Widgets no fórum

3 participantes

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Tópico resolvido Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Ketholy 20.12.18 13:29

Detalhes da questão

Endereço do fórum: https://assuntosgeral-com-br.forumeiros.com/forum
Versão do fórum: phpBB3



Gostaria de colocar os Widgets do fórum visivel e não anexados, não sei como coloca já que a versão do fórum que uso não tem a opção.

Exemplo estão desse jeito:

Widgets no fórum Screen14

Quero que eles fiquem onde a seta esta apontando sem ser anexados dentro da imagem imagem acima.

Widgets no fórum Screen15
Super Membro

Membro desde : 20/01/2017
Mensagens : 1309
Pontos : 1577

http://jogosrpg-com-br.forumais.com/forum https://twitter.com/Ketholy Suan

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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Convidado 20.12.18 20:46


Qual é o código que utiliza? Tente trocá-lo para o referido neste tópico.


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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Ketholy 21.12.18 10:34

Não funcionou, aqui esta o código:

** ======= FUNCTIONS ======= **
** 00. fa_initForumModules
** 01. fa_navactif
** 02. fa_theme_changer
** 03. pseudoInputs
** 04. toolbar search mod
** 05. fae_sticky_nav_panel
** 06. image resizer
** 07. fae_toggle_category
** 08. sticky_nav_notifications
** 09. update_notifier
** 10. topic_icon_formatter
** 11. dark mode
** 12. copy code button
** 13. local frame styler

if (!window.FAE) {
  window.FAE = new Object();

FAE.board_lang =  'Português';

/* -- 00. fa_initForumModules -- */
// initiate the toggler for the widget columns
function fa_initForumModules(column_id) {
  var column = document.getElementById(column_id), menu;

  if (column) {
    column.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<div class="title module_column_title">Menu Widget</div>');

    menu = document.createElement('A');
    menu.href = '#';
    menu.title = 'Alternar o widget menu';
    menu.className = 'widget_menu column_button_' + column_id + ' color-secondary';

    menu.onclick = function() {
      var column = document.getElementById(/left/.test(this.className) ? 'left' : 'right');

      $([this, column])[/active/.test(this.className) ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('active');
      return false;


// give active panels a very high z-index so they display above other panels and buttons
// forumotion replaces any z-index above 1000 w/999 in the stylesheet, so this must be applied via JS
document.write('<style type="text/css">'+
  '.module_column, .widget_menu { z-index:30000; }'+
  '.module_column.active, .widget_menu.active { z-index:99999; }'+

/* -- 01. fa_navactif -- */
// finds the currently active navigation item and adds a classname to it.
function fa_navactif() {
  for (var cleanURI = window.location.href.replace(/\?.*|#.*/, ''), a = document.getElementById('page-header').getElementsByTagName('A'), i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) {
    if (/mainmenu/.test(a[i].className) && cleanURI == a[i].href.replace(/\?.*|#.*/,'')) {
      a[i].className+=' fa_navactif';

/* -- 02. fa_theme_changer -- */
// theme selector for the forum
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  var cc = my_getcookie('fae_custom-theme');

  window.fa_theme_color = {
    selected : my_getcookie('fa_theme_color') || 'Selecionar um tema',

