, 2e3)) : /(reply|edit)/.test(o) ? (os.viewtopic(i), r = os.view_url, = 'color:#fff;background:' + os.config.color_d, s > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.flood, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : c > 0 ? (os.notice(os.lang.newpost, os.config.color_b, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : 0 > t ? (os.notice(os.lang.error_reply, '', 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : os.isTheme ? ('undefined' != typeof r && os.get(r, o), 'edit' == o && os.edit_subject.remove(), os.notice(os.lang.notice_wait, os.config.color_c, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v)) : (os.overlay(os.lang.loading), os.sceditor.val(''), setTimeout(function() { document.location.href = r }, 2e3), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v))) : /preview/.test(o) ? (os.create_preview(), f = os.getEl('#preview_content'), f.appendChild(d), os.fadeIn(d, 500), os.b_p.value = os.b_p_v, = '') : /delete/.test(o) && (n = os.getEl('.post--' + os.post_number(os.url_post)), g = os.getEl('#confirm_wrap'), u = os.getEl('#overlay'), n.length && (os.phpbb2 ? (os.fadeOut(n[0].nextElementSibling, 500), os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)) : os.fadeOut(n[0], 500)), g && g.remove(), u && u.remove()) })) : (os.notice(os.lang.no_subject, os.config.color_d, 'true'), os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v), = '') : (h = y.length > 0 && null != y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g) ? os.config.letters - y.match(/\w{2,}\b/g).length : 5, os.notice(os.lang.reply_words + h + ' word' + (h > 1 ? 's' : ''), os.config.color_d, 'true'), 'reply' == o ? os.refresh(os.b_r, os.b_r_v) : os.refresh(os.b_p, os.b_p_v)) }, refresh: function(c, d) { c.value = d; = ''; }, overlay: function(c) { var a = os.cr_el('div'); = 'font-family:arial;display:block;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;min-height:101%;width:100%;background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);z-index:999;color:#fff;font-size: 45px; text-align: center; line-height: 13'; = 'overlay'; 'undefined' != typeof c && (a.textContent = c); os.body.appendChild(a); }, create_preview: function() { var m = os.cr_el('div'); = 'background:#fff;left:15%;position:fixed;top:10%;width:70%;height:65%;overflow:auto;z-index:999;box-shadow:10px 10px 40px black;border-radius:3px;font-size:1.2em;padding:10px;font-family:Arial;text-shadow:0 1px 1px white;color:#666;'; = 'preview_content'; m.innerHTML = os.previewHTML; os.overlay(); os.body.appendChild(m); }, set_delete: function(f) { var d, b, c; b = os.cr_el('div'); c = os.cr_el('style'); b.innerHTML = '<div id="confirm_content">' + os.lang.delete_main + os.post_number(f.href) + '?' + '</div><div id="confirm"><a id="yes" class="yes" href="' + f.href + '" onclick=",\'delete\');return false">' + os.lang.delete_yes + '</a><a id="cancel" onclick="os.close(\'delete\')">' + os.lang.delete_cancel + '</a></div>'; = 'confirm_wrap'; = 'font-family:arial;display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: auto; text-align: center; z-index: 9999; padding: 7px 13px; position: fixed; top: 35%; left: 30%'; os.overlay(); os.body.appendChild(b); c.innerHTML = os.delete_style; c.type = 'text/css'; = 'd_style'; !os.getEl('#d_style') && os.getEl('head').appendChild(c); d = os.getEl('#yes'); }, set_post: function(h) { var e = os.punbb ? os.getEl('.topic')[0] : os.phpbb2 ? os.getEl('.catBottom')[0].parentNode.previousElementSibling : os.phpbb3 ? os.getEl('*bottomtitle')[0].previousElementSibling : os.invision && os.getEl('.topic-footer')[0].previousElementSibling; os.punbb ? e.appendChild(h) : e.parentNode.insertBefore(h, e.nextSibling); os.scroll(h, os.config.speed); os.fadeIn(h, 500); }, XML: function(a, b, f) { var c; c = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : window.ActiveXObject && (new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')); 'undefined' != typeof a ?'POST', b) :'GET', b, true); c.responseType = 'document'; c.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); c.send('undefined' != typeof a ? a : ''); c.onreadystatechange = function() { this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200 && (f(this)); }; }, serialize: function(b) { var a, i, j, l, s = []; if ('object' == typeof b && 'FORM' == b.nodeName) { l = b.elements.length; for (i = 0; l > i; i++) if (a = b.elements[i], && !a.disabled && 'file' != a.type && 'reset' != a.type && 'submit' != a.type && 'button' != a.type) if ('select-multiple' == a.type) for (j = b.elements[i].options.