Bug no chatbox

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Tópico resolvido Bug no chatbox

Mensagem por Kyko 29.08.17 2:18

Detalhes da questão

Endereço do fórum: http://twalkingdeadbr.forumeiros.com
Versão do fórum: ModernBB


Boa noite, atualmente o chatbox do meu fórum está bugado 


Ali que está marcado de verde é meu chatbox, gostaria de conserta-lo. 
Marquei aquela parte de amarelo porque gostaria de tirar, mas não sei como.

Membro desde : 30/07/2017
Mensagens : 84
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Tópico resolvido Re: Bug no chatbox

Mensagem por Kyo Panda 30.08.17 20:57

Qual código está usando para inserir o chatbox?

Tópico movido de 'Questões sobre o painel de administração' para 'Questões sobre códigos'.
Kyo Panda
Kyo Panda
Hiper Membro

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Tópico resolvido Re: Bug no chatbox

Mensagem por Kyko 30.08.17 23:43

Bom, só ativei o chatbox normalmente e uso o seguinte código javascript para deixar ele na barra de ferramentas também:

  var config = {
    width : '700px',
    height : '350px',
    mod_icon : 'default',
    msgnotif : true,
    timestamp : true,
    connection_logs : true
  fa_chat = cre('IFRAME'), fa_button = cre('A'), fa_members = cre('SPAN'), fa_style = cre('STYLE'), fa_right = getId('fa_right'), frame,
      css = '#fa_chat_button{line-height:30px;padding:0 5px;color:#FFF;cursor:pointer;} .fa_actif{background:#FFF !important;color:#000 !important;} .fa_new{background:#FF8 !important;color:#000 !important;} #fa_chat{background:#FFF;width:'+config.width+';height:'+config.height+';border:1px solid #000;border-top:none;position:absolute;top:30px;right:39px;}';

  if (!fa_right || !_userdata.session_logged_in) return;
  // set stylesheet
  fa_style.type = 'text/css';
  if (fa_style.styleSheet) fa_style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
  else fa_style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css));
  // members attributes
  fa_members.id = 'fa_members';
  fa_members.innerHTML = '(0)';
  // fa_button attributes
  fa_button.innerHTML = 'Chat ';
  fa_button.id = 'fa_chat_button';
  fa_button.className = 'rightHeaderLink';
  // fa_chat attributes
  fa_chat.id = 'fa_chat';
    fa_chat.src = '/chatbox/index.forum';
  fa_chat.style.display = 'none';
  fa_chat.onload = function() {
    if (fa_chat.contentDocument) frame = fa_chat.contentDocument;
    else if (fa_chat.contentWindow) frame = fa_chat.contentWindow.document;
    var memb_thn = getLength('chatbox_members','LI'), memb_now = memb_thn,
        msg_thn = getLength('chatbox','P'), msg_now = msg_thn;
    // set some data..
    fa_members.innerHTML = '('+memb_thn+')';
    // kill the interval if archives are enabled
    var a = frame.getElementsByTagName('A');
    for (i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (/archives/.test(a[i].href)) a[i].onclick = function() { window.clearInterval(fa_chat_refresh) };
    // execute code in an interval
    fa_chat_refresh = window.setInterval(function() {
      // START chat members
      memb_now = getLength('chatbox_members','LI'), msg_now = getLength('chatbox','P');
      if (memb_now > memb_thn || memb_now < memb_thn) {
        memb_thn = memb_now;
        fa_members.innerHTML = '('+memb_now+')'
      // END chat members
      // START chat notification
      if (config.msgnotif) {
        if (msg_now > msg_thn || msg_now < msg_thn) {
          if (!/fa_new/.test(fa_button.className) && chatState(/none/) && !/none/.test(frame.getElementById('chatbox_option_autorefresh').style.display)) fa_button.className += ' fa_new';
          msg_thn = msg_now;
      // END chat notification
      // START timestamp
      if (!config.timestamp) {
        var date = frame.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'),i;
        for (i=0; i<date.length; i++) if (/date-and-time/.test(date[i].className) && date[i].style.display != 'none') date[i].style.display = 'none';
      // END timestamp
      // START connection logs
      if (!config.connection_logs) {
        var logs = frame.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'),i;
        for (i=0; i<logs.length; i++) if (/red/i.test(logs[i].style.color) || /green/i.test(logs[i].style.color)) if (!/none/.test(logs[i].parentNode.parentNode.style.display)) logs[i].parentNode.parentNode.style.display = 'none';
      // END connection logs
      // START mod icon
      if (config.mod_icon.toLowerCase() != 'default') {
        var s = frame.getElementsByTagName('STRONG'),i;
        for (i=0; i<s.length; i++) if (/@/.test(s[i].innerHTML) && s[i].innerHTML.length === 1 && !/msg/.test(s[i].parentNode.parentNode.className)) s[i].innerHTML = config.mod_icon;
      // END mod icon

