Alterar cores.

2 participantes

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Tópico resolvido Alterar cores.

Mensagem por P.H 06.06.16 19:08

Detalhes da questão

Endereço do fórum:
Versão do fórum: PunBB


Meu fórum é feito com um template, tentei alterar as cores pelo painel da forma tradicional e não obtive sucesso, creio que a forma de alterar seja pela folha de CSS ou pelas configurações do template, porém, eu sou leigo no assunto de códigos, alguém poderia me ajudar nisso? Agradeço desde já.

Membro desde : 04/06/2016
Mensagens : 582
Pontos : 781

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Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por Sennior 06.06.16 19:14


Lógico que o ajudaremos amigo!
As alterações são feitas pelo CSS. Se for na na sua Folha de Estilo CSS e pesquisar essa cor "#BF2A45" o senhor poderá trocar as cores do menu e das categorias.

Se preferir, mande-nos sua Folha de Estilo CSS e nos diga como deseja as cores que alteramos para o senhor. De bem com a vida
Principal Contribuidor
Principal Contribuidor

Membro desde : 10/06/2011
Mensagens : 16379
Pontos : 20903

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Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por P.H 06.06.16 19:22

Vou passar a folha porque ontem fui fuçar, tirei um número errado de uma linha e o template desconfigurou todo rsrs.

**Template Adaptado por Mindlezz, de,
@font-face {
  font-family: 'Lato';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: local('Lato Regular'), local('Lato-Regular'), url( format('woff');
#pun-head {
display: none;
#pun-visit.clearfix {
display: none!important;
#pun-intro {
display: none;

.smalltext {
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/*----------[Borrar Subrayados]------------*/
a {text-decoration: none;}
a:link {text-decoration: none;}
a:hover {text-decoration: none!important;}
a.forumtitle {text-decoration: none;}
a.forumtitle:hover {text-decoration: none!important;}
a.topictitle {text-decoration: none;}
a.topictitle:hover {text-decoration: none!important;}

 .ipsType_small {
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html, body {
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body {
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body {
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.main .main-head.collapsed {
border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
opacity: .2;
body {
  font-famiy: Arial!important;
.pun-crumbs p {
color: #666;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 1.5;
margin: 0;
.pun {
line-height: 130%;
padding: 5px;
margin: 0 auto;
min-width: 960px;
width: 70%!important;
#header_bar {
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#branding, #header_bar, #primary_nav {
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#limite, .main_width {
#limite, .main_width {
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#limite, .main_width {
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#user_navigation {
    color: #9F9F9F;
    font-size: 11px;
#user_navigation.not_logged_in {
    height: 26px;
    padding: 6px 0px 4px;
#user_navigation a {
    color: #FFF;
    font-size: 11px;
#inbox_link {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
#inbox_link, #notify_link {
    height: 15px;
    padding: 11px 24px 8px 12px;
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    vertical-align: middle;
    width: 18px;
#notify_link {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
    margin-right: 11px;
.ipsHasNotifications {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #CF2020;
    border-radius: 2px;
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0px 1px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset;
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    font-size: 9px;
    height: 12px;
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    line-height: 12px;
    padding: 0px 4px;
    position: absolute;
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    top: 4px;
#user_link_dd, .dropdownIndicator {
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    display: inline-block;
    height: 5px;
    margin: 1px 0px 1px 1px;
    width: 9px;
.right {
    float: right;
ol, ul {
    list-style: none outside none;

.ipsList_inline > li {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 0px 3px;


.ipsList_inline > li:first-child {
    margin-left: 0px;
#header_bar {
    text-align: right;
#user_navigation a {
    color: #FFF;
.pun a:link , .ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs li a, .cancel, #footer .block li a:hover, .logoText a:hover {
    color: #AC1E37;
.pun a:hover {
    color: #555;
img, .input_check, .input_radio {
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fieldset, img {
    border: 0px none;
#user_navigation #register_link {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #DF4C2B;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #BE2F11;
    color: #FFF;
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 3px 8px;
#user_navigation #register_link {
      background-color: #BF2A45;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #AC1E37;

#branding {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #28292D;
    min-height: 120px;
.logoText {
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    font-size: 28px;
    color: #FFF;
    text-decoration: none;
    line-height: 120px;
.logoText a {
    color: #FFF;

#search {
    margin: 45px 0px;
.logoText a img {
      margin-top: 43px;
fieldset, img {
    border: 0px none;
.hide {
    display: none;
#adv_search {
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll right 50% transparent;
    text-indent: -3000em;
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 4px 0px 4px 4px;
#search_wrap {
    position: relative;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    display: block;
    padding: 0px 26px 0px 4px;
    height: 26px;
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    border-image: none;
    min-width: 230px;
#main_search {
    background: none repeat scroll 0px 0px transparent;
    border: 0px none;
    font-size: 13px !important;
    outline: 0px none;
    padding: 0px;
    width: 130px;
    margin-top: 5px;
#search_options {
    font-size: 10px;
    height: 20px;
    line-height: 20px;
    margin: 3px 3px 3px 0px;
    padding: 0px 6px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #EAEAEA;
    display: inline-block;
    float: right;
    max-width: 80px;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;
.clickable {
    cursor: pointer;
#search .submit_input {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll 50% center #ACACAC;
    text-indent: -3000em;
    padding: 0px;
    border: 0px none;
    display: block;
    width: 26px;
    height: 26px;
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    right: 0px;
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.maintitle, .buttonRegister, #primary_nav, .general_box h3, .pagination .pages, .pagination .back a:hover, .pagination .forward a:hover, .ipsSideMenu ul a, .ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs li a:hover, .cblock h3.draggable, .popupInner h3, body#ipboard_body fieldset.submit, body#ipboard_body p.submit, #user_navigation #register_link, #footer, #community_app_menu .mega, #more_apps_menucontentul li > a, #community_app_menu div li:hover > a {
    background-color: #BF2A45;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #AC1E37;
#primary_nav {
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    font-size: 13px;
    padding: 4px 0px 0px;

#community_app_menu > li > a {
    color: #FFF;
    display: block;
    padding: 13px 15px;
    margin-top: -4px;
#community_app_menu .active > a, #more_apps_menucontentul .active > a, #community_app_menu .active:hover > a {
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;
 color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;

#community_app_menu > li {
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#community_app_menu > li > a {
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    display: block;
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#community_app_menu > > a {
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#community_app_menu > li > a:hover {