    palette : {
"Selecionar um tema" : [],
"Tema Personalizado" : [cc ? fae_editColor(cc, +1) : '#77AADD', cc || '#6699CC', cc ? fae_editColor(cc, -1) : '#5588BB', cc ? fae_editColor(cc, -3) : '#336699', cc ? fae_editColor(cc, 'darken') : '#334455'],
"Tema Aleatório" : [],
"Silver" : ["#DDDDDD", "#cccccc", "#BBBBBB", "#999999", "#555555"],
"Dusty Gray" : ["#AAAAAA", "#999999", "#888888", "#666666", "#444444"],
"Dove Gray" : ["#777777", "#666666", "#555555", "#333333", "#333333"],
"Mine Shaft" : ["#444444", "#333333", "#222222", "#000000", "#222222"],
"Persian Red" : ["#DD4444", "#cc3333", "#BB2222", "#990000", "#552222"],
"Christmas Red" : ["#CC3333", "#bb2222", "#AA1111", "#880000", "#441111"],
"Coral Red" : ["#FF5555", "#ff4444", "#EE3333", "#CC1111", "#662222"],
"Chestnut Rose" : ["#DD7777", "#cc6666", "#BB5555", "#993333", "#553333"],
"Eunry" : ["#DDAAAA", "#cc9999", "#BB8888", "#996666", "#554444"],
"Brandy Rose" : ["#CC9999", "#bb8888", "#AA7777", "#885555", "#443333"],
"Bazaar" : ["#AA8888", "#997777", "#886666", "#664444", "#443333"],
"Cinnabar" : ["#FF5544", "#ee4433", "#DD3322", "#BB1100", "#552222"],
"Crail" : ["#CC6655", "#bb5544", "#AA4433", "#882211", "#442222"],
"Flamingo" : ["#FF6644", "#ee5533", "#DD4422", "#BB2200", "#552222"],
"Red Damask" : ["#EE7755", "#dd6644", "#CC5533", "#AA3311", "#553322"],
"Tabasco" : ["#AA4422", "#993311", "#882200", "#660000", "#442211"],
"Paarl" : ["#BB6644", "#aa5533", "#994422", "#772200", "#442222"],
"Cape Palliser" : ["#BB7755", "#aa6644", "#995533", "#773311", "#443322"],
"Tuscany" : ["#DD7744", "#cc6633", "#BB5522", "#993300", "#553322"],
"Hot Cinnamon" : ["#EE7733", "#dd6622", "#CC5511", "#AA3300", "#553311"],
"Blaze Orange" : ["#FF7711", "#ff6600", "#EE5500", "#CC3300", "#663300"],
"Pumpkin" : ["#FF8822", "#ff7711", "#EE6600", "#CC4400", "#663311"],
"Antique Brass" : ["#DDAA77", "#cc9966", "#BB8855", "#996633", "#554433"],
"Raw Sienna" : ["#DD9955", "#cc8844", "#BB7733", "#995511", "#553322"],
"Earthtone" : ["#775533", "#664422", "#553311", "#331100", "#332211"],
"Americano" : ["#998877", "#887766", "#776655", "#554433", "#333333"],
"Coffee" : ["#887766", "#776655", "#665544", "#443322", "#333322"],
"Cinnamon" : ["#995511", "#884400", "#773300", "#551100", "#332200"],
"Brown" : ["#AA6611", "#995500", "#884400", "#662200", "#442200"],
"Sandy Tan" : ["#EECC99", "#ddbb88", "#CCAA77", "#AA8855", "#554433"],
"Hokey Pokey" : ["#DDAA44", "#cc9933", "#BB8822", "#996600", "#554422"],
"Sienna" : ["#776644", "#665533", "#554422", "#332200", "#332222"],
"Shadow" : ["#998866", "#887755", "#776644", "#554422", "#333322"],
"Buttercup" : ["#FFBB22", "#eeaa11", "#DD9900", "#BB7700", "#554411"],
"Tulip Tree" : ["#FFCC44", "#eebb33", "#DDAA22", "#BB8800", "#554422"],
"Golden Grass" : ["#EEBB33", "#ddaa22", "#CC9911", "#AA7700", "#554411"],
"Pizza" : ["#DDAA22", "#cc9911", "#BB8800", "#996600", "#554411"],
"Reef Gold" : ["#BB9933", "#aa8822", "#997711", "#775500", "#443311"],
"Olive" : ["#999911", "#888800", "#777700", "#555500", "#333300"],
"Camouflage" : ["#555522", "#444411", "#333300", "#111100", "#222211"],
"Avocado" : ["#999977", "#888866", "#777755", "#555533", "#333333"],
"Earls Green" : ["#DDDD44", "#cccc33", "#BBBB22", "#999900", "#555522"],
"Laser" : ["#DDDD77", "#cccc66", "#BBBB55", "#999933", "#555533"],
"Pine Glade" : ["#DDDDAA", "#cccc99", "#BBBB88", "#999966", "#555544"],
"Pea Green" : ["#88AA33", "#779922", "#668811", "#446600", "#334411"],
"Celery" : ["#AADD44", "#99cc33", "#88BB22", "#669900", "#445522"],
"Chartreuse" : ["#99EE11", "#88dd00", "#77CC00", "#55AA00", "#335500"],
"Forumactif Green" : ["#99DD44", "#88cc33", "#77BB22", "#559900", "#335522"],
"Dollar Bill" : ["#99CC66", "#88bb55", "#77AA44", "#558822", "#334422"],
"Wild Willow" : ["#AADD77", "#99cc66", "#88BB55", "#669933", "#445533"],
"Asparagus" : ["#88BB66", "#77aa55", "#669944", "#447722", "#334422"],
"Atlantis" : ["#77DD44", "#66cc33", "#55BB22", "#339900", "#335522"],
"Forest Green" : ["#339933", "#228822", "#117711", "#005500", "#113311"],