  // toggle chat display
  fa_button.onclick = function() {
    if (/welcome/.test(fa_right.className)) removeClass(fa_right, /welcome/);
    if (/notification/.test(fa_right.className)) removeClass(fa_right, /notification/);
    if (chatState(/none/)) {
      fa_chat.style.display = 'block';
      fa_button.className += ' fa_actif';
      if (/fa_new/.test(fa_button.className)) removeClass(fa_button, /fa_new/);
      frame.getElementById('chatbox').scrollTop = 99999;
    } else hideChat();
  // hide chat when toolbar options clicked
  getId('fa_welcome').onclick = function() { hideChat() };
  getId('fa_notifications').onclick = function() { hideChat() };
  getId('fa_hide').onclick = function() { hideChat() };
  // chatbox functions
  function hideChat() { if (chatState(/block/)) fa_chat.style.display = 'none'; removeClass(fa_button, /fa_actif/) };
  function chatState(reg) { return reg.test(fa_chat.style.display) };
  function getLength(id, tag) { return frame.getElementById(id).getElementsByTagName(tag).length };
  // basic functions
  function getId(id) { return document.getElementById(id) };
  function cre(el) { return document.createElement(el) };
  function removeClass(el, reg) { el.className = el.className.replace(reg,''); };

Com investimento "Em todas as páginas".

Membro desde : 30/07/2017
Mensagens : 84
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Tópico resolvido Re: Bug no chatbox

Mensagem por Shek 01.09.17 12:51


Eu não entendi. Qual é a função deste script? Eu tentei aplicá-lo e além mostrar muitos erros no console, fiquei confuso sobre a sua funcionalidade.