    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;
li.socialIcon a > img {
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    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
    padding: 5px!mportant;
    margin: 4px 3px!important;
li.socialIcon a > img:hover {
opacity: 1;
    padding: 5px!mportant;
    margin: 4px 3px!important;
.main .main-foot, .main .main-head {
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.main .main-foot:hover, .main .main-head:hover {
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font-family: Arial;
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font-family: Arial;
.main .main-head .page-title .h2 {
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font-family: Arial;
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.pun table.table td.tcr:hover {
  opacity: 1;
.col_c_stats {
    color: rgb(45, 46, 46) !important;
    text-align: right;
.ipsType_small {
    font-size: 12px !important;
.mini_ava img:hover {
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.mini_ava {
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.mini_ava img {
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    height: 36px;
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    padding: 1px;
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.table tbody.statused tr td {
background: white;
border: 0;
font-size: 12px;
vertical-align: middle;
.pun .main-content {
    padding: 9px;
.pun .main-content {
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    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    border: transparent;

div#dert_to {
      margin-left: 30px;
span.escritorio {
    color: #777;
    font-size: 12px !important;
    line-height: 17px;
a.forumtitle {

    font-family: Arial;
    font-size: 15px;
    font-weight: 400;
    text-decoration: none;
.pun table.table th {
background-color: transparent;
.pun .main table td.tc2, .pun .main table td.tc3 {
background-color: transparent;
.pun .paged-foot, .pun .paged-head {
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    border: 0;
    padding: 0.6em 1.3em 0.3em;

.post_block {
    color: #FFF;
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    padding: 0px 10px;
    height: 36px;
    line-height: 36px;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 16px;
.post_block:hover {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(172, 172, 172) !important;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #979696;
.post_block span.creator a {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    font-weight: 100 !important;
.post_block span.creator a span {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    font-weight: 100 !important;

.desc_post {
    color: #777;
    float: right;
    font-size: 11px;
    margin-right: 17px !important;
    margin-top: -28px;
    text-align: right;
.pun .posthead h2 {
    font-family: Arimo,sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
.pun .posthead {
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    border-bottom: 0px none;
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    margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
    padding-top: 10px;
.pun .postmain {
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    border-left: 0px none;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0px 0px 0px 175px;
    padding-left: 12px;
    padding-right: 10px;
.pun .post .user {
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    font-size: 12px;
    padding: 10px 30px;
    text-align: center;
    width: 150px;
.user-basic-info a img:hover {
    border-color: #7D7D7D;
.user-basic-info a img {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    border: 1px solid #D5D5D5;
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    max-height: 90px;
    max-width: 90px;
    padding: 1px;
.pun .user .user-rank {
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 122%;
    margin-top: 6px;
.pun .user .user-info {
    color: #A4A4A4;
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 19px;
.postfoot {
border-bottom: 0;
border-top: 0;
clear: both;
margin-left: -15em;
padding: .5em 1em;
text-align: right;
.pun .post {
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  border: 0;
  .pun .topic {
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
.module.main {
    margin: 0px;
    margin-left: 11px !important;
#right .module.main .main-head {
    background: none repeat scroll 0px 0px #ACACAC;
    color: #FFF;
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    font-size: 15px !important;
    font-style: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    font-weight: 400;
    padding: 7px 12px;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #979696;
    text-align: left;
#right .module.main .main-head:hover {
      background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #3D9E68!important;
border-bottom: 2px solid #3C855C;
.block {
    float: left;
    width: auto;
    padding: 20px 60px 20px 0px;
.block h2 {
    color: #FFF;
    padding: 0px 10px 10px 0px;
    font-size: 12pt;
    font-weight: 300;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F0F0;
.block li {
    padding-top: 10px;
    color: #FFF;
.block a {
    color: #FFF;
#footer_utilities {
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    font-size: 11px;
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  height: auto!important
#footer_utilities .ipsList_inline > li > a {
    color: #FFF;
    margin-right: 0px;
    padding: 4px 10px;
#copyright {
    color: #FFF;
    text-align: right;
#copyright a {
    color: #FFF;

/*css widget stats*/
#stat_esxd .valor_xd {
    display: inline-block;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #E2E2E2;
    color: #4A4A4A;
    padding: 10px 15px;
    font-weight: bold;
    border-radius: 2px;
    margin: -10px 0px;
    float: right;
 #stat_esxd li {
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    display: block;
    padding: 10px 0px;

.valor_xd a {
    color: #4A4A4A!important;
.statistics h3 {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #28292D;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #141518;
    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: 300;
    padding: 15px 15px 16px;
    color: #FFF;
    margin: -10px -10px 10px;
.statistics {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    margin-top: 20px;
    padding: 10px;
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    overflow: hidden;
.desc, .desc.blend_links a, p.posted_info {
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #777;
.statistics_head {
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
#pun-about {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;
    line-height: 150%;
    padding: 0.6em 1em;
    text-align: right;
    font-size: 10px !important;
#pun-about #qjump {
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    text-align: left;
    display: none;
#stats {
    background-color: transparent;
    line-height: 150%;
    padding: 0.6em 1em;
    font-weight: bold !important;
    font-size: 14px;
#onlinelist {
    background-color: transparent;
    padding: 0.6em 1em;
    border-top: 0;

/*CSS Botón para ir al Panel de administración*/
p#ir_a_pa > strong > a {
      display: inline-block;
    padding: 6px 12px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: normal;
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    text-align: center;
  vertical-align: middle;
    cursor: pointer;
  border: 1px solid;
    border-radius: 4px;
    color: #FFF;
    background-color: #BF2A45;
    border-color: #AC1E37;
p#ir_a_pa > strong > a:active {
  position: relative;
  top: 1px;
/*END CSS Botón para ir al Panel de administración*/

div#randam {
    padding: 6px 12px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 1.42857;
    text-align: center;
    white-space: nowrap;
    vertical-align: middle;

    display: inline-block;

    border: 1px solid transparent;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background-color: #D9534F;
    border-color: #D43F3A;
  color: white;
.pun .entry-content {
    overflow: hidden;
    padding-bottom: 0.8em;
    width: 100%;
    line-height: 1.6;

.postmain blockquote {
background-color: #fcfcfc;
border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
padding: 10px;
color: #9f9f9f;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin: 0;
.postmain cite, blockquote cite {
margin: -11px -11px 8px;
blockquote cite {
background: #f2f2f2 url('') repeat-x 0 0;
border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;

font-size: 12px;
overflow-x: auto;
padding: 8px 10px;
color: #535353;
text-shadow: rgba(255,255,255,1) 0px 1px 0px;
.codebox {
background: #FCFCFC;
border: 1px solid #dde5ed;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 170%;
overflow: auto;
padding: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin: 0;
.codebox dd.cont_code {
max-height: 200px;
overflow: auto;
.codebox dt {
border-bottom: 0;
.codebox dd {
background-color: transparent;
margin: .5em;
padding: .5em;
td.tcr span a:empty:before {
color: #a4a4a4;
content: "No posts to view.";
cursor: default;
font-style: italic;
margin: 1px 0 4px 8px;
pointer-events: none;
text-align: center;
word-wrap: break-word;
/*widget stay conected*/
#links_sociales img, #links_sociales {
  display: inline-block;
opacity: 0.7;
-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
padding: 5px;
#links_sociales {
  padding: 0px;
#links_sociales:hover {
background: #D1D1D1;
#links_sociales img:hover {
  opacity: 1;
#tabs ul li a {
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #DBDBDB;
float: left;
margin-bottom: -8px;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 2em;
padding: 0 1em;
text-decoration: none;
color: #353535;
font-size: 12px;
#tabs ul li.activetab a {
background-color: #bf2a45!important;
border: 1px solid #831427!important;
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;