"Christmas Green" : ["#117711", "#006600", "#005500", "#003300", "#003300"],
"Apple" : ["#44DD44", "#33cc33", "#22BB22", "#009900", "#225522"],
"Mantis" : ["#77DD77", "#66cc66", "#55BB55", "#339933", "#335533"],
"De York" : ["#AADDAA", "#99cc99", "#88BB88", "#669966", "#445544"],
"Envy" : ["#99BB99", "#88aa88", "#779977", "#557755", "#334433"],
"Spruce" : ["#77DD88", "#66cc77", "#55BB66", "#339944", "#335533"],
"Bottle Green" : ["#22BB44", "#11aa33", "#009922", "#007700", "#114422"],
"Aqua Forest" : ["#77BB88", "#66aa77", "#559966", "#337744", "#334433"],
"Mountain Meadow" : ["#44DD77", "#33cc66", "#22BB55", "#009933", "#225533"],
"Meadow" : ["#33BB66", "#22aa55", "#119944", "#007722", "#114422"],
"Sea Green" : ["#449966", "#338855", "#227744", "#005522", "#223322"],
"Amazon" : ["#448866", "#337755", "#226644", "#004422", "#223322"],
"Emerald" : ["#77DDAA", "#66cc99", "#55BB88", "#339966", "#335544"],
"Shamrock" : ["#44DDAA", "#33cc99", "#22BB88", "#009966", "#225544"],
"Blue Lagoon" : ["#55CCBB", "#44bbaa", "#33AA99", "#118877", "#224444"],
"Turquoise" : ["#44DDDD", "#33cccc", "#22BBBB", "#009999", "#225555"],
"Downy" : ["#77DDDD", "#66cccc", "#55BBBB", "#339999", "#335555"],
"Sinbad" : ["#AADDDD", "#99cccc", "#88BBBB", "#669999", "#445555"],
"Teal" : ["#119999", "#008888", "#007777", "#005555", "#003333"],
"Blue Chill" : ["#2299AA", "#118899", "#007788", "#005566", "#113344"],
"Cerulean" : ["#11BBEE", "#00aadd", "#0099CC", "#0077AA", "#004455"],
"Deep Cerulean" : ["#1188BB", "#0077aa", "#006699", "#004477", "#003344"],
"Curious Blue" : ["#44AADD", "#3399cc", "#2288BB", "#006699", "#224455"],
"Slate Gray" : ["#8899AA", "#778899", "#667788", "#445566", "#333344"],
"Danube" : ["#77AADD", "#6699cc", "#5588BB", "#336699", "#334455"],
"Azure Radiance" : ["#1188FF", "#0077ff", "#0066EE", "#0044CC", "#003366"],
"Mariner" : ["#4477DD", "#3366cc", "#2255BB", "#003399", "#223355"],
"Azure" : ["#4466BB", "#3355aa", "#224499", "#002277", "#222244"],
"Governor Bay" : ["#4444DD", "#3333cc", "#2222BB", "#000099", "#222255"],
"Blue Marguerite" : ["#7777DD", "#6666cc", "#5555BB", "#333399", "#333355"],
"Blue Bell" : ["#AAAADD", "#9999cc", "#8888BB", "#666699", "#444455"],
"Comet" : ["#666688", "#555577", "#444466", "#222244", "#222233"],
"Purple Heart" : ["#7744DD", "#6633cc", "#5522BB", "#330099", "#332255"],
"Amethyst" : ["#AA77DD", "#9966cc", "#8855BB", "#663399", "#443355"],
"Amethyst Smoke" : ["#BBAACC", "#aa99bb", "#9988AA", "#776688", "#444444"],
"Mauve" : ["#EEBBFF", "#ddaaff", "#CC99EE", "#AA77CC", "#554466"],
"Affair" : ["#8855AA", "#774499", "#663388", "#441166", "#332244"],
"Purple" : ["#AA44DD", "#9933cc", "#8822BB", "#660099", "#442255"],
"Lavendar" : ["#CC88EE", "#bb77dd", "#AA66CC", "#8844AA", "#443355"],
"Cerise" : ["#DD44DD", "#cc33cc", "#BB22BB", "#990099", "#552255"],
"Fuchsia Pink" : ["#DD77DD", "#cc66cc", "#BB55BB", "#993399", "#553355"],
"Lilac" : ["#DDAADD", "#cc99cc", "#BB88BB", "#996699", "#554455"],
"Red Violet" : ["#DD44AA", "#cc3399", "#BB2288", "#990066", "#552244"],
"Disco" : ["#992266", "#881155", "#770044", "#550022", "#331122"],
"Carnation Pink" : ["#FFAADD", "#ff99cc", "#EE88BB", "#CC6699", "#664455"],
"Hopbush" : ["#DD77AA", "#cc6699", "#BB5588", "#993366", "#553344"],
"French Rose" : ["#FF5599", "#ee4488", "#DD3377", "#BB1155", "#552233"],
"Hibiscus" : ["#DD4477", "#cc3366", "#BB2255", "#990033", "#552233"],
"Claret" : ["#882244", "#771133", "#660022", "#440000", "#331122"],
"Bordeaux" : ["#771133", "#660022", "#550011", "#330000", "#330011"],
"Tickle Me Pink" : ["#FF99BB", "#ff88aa", "#EE7799", "#CC5577", "#663344"],
"Burgundy" : ["#991133", "#880022", "#770011", "#550000", "#330011"],
"Blush" : ["#EE6688", "#dd5577", "#CC4466", "#AA2244", "#552233"],
"Wild Watermelon" : ["#FF6688", "#ff5577", "#EE4466", "#CC2244", "#662233"],
"Amaranth" : ["#FF4466", "#ee3355", "#DD2244", "#BB0022", "#552222"],
"Mauvelous" : ["#FFAABB", "#ff99aa", "#EE8899", "#CC6677", "#664444"],
"Alizarin Crimson" : ["#FF3344", "#ee2233", "#DD1122", "#BB0000", "#551122"]