Recomendaria este código em uma página JS, investido em Todas as páginas:
(function() {
  if (!window.FA) window.FA = {};
  if (FA.Chat) {
    if (window.console) console.warn('FA.Chat has already been initialized');
  FA.Chat = {
    // chatbox settings
    config : {
      height : '60%',
      width : '70%',
      live_notif : true,
      sound_notif : {
        enabled : true,
        file : 'http://illiweb.com/fa/fdf/zelda.mono.mp3'
      notifRate : 10000
    // language settings
    lang : {
      chatbox : 'Chatbox',
      new_msg : 'Uma nova mensagem foi postada <a href="javascript:FA.Chat.toggle();">chatbox</a>.'
    // technical data below
    node : {}, // node cache
    users : 0, // users in chat
    messages : 'initial', // total chat messages
    actif : false, // tells us if the chatbox is opened
    notifActif : false, // tells us if the notifications are active
    // initial setup of the chatbox
    init : function() {
      var right = document.getElementById('fa_right'),
          container = document.createElement('DIV'),
          button = document.createElement('A'),
      button.id = 'fa_chat_button';
      button.innerHTML = FA.Chat.lang.chatbox + ' <span id="fa_chatters">(0)</span>';
      button.onclick = FA.Chat.toggle;
      FA.Chat.node.button = button;
      container.id = 'fa_chat_container';
      container.innerHTML = '<iframe id="fa_chat" src="/chatbox/index.forum"></iframe>';
      container.style.width = FA.Chat.config.width;
      container.style.height = FA.Chat.config.height;
      container.style.bottom = '-' + FA.Chat.config.height;
      container.style.visibility = 'hidden';
      if (right) {
        right.insertBefore(button, right.lastChild); // add the chat button to the right side of the toolbar
        // create the notification audio element
        if (FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.enabled) {
          audio = document.createElement('AUDIO');
          audio.src = FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.file;
          if (audio.canPlayType) {
            FA.Chat.node.audio = audio;
        FA.Chat.node.container = document.getElementById('fa_chat_container');
        FA.Chat.node.chatters = document.getElementById('fa_chatters');
        FA.Chat.node.frame = document.getElementById('fa_chat');
        FA.Chat.node.frame.onload = FA.Chat.getFrame;
      delete FA.Chat.init;
    // get the frame window, document, and elements
    getFrame : function() {
      if (FA.Chat.poll) window.clearInterval(FA.Chat.poll);
      if (this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow) {
        FA.Chat.window = this.contentWindow;
        FA.Chat.document = this.contentDocument ? this.contentDocument : FA.Chat.window.document;
        FA.Chat.node.message = FA.Chat.document.getElementById('message');
        FA.Chat.node.members = FA.Chat.document.getElementById('chatbox_members');
        FA.Chat.poll = window.setInterval(FA.Chat.listen, 300); // listen for changes every 0.3 seconds
    // listen for changes in the chatbox
    listen : function() {
      var users = FA.Chat.node.members.getElementsByTagName('LI').length,
          messages = FA.Chat.window.chatbox.messages.length;
      // update user count
      if (users > FA.Chat.users || users < FA.Chat.users) {
        FA.Chat.users = users;
        FA.Chat.node.chatters.innerHTML = '(' + FA.Chat.users + ')';
      // initial / active updates
      if ((FA.Chat.messages == 'initial' && messages) || FA.Chat.notifActif || FA.Chat.actif) FA.Chat.messages = messages;
      // notify new messages while connected and the chatbox is closed
      if (!FA.Chat.actif && !FA.Chat.notifActif && FA.Chat.window.chatbox.connected && (messages > FA.Chat.messages || messages < FA.Chat.messages)) {
        FA.Chat.messages = messages; // update message count
        FA.Chat.notifActif = true;
        if (FA.Chat.config.live_notif) FA.Chat.notify(FA.Chat.lang.new_msg); // show live notification
        if (FA.Chat.config.sound_notif.enabled && FA.Chat.node.audio) FA.Chat.node.audio.play(); // play sound notification
        // wait before notifying the user again
        window.setTimeout(function() {
          FA.Chat.notifActif = false;
        }, FA.Chat.config.notifRate);
    // create a custom notification
    notify : function(msg) {
      var notif = document.createElement('DIV'),
          live = document.getElementById(Toolbar.LIVE_NOTIF);
      notif.className = 'fa_notification';
      notif.innerHTML = '<div class="content ellipsis">' + msg + '</div>';
      notif.style.display = 'none';
      $(notif).mouseover(function() { $(this).stop(true, true) });
      $(notif).mouseleave(function() { $(this).delay(5000).fadeOut() });
      live.insertBefore(notif, live.firstChild);
      $(notif).fadeIn(100, function() { $(this).delay(10000).fadeOut() });
    // toggle the display state of the chatbox
    toggle : function() {
      var container = FA.Chat.node.container.style;
      if (/hidden/i.test(container.visibility)) {
        FA.Chat.node.button.className = 'fa_chat_active';
        FA.Chat.actif = true;
        container.visibility = 'visible';
        container.bottom = '3px';
        // auto focus the message field
        window.setTimeout(function() {
        }, 350); // some browsers ( firefox ) need a delay
      } else {
        FA.Chat.node.button.className = '';
        FA.Chat.actif = false;
        container.visibility = 'hidden';
        container.bottom = '-' + FA.Chat.config.height;
    // initialize the chat when the document is ready and the user is logged in
    if (_userdata.session_logged_in) $(FA.Chat.init);
#fa_chat_container {
  border:1px solid #556682;
#fa_chat {
#fa_chat_button {
  padding:0 5px;
#fa_chat_button.fa_chat_active {
Principal Contribuidor
Principal Contribuidor

Membro desde : 11/04/2009
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Tópico resolvido Re: Bug no chatbox

Mensagem por Shek 06.09.17 1:10

Questão abandonada pelo autor, mas considerada resolvida por ter solução para o problema.
Tópico marcado como Resolvido e movido para Questões resolvidas.
Principal Contribuidor
Principal Contribuidor

Membro desde : 11/04/2009
Mensagens : 19006
Pontos : 22968

https://shiftactive.blogspot.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ShiftActif https://twitter.com/ShiftActif

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