/*edits por mindlezz xD*/
#profile-advanced-right .main-head .h3 em {
-moz-border-radius: 3px!important;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px!important;
background-color: #7ba60d!important;
background-image: url(!important;
background-position: 0 -1px!important;
background-repeat: repeat-x!important;
border-radius: 3px!important;
color: #fff!important;
cursor: default!important;
font-size: 9px!important;
font-weight: 700!important;
height: 16px!important;
line-height: 16px!important;
padding: 3px 5px!important;
text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0 -1px 0!important;
text-transform: uppercase!important;
  cursor: pointer!important;
#profile-advanced-right img:first-child {
width: 138px;
height: 138px;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #d5d5d5;
background: #fff;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);

/*END edits por mindlezz xD*/

/*css chatbox*/

#chatbox_header.main-head {
background-color: #BF2A45;
border-bottom: 4px solid #AC1E37;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
font-size: 13px;
padding: 4px 0 0;
color: white;
line-height: 9px;
#chatbox_members {
background: #FFFFFF;
border-right: 1px solid rgba(151, 150, 150, 0.28);
overflow: auto;
position: absolute;
.chatbox-title {
float: left;
font-family: Lato;
margin: 3px 0 0;
padding: 2px 5px 0;
width: 15em;
.chatbox-title, .chatbox-title {
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;
#chatbox p span[style="color:green;"], #chatbox p span[style="color:red;"] {
background: rgba(250,250,210,0.07);
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 1px;
#chatbox p {
background: #FFF;
background-position: bottom;
border-top: solid 1px rgba(203, 203, 203, 0.28);
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(252, 252, 252, 0.75);
color: #646464;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 1.2em;
#chatbox p {
line-height: 1.2em;
.chatbox-options {
float: right;
list-style: none;
margin: 2px 0px 5px 0px;
color: white!important;
.chatbox-options li, .chatbox-options li a, .chatbox-options li label {
color: #FFFFFF;
#chatbox_members {
background: #3D9E68!important;
color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #3C855C;
border-top: 0;
font-size: 12px;
padding: .5em .25em;
text-align: center;
box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.42);
font-weight: 100!important;
#chatbox_members .member-title.away {
background: #ACACAC!important;
color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #979696;
border-top: 0;
font-size: 12px;
padding: .5em .25em;
text-align: center;
box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.42);
font-weight: 100!important;
#chatbox_footer {
-webkit-box-shadow: inset rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0 0 0 1px;
background: #eee url( repeat-x;
border: solid 1px #cbcbcb;
display: block!important;
height: 32px;
left: 0;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
#chatbox_messenger_form {
margin: 5px 20px 0;
#chatbox_messenger_form #message {
background: rgba(83,80,80,.8);
border: 0;
border-radius: 3px;
color: #fff;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 5px;
#chatbox_messenger_form #message {
box-shadow: inset rgba(248, 248, 248, 1) 0 0 0 1px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
border-radius: 3px;
color: #fff;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 5px;
border: 1px solid #E1E3E5!important;
#submit_button {
-moz-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
background: #28292d;
border-bottom: 2px solid #141518;
border-left: 0;
border-right: 0;
border-top: 0;
color: #fff;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 12px;
padding: 4px 6px;
white-space: nowrap;
#submit_button:hover {
  background: #acacac;
border-bottom: 2px solid #979696;
color: #fff;

#avatar img {
      max-width: 28px;
    margin: 4px;
    vertical-align: middle;
.logged_in {
      height: 35px;
#pun-visit, .main-box {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;
    font-size: 11px;
  display: none;

Essa é a folha CSS do fórum, se você observar bem, tem um ''degrâde'' de cores no final de cada barra, no caso, se você puder colocar cores diferentes... Vou deixar as opções aqui.

Cor principal ( a de cima ): #4682B4
Cor secundaria ( a de baixo ): #B0C4DE

Membro desde : 04/06/2016
Mensagens : 582
Pontos : 781

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo

Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por Sennior 06.06.16 19:29

Assim esta bom?
**Template Adaptado por Mindlezz, de,
@font-face {
  font-family: 'Lato';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: local('Lato Regular'), local('Lato-Regular'), url( format('woff');
#pun-head {
display: none;
#pun-visit.clearfix {
display: none!important;
#pun-intro {
display: none;

.smalltext {
    font-size: 11px;
/*----------[Borrar Subrayados]------------*/
a {text-decoration: none;}
a:link {text-decoration: none;}
a:hover {text-decoration: none!important;}
a.forumtitle {text-decoration: none;}
a.forumtitle:hover {text-decoration: none!important;}
a.topictitle {text-decoration: none;}
a.topictitle:hover {text-decoration: none!important;}

 .ipsType_small {
    font-size: 12px !important;

html, body {
    color: #555;
body {
    font: 13px helvetica,arial,sans-serif;

body {
    background: #EDEDED;
.main .main-head {
  margin-top: 8px!important;
.main .main-head.collapsed {
border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
opacity: .2;
body {
  font-famiy: Arial!important;
.pun-crumbs p {
color: #666;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 1.5;
margin: 0;
.pun {
line-height: 130%;
padding: 5px;
margin: 0 auto;
min-width: 960px;
width: 70%!important;
#header_bar {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #141518;
    padding: 0px;
    text-align: right;
#branding, #header_bar, #primary_nav {
    min-width: 980px;

#limite, .main_width {
#limite, .main_width {
    margin: 0px auto;
    min-width: 960px;
#limite, .main_width {
    width: 70% !important;

#user_navigation {
    color: #9F9F9F;
    font-size: 11px;
#user_navigation.not_logged_in {
    height: 26px;
    padding: 6px 0px 4px;
#user_navigation a {
    color: #FFF;
    font-size: 11px;
#inbox_link {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
#inbox_link, #notify_link {
    height: 15px;
    padding: 11px 24px 8px 12px;
    position: relative;
    vertical-align: middle;
    width: 18px;
#notify_link {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
    margin-right: 11px;
.ipsHasNotifications {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #CF2020;
    border-radius: 2px;
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0px 1px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset;
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    font-size: 9px;
    height: 12px;
    left: -5px;
    line-height: 12px;
    padding: 0px 4px;
    position: absolute;
    text-align: center;
    top: 4px;
#user_link_dd, .dropdownIndicator {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll right center transparent;
    display: inline-block;
    height: 5px;
    margin: 1px 0px 1px 1px;
    width: 9px;
.right {
    float: right;
ol, ul {
    list-style: none outside none;