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        return false;

      // show / hide the theme picker on click
      document.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
        var that = e.target;

        if (that.id == 'fae_theme_picker') {

          if (fae_theme_list.className == 'theme_list_hidden') {
            var offset = that.getBoundingClientRect(),
                selected = fae_theme_list.querySelector('[data-index="' + fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex + '"]');

            fae_theme_list.className = '';
            fae_theme_list.style.left = offset.left + 'px';
            fae_theme_list.style.marginTop = offset.height + 1 + 'px';

            fae_theme_list.scrollTop = (selected.offsetTop - fae_theme_list.getBoundingClientRect().height) + (selected.getBoundingClientRect().height + 2);

          } else {
            fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

        } else if (!fae_theme_list.className) {
          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

      // change the theme when the up or down arrows are pressed
      fae_theme_picker.onkeydown = function (e) {
        var index = +fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex;
            next = fae_theme_list.querySelector('[data-index="' + (e.keyCode == 38 ? index - 1 : e.keyCode == 40 ? index + 1 : index) + '"]');

        if (next && next.className != 'pseudo-hover') {

        return false;

      // hover the selected option / last hovered option
      window.fae_hover_theme = function (that) {
        var hovered = document.querySelector('.pseudo-hover');

        if (hovered) {
          hovered.className = '';

        that.className = 'pseudo-hover';

      // change the theme picker style when the custom theme is changed
      document.getElementById('fae_custom-theme').addEventListener('change', function () {
        fae_theme_picker.style.backgroundColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.backgroundColor;
        fae_theme_picker.style.borderColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.borderColor;

      // create the theme list
      window.fae_theme_list = document.createElement('DIV');
      fae_theme_list.id = 'fae_theme_list';
      fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';
      fae_theme_list.style.width = fa_theme_color.selector.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px';