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) a.options[j].selected && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.options[j].value)); else('checkbox' != a.type && 'radio' != a.type || a.checked) && (s[s.length] = encodeURIComponent( + '=' + encodeURIComponent(a.value)) } return s.join('&').replace(/%20/g, '+'); }, notice: function(c, f, h) { var a, b, d, e, g; g = os.getEl('.notice_reply'); b =; d = b.parentNode; a = !g.length ? os.cr_el('DIV') : g[0]; e = 'height:20px;line-height: 1.5;border-radius: 3px; text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.46);text-align:center'; !g.length && (a.classList.add('notice_reply'), a.setAttribute('style', e), d.insertBefore(a, b)); = 'block'; a.innerHTML = 'undefined' == typeof c ? os.lang.notice_default : c; = ('undefined' == typeof f || f == '') ? os.config.color_a : f; 'false' != h && setTimeout(function() { 'block' == && ( = 'none') }, os.config.time); }, fadeIn: function(a, b) { var e, d; if (!a) return; = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = '', = 'visible', b ? (e = 0, d = setInterval(function() { e += 50 / b, e >= 1 && (clearInterval(d), e = 1), = e, = 'alpha(opacity=' + e * 100 + ')' }, 50)) : ( = 1, = 'alpha(opacity=1)') }, fadeOut: function(o, e) { if (o) if (e) var s = 1, t = setInterval(function() { s -= 50 / e, s > 0 || (clearInterval(t), s = 0, = 'none', = 'hidden'), = s, = 'alpha(opacity=' + 100 * s + ')' }, 50); else = 0, = 'alpha(opacity=0)', = 'none', = 'hidden' }, close: function(c) { var a = os.getEl(c == 'delete' ? '#confirm_wrap' : '#preview_content'), b = os.getEl('#overlay'); a.remove(); b.remove(); }, scroll: function(o, e, t, s) { e = e || 500, s = s || window; var n = s.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset; if ('number' == typeof o) var r = parseInt(o); else var r = os.getTop(o, n); var l =, i = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || function(o) { window.setTimeout(o, 15) }, a = function() { var c = - l; s !== window ? s.scrollTop = os.position(n, r, c, e) : window.scroll(0, os.position(n, r, c, e)), c > e ? 'function' == typeof t && t(o) : i(a) }; a() }, beforeunload: function() { var a = os.sceditor; a && (window.onbeforeunload = function() { if (a.val().length) { return 'ok' } }); }, easeInOutCubic: function(t) { return t < .5 ? 4 * t * t * t : (t - 1) * (2 * t - 2) * (2 * t - 2) + 1 }, position: function(o, e, s, t) { return s > t ? e : o + (e - o) * os.easeInOutCubic(s / t) }, getTop: function(o, e) { return 'HTML' === o.nodeName ? -e : o.getBoundingClientRect().top + e }, viewtopic: function(h) { var i, g = os.getEl('a', h); for (i = 0; i < g.length; i++) { /\/viewtopic/g.test(g[i].href) && (os.view_url = g[i].href) } }, post_number: function(c) { return c.match(/viewtopic/) ? c.match(/(\w+)$/g)[0] : c.match(/[\p\=](\w+)(?=\&)/)[1] }, cr_el: function(o, e) { var t = document.createElement(o); if (e) { for (var s in e) 'style' != s && (t[s] = e[s]); &&, } return t }, getEl: function(o, e) { e = 'undefined' != typeof e ? e : document; switch (o.charAt(0).match(/\W/) ? o.charAt(0) : o) { case '#': return e.getElementById(o.substr(1)); case '.': return e.getElementsByClassName(o.substr(1)); case '*': return e.getElementsByName(o.substr(1)); case 'body': return e.body; case 'head': return e.head; case 'forms': return e.forms; default: return e.getElementsByTagName(o) } } }; $(function() { $(function() { (document.getElementById('logout') && /\/t\d+/g.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/post/.test(window.location.pathname) || /\/privmsg\?mode=(post|reply|edit)/.test(window.location.href)) && os.init() }); });
Provavelmente vão surgir mensagens em inglês, mas existe sempre a possibilidade de as traduzir a seu gosto. Procure no código, está super visível!
Realmente, não pensei nisso.
Basta eu traduzir as mensagens. Era este o problema em si. Muito obrigado, Hancki.
Questão resolvida.
Re: [AJAX] Solicitação de Código
Questão marcada como Resolvida ou o Autor solicitou que ela fosse arquivada. Tópico marcado como Resolvido e movido para Questões resolvidas. |
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» Paginação em ajax
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