.ipsList_inline > li {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 0px 3px;


.ipsList_inline > li:first-child {
    margin-left: 0px;
#header_bar {
    text-align: right;
#user_navigation a {
    color: #FFF;
.pun a:link , .ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs li a, .cancel, #footer .block li a:hover, .logoText a:hover {
    color: #AC1E37;
.pun a:hover {
    color: #555;
img, .input_check, .input_radio {
    vertical-align: middle;
fieldset, img {
    border: 0px none;
#user_navigation #register_link {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #DF4C2B;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #BE2F11;
    color: #FFF;
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 3px 8px;
#user_navigation #register_link {
      background-color: #BF2A45;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #AC1E37;

#branding {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #28292D;
    min-height: 120px;
.logoText {
    font-weight: 300;
    font-size: 28px;
    color: #FFF;
    text-decoration: none;
    line-height: 120px;
.logoText a {
    color: #FFF;

#search {
    margin: 45px 0px;
.logoText a img {
      margin-top: 43px;
fieldset, img {
    border: 0px none;
.hide {
    display: none;
#adv_search {
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll right 50% transparent;
    text-indent: -3000em;
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 4px 0px 4px 4px;
#search_wrap {
    position: relative;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    display: block;
    padding: 0px 26px 0px 4px;
    height: 26px;
    line-height: 25px;
    border-width: 1px 1px 2px;
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: #F4F2F2;
    -moz-border-top-colors: none;
    -moz-border-right-colors: none;
    -moz-border-bottom-colors: none;
    -moz-border-left-colors: none;
    border-image: none;
    min-width: 230px;
#main_search {
    background: none repeat scroll 0px 0px transparent;
    border: 0px none;
    font-size: 13px !important;
    outline: 0px none;
    padding: 0px;
    width: 130px;
    margin-top: 5px;
#search_options {
    font-size: 10px;
    height: 20px;
    line-height: 20px;
    margin: 3px 3px 3px 0px;
    padding: 0px 6px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #EAEAEA;
    display: inline-block;
    float: right;
    max-width: 80px;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;
.clickable {
    cursor: pointer;
#search .submit_input {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll 50% center #ACACAC;
    text-indent: -3000em;
    padding: 0px;
    border: 0px none;
    display: block;
    width: 26px;
    height: 26px;
    position: absolute;
    right: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    bottom: 0px;
.maintitle, .buttonRegister, #primary_nav, .general_box h3, .pagination .pages, .pagination .back a:hover, .pagination .forward a:hover, .ipsSideMenu ul a, .ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs li a:hover, .cblock h3.draggable, .popupInner h3, body#ipboard_body fieldset.submit, body#ipboard_body p.submit, #user_navigation #register_link, #footer, #community_app_menu .mega, #more_apps_menucontentul li > a, #community_app_menu div li:hover > a {
    background-color: #4682B4;
    border-bottom: 4px solid  #B0C4DE;
#primary_nav {
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    font-size: 13px;
    padding: 4px 0px 0px;

#community_app_menu > li > a {
    color: #FFF;
    display: block;
    padding: 13px 15px;
    margin-top: -4px;
#community_app_menu .active > a, #more_apps_menucontentul .active > a, #community_app_menu .active:hover > a {
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;
 color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;

#community_app_menu > li {
    margin: 0px 3px 0px 0px;
    position: relative;
#community_app_menu > li > a {
    color: #FFF;
    display: block;
    padding: 13px 15px;
    margin-top: -4px;
#community_app_menu > > a {
    color: #FFF;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-shadow: none;
#community_app_menu > li > a:hover {

    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;
li.socialIcon a > img {
    opacity: 0.4;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
    padding: 5px!mportant;
    margin: 4px 3px!important;
li.socialIcon a > img:hover {
opacity: 1;
    padding: 5px!mportant;
    margin: 4px 3px!important;
.main .main-foot, .main .main-head {
      background-color: #4682B4;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #B0C4DE;
    color: #FFF;
    padding: 15px 15px 16px;
    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: 300;
    text-align: center;
.main .main-foot:hover, .main .main-head:hover {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(172, 172, 172) !important;
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.main .main-head .page-title {
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font-family: Arial;
.main .main-head .page-title h2 {
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font-family: Arial;
.main .main-head .page-title .h2 {
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    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: 300;
    text-align: center;
font-family: Arial;
.pun table.table td.tcr {
    opacity: 0.5;
      -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
      -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
.pun table.table td.tcr:hover {
  opacity: 1;
.col_c_stats {
    color: rgb(45, 46, 46) !important;
    text-align: right;
.ipsType_small {
    font-size: 12px !important;
.mini_ava img:hover {
    border-color: #7D7D7D;

.mini_ava {
    float: left;
.mini_ava img {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    border: 1px solid #D5D5D5;
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    height: 36px;
    margin: 0px 10px;
    padding: 1px;
    width: 36px;
.table tbody.statused tr td {
background: white;
border: 0;
font-size: 12px;
vertical-align: middle;
.pun .main-content {
    padding: 9px;
.pun .main-content {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    border: transparent;

div#dert_to {
      margin-left: 30px;
span.escritorio {
    color: #777;
    font-size: 12px !important;
    line-height: 17px;
a.forumtitle {

    font-family: Arial;
    font-size: 15px;
    font-weight: 400;
    text-decoration: none;
.pun table.table th {
background-color: transparent;
.pun .main table td.tc2, .pun .main table td.tc3 {
background-color: transparent;
.pun .paged-foot, .pun .paged-head {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;
    padding: 0.6em 1.3em 0.3em;

.post_block {
    color: #FFF;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #28292D;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #141518;
    padding: 0px 10px;
    height: 36px;
    line-height: 36px;
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 16px;
.post_block:hover {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(172, 172, 172) !important;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #979696;
.post_block span.creator a {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    font-weight: 100 !important;
.post_block span.creator a span {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    font-weight: 100 !important;