      // prevent unwanted window scrolling when the theme list has been scrolled all the way from the top or bottom
      fae_theme_list.onwheel = function (e) {
        if ((fae_theme_list.scrollTop == (fae_theme_list.scrollHeight - fae_theme_list.clientHeight) && e.deltaY > 0) || fae_theme_list.scrollTop == 0 && e.deltaY < 0) {
          return false;

      // hide the theme list on scroll
      window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
        if (!fae_theme_list.className) {
          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

      // get the original theme options and create new options for the updated UI
      for (var opts = fa_theme_color.selector.options, i = 0, j = opts.length, option; i < j; i++) {
        option = document.createElement('A');
        option.href = '#';
        option.dataset.index = i;
        option.innerHTML = opts[i].innerHTML;
        option.style.color = opts[i].style.color || '#FFF';
        option.style.backgroundColor = opts[i].style.backgroundColor;

        // apply the selected theme to both the new UI and hidden select element
        option.onclick = function () {
          var color = fa_theme_color.selector.options[this.dataset.index];

          color.selected = true;
          fae_theme_picker.innerHTML = fa_theme_color.selector.value;
          fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex = this.dataset.index;


          fae_theme_picker.style.backgroundColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.backgroundColor;
          fae_theme_picker.style.borderColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.borderColor;

          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

          return false;

        // update selected option on hover
        option.onmouseover = function () {


      // add the theme picker, list, and style to the document

        '<style type="text/css">'+
          '#footer_end #fae_theme_list,#page-footer #fae_theme_list{margin-top:-335px!important}'+
          'a#fae_theme_picker{color:#FFF;font-size:13px;font-family:Arial;background:#999;border:1px solid #888;position:relative;display:inline-block;padding:6px;margin:1px;float:left;text-decoration:none;outline:none;}'+
          '#fae_theme_list{background:#FFF;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.175);position:absolute;max-height:335px;overflow:auto;overflow-x:hidden;z-index:10;white-space:nowrap;visibility:visible}'+
          '#fae_theme_list a{font-family:Arial;display:block;padding:6px;text-decoration:none}'+
          '#fae_theme_list a.pseudo-hover{color:#FFF!important;background:#28F!important}'+
          '@media (max-width: 768px) and (min-width: 0px) {body #fae_theme_picker{float:right;width:240px !important;margin:0 0 6px}body #fae_theme_list{width:252px !important}}'+

      fa_theme_color.selector.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, fa_theme_color.selector);
      fa_theme_color.selector.style.display = 'none'; // hide to original theme selector element


function fae_editColor (str, op) {
  var letter = { 'F' : 15, 'E' : 14, 'D' : 13, 'C' : 12, 'B' : 11, 'A' : 10 },
      hex = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'],
      neg = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6];

  str = str.toUpperCase().split('');

  for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
    if (letter[str[i]]) {
      str[i] = letter[str[i]];
    } else {
      str[i] = +str[i];

    if (op == 'darken') {
      str[i] = neg[str[i]];
    } else {
      str[i] += op;

    if (str[i] > 15) {
      str[i] = 15;
    } else if (str[i] < 0) {
      str[i] = 0;

    str[i] = hex[str[i]];

  return str.join('');

/* -- 03. pseudoInputs -- */
// function to hide all checkboxes / radios and replace them with pseudo inputs
$(function() {
  for (var input = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), i = 0, j = input.length, type; i < j; i++) {
    type = input[i].type;
    if (/radio|checkbox/i.test(type)) {
      input[i].className += ' fa_input_hidden';
      input[i].insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<span class="fa_pseudo_' + type + '" onclick="this.previousSibling.click(); return false;"/>');

/* -- 04. toolbar search mod -- */
// gives the search bar a placeholder and attaches an event handler to the button
window.fa_textarea_placeholer = 'Buscar...';

  $(function() {
    var fa_magnifier = document.getElementById('fa_magnifier'),
        fa_textarea = document.getElementById('fa_textarea');

    if (fa_magnifier) {
      fa_magnifier.onclick = function() {

    if (fa_textarea) {
      fa_textarea.value = fa_textarea_placeholer;

      fa_textarea.onfocus = function() {
        if (this.value == fa_textarea_placeholer) {
          this.value = '';

      fa_textarea.onblur = function() {
        if (!this.value) {
          this.value = fa_textarea_placeholer;