.desc_post {
    color: #777;
    float: right;
    font-size: 11px;
    margin-right: 17px !important;
    margin-top: -28px;
    text-align: right;
.pun .posthead h2 {
    font-family: Arimo,sans-serif;
    font-size: 12px;
.pun .posthead {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;
    border-bottom: 0px none;
    color: #A4A4A4;
    font-size: 12px !important;
    font-weight: 400;
    margin: 0px 10px 0px 0px;
    padding-top: 10px;
.pun .postmain {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    border-left: 0px none;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0px 0px 0px 175px;
    padding-left: 12px;
    padding-right: 10px;
.pun .post .user {
    float: left;
    font-size: 12px;
    padding: 10px 30px;
    text-align: center;
    width: 150px;
.user-basic-info a img:hover {
    border-color: #7D7D7D;
.user-basic-info a img {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    border: 1px solid #D5D5D5;
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    max-height: 90px;
    max-width: 90px;
    padding: 1px;
.pun .user .user-rank {
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 122%;
    margin-top: 6px;
.pun .user .user-info {
    color: #A4A4A4;
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 19px;
.postfoot {
border-bottom: 0;
border-top: 0;
clear: both;
margin-left: -15em;
padding: .5em 1em;
text-align: right;
.pun .post {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
  border: 0;
  .pun .topic {
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
.module.main {
    margin: 0px;
    margin-left: 11px !important;
#right .module.main .main-head {
    background: none repeat scroll 0px 0px #ACACAC;
    color: #FFF;
    font-family: helvetica,arial,sans-serif;
    font-size: 15px !important;
    font-style: normal;
    font-variant: normal;
    font-weight: 400;
    padding: 7px 12px;
    border-bottom: 2px solid #979696;
    text-align: left;
#right .module.main .main-head:hover {
      background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #3D9E68!important;
border-bottom: 2px solid #3C855C;
.block {
    float: left;
    width: auto;
    padding: 20px 60px 20px 0px;
.block h2 {
    color: #FFF;
    padding: 0px 10px 10px 0px;
    font-size: 12pt;
    font-weight: 300;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F0F0;
.block li {
    padding-top: 10px;
    color: #FFF;
.block a {
    color: #FFF;
#footer_utilities {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #141518;
    padding: 14px;
    font-size: 11px;
    position: relative;
  height: auto!important
#footer_utilities .ipsList_inline > li > a {
    color: #FFF;
    margin-right: 0px;
    padding: 4px 10px;
#copyright {
    color: #FFF;
    text-align: right;
#copyright a {
    color: #FFF;

/*css widget stats*/
#stat_esxd .valor_xd {
    display: inline-block;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #E2E2E2;
    color: #4A4A4A;
    padding: 10px 15px;
    font-weight: bold;
    border-radius: 2px;
    margin: -10px 0px;
    float: right;
 #stat_esxd li {
    margin-bottom: 10px;
    display: block;
    padding: 10px 0px;

.valor_xd a {
    color: #4A4A4A!important;
.statistics h3 {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #28292D;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #141518;
    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: 300;
    padding: 15px 15px 16px;
    color: #FFF;
    margin: -10px -10px 10px;
.statistics {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    margin-top: 20px;
    padding: 10px;
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    overflow: hidden;
.desc, .desc.blend_links a, p.posted_info {
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #777;
.statistics_head {
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
#pun-about {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;
    line-height: 150%;
    padding: 0.6em 1em;
    text-align: right;
    font-size: 10px !important;
#pun-about #qjump {
    float: left;
    text-align: left;
    display: none;
#stats {
    background-color: transparent;
    line-height: 150%;
    padding: 0.6em 1em;
    font-weight: bold !important;
    font-size: 14px;
#onlinelist {
    background-color: transparent;
    padding: 0.6em 1em;
    border-top: 0;

/*CSS Botón para ir al Panel de administración*/
p#ir_a_pa > strong > a {
      display: inline-block;
    padding: 6px 12px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 1.42857;
    text-align: center;
  vertical-align: middle;
    cursor: pointer;
  border: 1px solid;
    border-radius: 4px;
    color: #FFF;
    background-color: #BF2A45;
    border-color: #AC1E37;
p#ir_a_pa > strong > a:active {
  position: relative;
  top: 1px;
/*END CSS Botón para ir al Panel de administración*/

div#randam {
    padding: 6px 12px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 1.42857;
    text-align: center;
    white-space: nowrap;
    vertical-align: middle;

    display: inline-block;

    border: 1px solid transparent;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background-color: #D9534F;
    border-color: #D43F3A;
  color: white;
.pun .entry-content {
    overflow: hidden;
    padding-bottom: 0.8em;
    width: 100%;
    line-height: 1.6;

.postmain blockquote {
background-color: #fcfcfc;
border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
padding: 10px;
color: #9f9f9f;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin: 0;
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color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;

/*edits por mindlezz xD*/
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text-transform: uppercase!important;
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height: 138px;
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border: 1px solid #d5d5d5;
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-moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);

/*END edits por mindlezz xD*/

/*css chatbox*/

#chatbox_header.main-head {
background-color: #BF2A45;
border-bottom: 4px solid #AC1E37;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
font-size: 13px;
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color: white;
line-height: 9px;
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background: #FFFFFF;
border-right: 1px solid rgba(151, 150, 150, 0.28);
overflow: auto;
position: absolute;
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float: left;
font-family: Lato;
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width: 15em;
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color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;
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line-height: 1.2em;
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line-height: 1.2em;
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color: white!important;
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color: #FFFFFF;
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padding: .5em .25em;
text-align: center;
box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.42);
font-weight: 100!important;
#chatbox_members .member-title.away {
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color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #979696;
border-top: 0;
font-size: 12px;
padding: .5em .25em;
text-align: center;
box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.42);
font-weight: 100!important;
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border: solid 1px #cbcbcb;
display: block!important;
height: 32px;
left: 0;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
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margin: 5px 20px 0;
#chatbox_messenger_form #message {
background: rgba(83,80,80,.8);
border: 0;
border-radius: 3px;
color: #fff;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 5px;
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box-shadow: inset rgba(248, 248, 248, 1) 0 0 0 1px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
border-radius: 3px;
color: #fff;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 5px;
border: 1px solid #E1E3E5!important;
#submit_button {
-moz-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
background: #28292d;
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border-right: 0;
border-top: 0;
color: #fff;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 12px;
padding: 4px 6px;
white-space: nowrap;
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border-bottom: 2px solid #979696;
color: #fff;

#avatar img {
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    margin: 4px;
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.logged_in {
      height: 35px;
#pun-visit, .main-box {
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    font-size: 11px;
  display: none;

Principal Contribuidor
Principal Contribuidor

Membro desde : 10/06/2011
Mensagens : 16379
Pontos : 20903

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Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por P.H 06.06.16 19:44

Cara, ficou ótima a cor, se me permite... Você consegue diminuir um pouco a grossura das categorias? Se preferir, posso abrir outro tópico.

Membro desde : 04/06/2016
Mensagens : 582
Pontos : 781

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo

Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por Sennior 06.06.16 20:00

**Template Adaptado por Mindlezz, de,
@font-face {
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  font-weight: 400;
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a.forumtitle {

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    overflow: hidden;
.desc, .desc.blend_links a, p.posted_info {
    font-size: 12px;
    color: #777;
.statistics_head {
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
#pun-about {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;
    line-height: 150%;
    padding: 0.6em 1em;
    text-align: right;
    font-size: 10px !important;
#pun-about #qjump {
    float: left;
    text-align: left;
    display: none;
#stats {
    background-color: transparent;
    line-height: 150%;
    padding: 0.6em 1em;
    font-weight: bold !important;
    font-size: 14px;
#onlinelist {
    background-color: transparent;
    padding: 0.6em 1em;
    border-top: 0;

/*CSS Botón para ir al Panel de administración*/
p#ir_a_pa > strong > a {
      display: inline-block;
    padding: 6px 12px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 1.42857;
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  vertical-align: middle;
    cursor: pointer;
  border: 1px solid;
    border-radius: 4px;
    color: #FFF;
    background-color: #BF2A45;
    border-color: #AC1E37;
p#ir_a_pa > strong > a:active {
  position: relative;
  top: 1px;
/*END CSS Botón para ir al Panel de administración*/

div#randam {
    padding: 6px 12px;
    margin-bottom: 0px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: normal;
    line-height: 1.42857;
    text-align: center;
    white-space: nowrap;
    vertical-align: middle;

    display: inline-block;

    border: 1px solid transparent;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background-color: #D9534F;
    border-color: #D43F3A;
  color: white;
.pun .entry-content {
    overflow: hidden;
    padding-bottom: 0.8em;
    width: 100%;
    line-height: 1.6;

.postmain blockquote {
background-color: #fcfcfc;
border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;
padding: 10px;
color: #9f9f9f;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin: 0;
.postmain cite, blockquote cite {
margin: -11px -11px 8px;
blockquote cite {
background: #f2f2f2 url('') repeat-x 0 0;
border: 1px solid #e3e3e3;

font-size: 12px;
overflow-x: auto;
padding: 8px 10px;
color: #535353;
text-shadow: rgba(255,255,255,1) 0px 1px 0px;
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background: #FCFCFC;
border: 1px solid #dde5ed;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 170%;
overflow: auto;
padding: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin: 0;
.codebox dd.cont_code {
max-height: 200px;
overflow: auto;
.codebox dt {
border-bottom: 0;
.codebox dd {
background-color: transparent;
margin: .5em;
padding: .5em;
td.tcr span a:empty:before {
color: #a4a4a4;
content: "No posts to view.";
cursor: default;
font-style: italic;
margin: 1px 0 4px 8px;
pointer-events: none;
text-align: center;
word-wrap: break-word;
/*widget stay conected*/
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opacity: 0.7;
-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;
padding: 5px;
#links_sociales {
  padding: 0px;
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background: #D1D1D1;
#links_sociales img:hover {
  opacity: 1;
#tabs ul li a {
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid #DBDBDB;
float: left;
margin-bottom: -8px;
font-weight: 400;
line-height: 2em;
padding: 0 1em;
text-decoration: none;
color: #353535;
font-size: 12px;
#tabs ul li.activetab a {
background-color: #bf2a45!important;
border: 1px solid #831427!important;
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;

/*edits por mindlezz xD*/
#profile-advanced-right .main-head .h3 em {
-moz-border-radius: 3px!important;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px!important;
background-color: #7ba60d!important;
background-image: url(!important;
background-position: 0 -1px!important;
background-repeat: repeat-x!important;
border-radius: 3px!important;
color: #fff!important;
cursor: default!important;
font-size: 9px!important;
font-weight: 700!important;
height: 16px!important;
line-height: 16px!important;
padding: 3px 5px!important;
text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0 -1px 0!important;
text-transform: uppercase!important;
  cursor: pointer!important;
#profile-advanced-right img:first-child {
width: 138px;
height: 138px;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #d5d5d5;
background: #fff;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);

/*END edits por mindlezz xD*/

/*css chatbox*/

#chatbox_header.main-head {
background-color: #BF2A45;
border-bottom: 4px solid #AC1E37;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
font-size: 13px;
padding: 4px 0 0;
color: white;
line-height: 9px;
#chatbox_members {
background: #FFFFFF;
border-right: 1px solid rgba(151, 150, 150, 0.28);
overflow: auto;
position: absolute;
.chatbox-title {
float: left;
font-family: Lato;
margin: 3px 0 0;
padding: 2px 5px 0;
width: 15em;
.chatbox-title, .chatbox-title {
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;
#chatbox p span[style="color:green;"], #chatbox p span[style="color:red;"] {
background: rgba(250,250,210,0.07);
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 1px;
#chatbox p {
background: #FFF;
background-position: bottom;
border-top: solid 1px rgba(203, 203, 203, 0.28);
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(252, 252, 252, 0.75);
color: #646464;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 1.2em;
#chatbox p {
line-height: 1.2em;
.chatbox-options {
float: right;
list-style: none;
margin: 2px 0px 5px 0px;
color: white!important;
.chatbox-options li, .chatbox-options li a, .chatbox-options li label {
color: #FFFFFF;
#chatbox_members {
background: #3D9E68!important;
color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #3C855C;
border-top: 0;
font-size: 12px;
padding: .5em .25em;
text-align: center;
box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.42);
font-weight: 100!important;
#chatbox_members .member-title.away {
background: #ACACAC!important;
color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #979696;
border-top: 0;
font-size: 12px;
padding: .5em .25em;
text-align: center;
box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.42);
font-weight: 100!important;
#chatbox_footer {
-webkit-box-shadow: inset rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0 0 0 1px;
background: #eee url( repeat-x;
border: solid 1px #cbcbcb;
display: block!important;
height: 32px;
left: 0;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
#chatbox_messenger_form {
margin: 5px 20px 0;
#chatbox_messenger_form #message {
background: rgba(83,80,80,.8);
border: 0;
border-radius: 3px;
color: #fff;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 5px;
#chatbox_messenger_form #message {
box-shadow: inset rgba(248, 248, 248, 1) 0 0 0 1px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
border-radius: 3px;
color: #fff;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 5px;
border: 1px solid #E1E3E5!important;
#submit_button {
-moz-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
background: #28292d;
border-bottom: 2px solid #141518;
border-left: 0;
border-right: 0;
border-top: 0;
color: #fff;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 12px;
padding: 4px 6px;
white-space: nowrap;
#submit_button:hover {
  background: #acacac;
border-bottom: 2px solid #979696;
color: #fff;

#avatar img {
      max-width: 28px;
    margin: 4px;
    vertical-align: middle;
.logged_in {
      height: 35px;
#pun-visit, .main-box {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;
    font-size: 11px;
  display: none;

Até mais.
Principal Contribuidor
Principal Contribuidor

Membro desde : 10/06/2011
Mensagens : 16379
Pontos : 20903

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo

Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por P.H 06.06.16 20:05

Demais! Perfeito! Estou realmente satisfeito, muito obrigado, pode dar este tópico como resolvido.

Membro desde : 04/06/2016
Mensagens : 582
Pontos : 781

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo

Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por Sennior 06.06.16 20:31

Bem, adicione este código CSS no inicio:
div#left {
    position: relative!important;
    top: 20px!important;

Se der erro, mande-me novamente teu CSS.
Até mais.
Principal Contribuidor
Principal Contribuidor

Membro desde : 10/06/2011
Mensagens : 16379
Pontos : 20903

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo

Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por P.H 06.06.16 20:38

Coloquei, não vi alteração, oque seria isso?