/* -- 05. fae_sticky_nav_panel -- */
// adds a sticky navigation for quick use when the navbar isn't visible
$(function() {
  window.fae_sticky = {
            // various user options
            navbar : 'navbar',
          position : 'right',
            title : 'Navegação Rápida',
          tooltip : 'Alternar Navegação Rápida',
    additionalHTML : '<div class="nav-actions"><a href="javascript:fae_sticky.copyURL();" title="Copiar BBCode URL"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>' + ( _userdata.user_level == 1 ? '<a href="/admin" title="Painel Admin"><i class="fa fa-wrench"></i></a>' : '' ) + '<a href="#top" title="Início da Página"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a><a href="#bottom" title="Fim da Página"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></a></div>',
    alwaysVisible : false,

    // copy page URL as bbcode
    copyURL : function() {
      window.prompt('Copiar o BBCode URL abaixo. (CTRL+C)', '[url=' + window.location + ']' + document.title + '[/url]');

    // listen for changes in the navbar's bottom rect
    scroll : function() {
      var rect = fae_sticky.navbar.getBoundingClientRect(),
          position = fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position];

      if (rect.bottom <= fae_sticky.offset[fae_sticky.tb_state] && position == '-30px') {
        fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '';
      } else if (rect.bottom > fae_sticky.offset[fae_sticky.tb_state] && position != '-30px') {
        fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '-30px';

    // offsets for when the toolbar is hidden / shown
    offset : {
      fa_hide : 0,
      fa_show : 30

  // nodes used in the module
  fae_sticky.node = [
    // button
    $('<a class="widget_menu column_button_' + fae_sticky.position + ' color-secondary" />').attr({
      href : '#',
        id : 'fa_sticky_nav_button',
      style : fae_sticky.position + ':-30px;',
      title : fae_sticky.tooltip

    }).click(function() {
      $(fae_sticky.node)[/active/.test(this.className) ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('active');
      return false;

    // panel
    $('<div id="fae_sticky_nav_panel" class="module_column column_' + fae_sticky.position + ' color-secondary" />')
    .html('<div class="title module_column_title">' + fae_sticky.title + '</div><div class="module_inner"></div>')[0]

  fae_sticky.navbar = document.getElementById(fae_sticky.navbar); // get the old navbar

  // then clone its contents and add it to the sticky panel
  $('.module_inner', fae_sticky.node[1]).append($('a.mainmenu', fae_sticky.navbar).clone()).append(fae_sticky.additionalHTML);

  if (!fae_sticky.alwaysVisible) {
    fae_sticky.tb_state = my_getcookie('toolbar_state') || (_userdata.activate_toolbar ? 'fa_show' : 'fa_hide');


    $(function() {
      $('#fa_hide, #fa_show').click(function() {
        fae_sticky.tb_state = this.id;
  } else {
    fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '';

/* -- 06. image resizer -- */
(function() {
  window.fa_img_resizer = {
    max_width : 400, // maximum image width (400px)
    max_height : 250, // maximum image height (250px)

    selector : '.postbody .content img, .mod_news img, .message-text img', // where images should be resized

    options : {
            bar : true, // resized image options bar
        toggler : true, // Enlarge / Reduce Image
      full_size : true, // Mostrar tamanho grande
      download : false, // Baixar imagem link
      lightbox : true // lightbox effect

    // texts
    lang : {
      full_size : '<i class="fa fa-external-link"></i> Mostrar tamanho grande',
        enlarge : '<i class="fa fa-search-plus"></i> Aumentar imagem',
        reduce : '<i class="fa fa-search-minus"></i> Reduzir imagem',
      download : '<i class="fa fa-download"></i> Baixar imagem',
      tooltip : 'Clique para ver imagem completa'

    // resize all images inside the "resizeIn" elements
    resize : function() {
      for (var a = $(fa_img_resizer.selector), i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) {
        if (!a[i].alt && (a[i].naturalWidth > fa_img_resizer.max_width || a[i].naturalHeight > fa_img_resizer.max_height)) {
          a[i].className += ' fa_img_reduced';