Membro desde : 04/06/2016
Mensagens : 582
Pontos : 781

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo

Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por Sennior 06.06.16 21:13


Iria descer o widget.
Mande-nos tua Folha de Estilo CSS.

Até mais.
Principal Contribuidor
Principal Contribuidor

Membro desde : 10/06/2011
Mensagens : 16379
Pontos : 20903

Ir para o topo Ir para baixo

Tópico resolvido Re: Alterar cores.

Mensagem por P.H 06.06.16 21:24

**Template Adaptado por Mindlezz, de,
@font-face {
  font-family: 'Lato';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 400;
  src: local('Lato Regular'), local('Lato-Regular'), url( format('woff');
#content-container div#container {
    float: left;
    margin-right: -253px;
    width: auto!important;
#pun-head {
display: none;
#pun-visit.clearfix {
display: none!important;
#pun-intro {
display: none;
.module.main {
    margin: 0 0 0 11px !important;
    position: relative!important;
    top: 5px!important;

.smalltext {
    font-size: 11px;
/*----------[Borrar Subrayados]------------*/
a {text-decoration: none;}
a:link {text-decoration: none;}
a:hover {text-decoration: none!important;}
a.forumtitle {text-decoration: none;}
a.forumtitle:hover {text-decoration: none!important;}
a.topictitle {text-decoration: none;}
a.topictitle:hover {text-decoration: none!important;}

 .ipsType_small {
    font-size: 12px !important;

html, body {
    color: #555;
body {
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body {
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.main .main-head.collapsed {
border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;
opacity: .2;
body {
  font-famiy: Arial!important;
.pun-crumbs p {
color: #666;
font-size: 11px;
line-height: 1.5;
margin: 0;
.pun {
line-height: 130%;
padding: 5px;
margin: 0 auto;
min-width: 960px;
width: 70%!important;
#header_bar {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #141518;
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#branding, #header_bar, #primary_nav {
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#limite, .main_width {
#limite, .main_width {
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#limite, .main_width {
    width: 70% !important;

#user_navigation {
    color: #9F9F9F;
    font-size: 11px;
#user_navigation.not_logged_in {
    height: 26px;
    padding: 6px 0px 4px;
#user_navigation a {
    color: #FFF;
    font-size: 11px;
#inbox_link {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
#inbox_link, #notify_link {
    height: 15px;
    padding: 11px 24px 8px 12px;
    position: relative;
    vertical-align: middle;
    width: 18px;
#notify_link {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll center top transparent;
    margin-right: 11px;
.ipsHasNotifications {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #CF2020;
    border-radius: 2px;
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0px 1px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1) inset;
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
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    left: -5px;
    line-height: 12px;
    padding: 0px 4px;
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    text-align: center;
    top: 4px;
#user_link_dd, .dropdownIndicator {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll right center transparent;
    display: inline-block;
    height: 5px;
    margin: 1px 0px 1px 1px;
    width: 9px;
.right {
    float: right;
ol, ul {
    list-style: none outside none;

.ipsList_inline > li {
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 0px 3px;


.ipsList_inline > li:first-child {
    margin-left: 0px;
#header_bar {
    text-align: right;
#user_navigation a {
    color: #FFF;
.pun a:link , .ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs li a, .cancel, #footer .block li a:hover, .logoText a:hover {
    color: #AC1E37;
.pun a:hover {
    color: #555;
img, .input_check, .input_radio {
    vertical-align: middle;
fieldset, img {
    border: 0px none;
#user_navigation #register_link {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #DF4C2B;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #BE2F11;
    color: #FFF;
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 3px 8px;
#user_navigation #register_link {
      background-color: #BF2A45;
    border-bottom: 4px solid #AC1E37;

#branding {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #28292D;
    min-height: 120px;
.logoText {
    font-weight: 300;
    font-size: 28px;
    color: #FFF;
    text-decoration: none;
    line-height: 120px;
.logoText a {
    color: #FFF;

#search {
    margin: 45px 0px;
.logoText a img {
      margin-top: 43px;
fieldset, img {
    border: 0px none;
.hide {
    display: none;
#adv_search {
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    height: 16px;
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll right 50% transparent;
    text-indent: -3000em;
    display: inline-block;
    margin: 4px 0px 4px 4px;
#search_wrap {
    position: relative;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    display: block;
    padding: 0px 26px 0px 4px;
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    min-width: 230px;
#main_search {
    background: none repeat scroll 0px 0px transparent;
    border: 0px none;
    font-size: 13px !important;
    outline: 0px none;
    padding: 0px;
    width: 130px;
    margin-top: 5px;
#search_options {
    font-size: 10px;
    height: 20px;
    line-height: 20px;
    margin: 3px 3px 3px 0px;
    padding: 0px 6px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #EAEAEA;
    display: inline-block;
    float: right;
    max-width: 80px;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    overflow: hidden;
.clickable {
    cursor: pointer;
#search .submit_input {
    background: url('') no-repeat scroll 50% center #ACACAC;
    text-indent: -3000em;
    padding: 0px;
    border: 0px none;
    display: block;
    width: 26px;
    height: 26px;
    position: absolute;
    right: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    bottom: 0px;
.maintitle, .buttonRegister, #primary_nav, .general_box h3, .pagination .pages, .pagination .back a:hover, .pagination .forward a:hover, .ipsSideMenu ul a, .ipsVerticalTabbed_tabs li a:hover, .cblock h3.draggable, .popupInner h3, body#ipboard_body fieldset.submit, body#ipboard_body p.submit, #user_navigation #register_link, #footer, #community_app_menu .mega, #more_apps_menucontentul li > a, #community_app_menu div li:hover > a {
    background-color: #4682B4;
    border-bottom: 4px solid  #B0C4DE;
#primary_nav {
    box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    font-size: 13px;
    padding: 4px 0px 0px;

#community_app_menu > li > a {
    color: #FFF;
    display: block;
    padding: 13px 15px;
    margin-top: -4px;
#community_app_menu .active > a, #more_apps_menucontentul .active > a, #community_app_menu .active:hover > a {
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;
 color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;

#community_app_menu > li {
    margin: 0px 3px 0px 0px;
    position: relative;
#community_app_menu > li > a {
    color: #FFF;
    display: block;
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#community_app_menu > > a {
    color: #FFF;
    font-weight: bold;
    text-shadow: none;
#community_app_menu > li > a:hover {

    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) !important;
li.socialIcon a > img {
    opacity: 0.4;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
    padding: 5px!mportant;
    margin: 4px 3px!important;
li.socialIcon a > img:hover {
opacity: 1;
    padding: 5px!mportant;
    margin: 4px 3px!important;
.main .main-foot, .main .main-head {
      background-color: #4682B4;
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    color: #FFF;
    padding: 8px 13px 8px;
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.main .main-foot:hover, .main .main-head:hover {
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font-family: Arial;
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font-family: Arial;
.main .main-head .page-title .h2 {
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    font-size: 16px;
    font-weight: 300;
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font-family: Arial;
.pun table.table td.tcr {
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      -moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
    transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
      -webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out 0s;
.pun table.table td.tcr:hover {
  opacity: 1;
.col_c_stats {
    color: rgb(45, 46, 46) !important;
    text-align: right;
.ipsType_small {
    font-size: 12px !important;
.mini_ava img:hover {
    border-color: #7D7D7D;

.mini_ava {
    float: left;
.mini_ava img {
    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
    border: 1px solid #D5D5D5;
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
    height: 36px;
    margin: 0px 10px;
    padding: 1px;
    width: 36px;
.table tbody.statused tr td {
background: white;
border: 0;
font-size: 12px;
vertical-align: middle;
.pun .main-content {
    padding: 9px;
.pun .main-content {
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    border: transparent;

div#dert_to {
      margin-left: 30px;
span.escritorio {
    color: #777;
    font-size: 12px !important;
    line-height: 17px;
a.forumtitle {

    font-family: Arial;
    font-size: 15px;
    font-weight: 400;
    text-decoration: none;
.pun table.table th {
background-color: transparent;
.pun .main table td.tc2, .pun .main table td.tc3 {
background-color: transparent;
.pun .paged-foot, .pun .paged-head {
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    border: 0;
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.post_block {
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    line-height: 36px;
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    font-size: 16px;
.post_block:hover {
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.post_block span.creator a {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    font-weight: 100 !important;
.post_block span.creator a span {
    color: rgb(255, 255, 255) !important;
    font-weight: 100 !important;

.desc_post {
    color: #777;
    float: right;
    font-size: 11px;
    margin-right: 17px !important;
    margin-top: -28px;
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.pun .posthead h2 {
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.pun .posthead {
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    background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF;
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#copyright a {
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/*css widget stats*/
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.valor_xd a {
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.statistics_head {
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#pun-about {
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    padding: 0.6em 1em;
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    font-size: 10px !important;
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    font-size: 14px;
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/*CSS Botón para ir al Panel de administración*/
p#ir_a_pa > strong > a {
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    border-color: #AC1E37;
p#ir_a_pa > strong > a:active {
  position: relative;
  top: 1px;
/*END CSS Botón para ir al Panel de administración*/

div#randam {
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    display: inline-block;

    border: 1px solid transparent;
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  color: white;
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blockquote cite {
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padding: 5px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
margin: 0;
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max-height: 200px;
overflow: auto;
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background-color: transparent;
margin: .5em;
padding: .5em;
td.tcr span a:empty:before {
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content: "No posts to view.";
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margin: 1px 0 4px 8px;
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text-align: center;
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/*widget stay conected*/
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padding: 5px;
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color: #353535;
font-size: 12px;
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border: 1px solid #831427!important;
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;

/*edits por mindlezz xD*/
#profile-advanced-right .main-head .h3 em {
-moz-border-radius: 3px!important;
-webkit-border-radius: 3px!important;
background-color: #7ba60d!important;
background-image: url(!important;
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background-repeat: repeat-x!important;
border-radius: 3px!important;
color: #fff!important;
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font-size: 9px!important;
font-weight: 700!important;
height: 16px!important;
line-height: 16px!important;
padding: 3px 5px!important;
text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,0.2) 0 -1px 0!important;
text-transform: uppercase!important;
  cursor: pointer!important;
#profile-advanced-right img:first-child {
width: 138px;
height: 138px;
padding: 1px;
border: 1px solid #d5d5d5;
background: #fff;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
-moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);

/*END edits por mindlezz xD*/

/*css chatbox*/

#chatbox_header.main-head {
background-color: #BF2A45;
border-bottom: 4px solid #AC1E37;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
font-size: 13px;
padding: 4px 0 0;
color: white;
line-height: 9px;
#chatbox_members {
background: #FFFFFF;
border-right: 1px solid rgba(151, 150, 150, 0.28);
overflow: auto;
position: absolute;
.chatbox-title {
float: left;
font-family: Lato;
margin: 3px 0 0;
padding: 2px 5px 0;
width: 15em;
.chatbox-title, .chatbox-title {
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;
#chatbox p span[style="color:green;"], #chatbox p span[style="color:red;"] {
background: rgba(250,250,210,0.07);
border-radius: 2px;
padding: 1px;
#chatbox p {
background: #FFF;
background-position: bottom;
border-top: solid 1px rgba(203, 203, 203, 0.28);
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(252, 252, 252, 0.75);
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font-size: 11px;
line-height: 1.2em;
#chatbox p {
line-height: 1.2em;
.chatbox-options {
float: right;
list-style: none;
margin: 2px 0px 5px 0px;
color: white!important;
.chatbox-options li, .chatbox-options li a, .chatbox-options li label {
color: #FFFFFF;
#chatbox_members {
background: #3D9E68!important;
color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #3C855C;
border-top: 0;
font-size: 12px;
padding: .5em .25em;
text-align: center;
box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.42);
font-weight: 100!important;
#chatbox_members .member-title.away {
background: #ACACAC!important;
color: #FFF;
border: 1px solid #979696;
border-top: 0;
font-size: 12px;
padding: .5em .25em;
text-align: center;
box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 2px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.42);
font-weight: 100!important;
#chatbox_footer {
-webkit-box-shadow: inset rgba(255, 255, 255, 1) 0 0 0 1px;
background: #eee url( repeat-x;
border: solid 1px #cbcbcb;
display: block!important;
height: 32px;
left: 0;
padding: 0;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
#chatbox_messenger_form {
margin: 5px 20px 0;
#chatbox_messenger_form #message {
background: rgba(83,80,80,.8);
border: 0;
border-radius: 3px;
color: #fff;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 5px;
#chatbox_messenger_form #message {
box-shadow: inset rgba(248, 248, 248, 1) 0 0 0 1px;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
border-radius: 3px;
color: #fff;
padding: 2px 2px 2px 5px;
border: 1px solid #E1E3E5!important;
#submit_button {
-moz-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
-webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out;
background: #28292d;
border-bottom: 2px solid #141518;
border-left: 0;
border-right: 0;
border-top: 0;
color: #fff;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 12px;
padding: 4px 6px;
white-space: nowrap;
#submit_button:hover {
  background: #acacac;
border-bottom: 2px solid #979696;
color: #fff;

#avatar img {
      max-width: 28px;
    margin: 4px;
    vertical-align: middle;
.logged_in {
      height: 35px;
#pun-visit, .main-box {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 0;
    font-size: 11px;
  display: none;

Membro desde : 04/06/2016
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Mensagem por Sennior 07.06.16 20:41

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Tópico marcado como Resolvido e movido para Questões resolvidas.
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