          // make the image a "link" if it's not wrapper with one
          if (fa_img_resizer.options.lightbox && a[i].parentNode.tagName != 'A') {
            a[i].style.cursor = 'pointer';
            a[i].title = fa_img_resizer.lang.tooltip;

            a[i].onclick = function() {

          // create the resize bar
          if (fa_img_resizer.options.bar) {
            (a[i].parentNode.tagName == 'A' ? a[i].parentNode : a[i]).insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin',
              '<div class="fa_img_resizer" style="width:' + (a[i].width - 8) + 'px;">'+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.toggler ? '<a class="fa_img_enlarge" href="#" onclick="fa_img_resizer.toggle(this); return false;">' + fa_img_resizer.lang.enlarge + '</a>' : '')+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.full_size ? '<a class="fa_img_full" href="/viewimage.forum?u=' + a[i].src + '" target="_blank">' + fa_img_resizer.lang.full_size + '</a>' : '')+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.download && !/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) && 'download' in document.createElement('A') ? '<a class="fa_img_download" href="' + a[i].src + '" target="_blank" download>' + fa_img_resizer.lang.download + '</a>' : '' )+

    // toggle between enlarged and reduced image sizes
    toggle : function(that) {
      var img = that.parentNode.nextSibling;

      if (img.tagName == 'A') {
        img = img.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0];

      if (/fa_img_reduced/.test(img.className)) {
        that.innerHTML = fa_img_resizer.lang.reduce;
        that.className = 'fa_img_reduce';
        img.className = img.className.replace(/fa_img_reduced/, 'fa_img_enlarged');
      } else {
        that.innerHTML = fa_img_resizer.lang.enlarge;
        that.className = 'fa_img_enlarge';
        img.className = img.className.replace(/fa_img_enlarged/, 'fa_img_reduced');

      that.parentNode.style.width = img.width - 8 + 'px';

    // lightbox effect
    lightbox : function(that) {
      var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
          overlay = $('<div id="fa_img_lb_overlay" />')[0],
          img = $('<img id="fa_img_lb_image" src="' + that.src + '" />')[0];

      overlay.onclick = fa_img_resizer.kill_lightbox;
      img.onclick = fa_img_resizer.kill_lightbox;

      document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';

      img.style.marginTop = '-' + (img.height / 2) + 'px';
      img.style.marginLeft = '-' + (img.width / 2) + 'px';

    // kill the lightbox
    kill_lightbox : function() {
      var overlay = document.getElementById('fa_img_lb_overlay'),
          img = document.getElementById('fa_img_lb_image');

      overlay && document.body.removeChild(overlay);
      img && document.body.removeChild(img);
      document.body.style.overflow = '';

  // write styles into the document head
    '<style type="text/css">'+
      fa_img_resizer.selector + ', .fa_img_reduced { max-width:' + fa_img_resizer.max_width + 'px; max-height:' + fa_img_resizer.max_height + 'px; }'+
      '.fa_img_enlarged { max-width:100% !important; max-height:100% !important; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer { font-size:12px; text-align:left; padding:3px; margin:3px 0; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer a { display:inline-block; margin:0 3px; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer i { font-size:14px; vertical-align:middle; }'+
      '#fa_img_lb_overlay { background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); position:fixed; top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; z-index:999999; cursor:pointer; }'+
      '#fa_img_lb_image { max-height:100%; max-width:100%; position:fixed; left:50%; top:50%; z-index:9999999; cursor:pointer; }'+

  // begin modifying images when the page is loaded

  // kill forumactif's image resizer
  if (window.resize_images) {
    window.resize_images = function() {
      return false;

/* -- 07. fae_toggle_category -- */
function fae_toggle_category(that) {
  var next = that.nextSibling;
  that.className = 'title ';

  if (next.style.display == 'none') {
    next.style.display = '';
    that.className += 'c_hide';
    my_setcookie('fae_' + next.id, 'shown');
  } else {
    next.style.display = 'none';
    that.className += 'c_show';
    my_setcookie('fae_' + next.id, 'hidden');

/* -- 08. sticky_nav_notifications -- */
$(function() {
  if (_userdata.session_logged_in) {
    var nav = document.getElementById('fae_sticky_nav_panel'),
        a = $('<a class="mainmenu" href="/profile?mode=editprofile&page_profil=notifications">Notificações</a>')[0];

    if (nav) {
      $('a[href="/privmsg?folder=inbox"]', nav).after(a);

      $.get('/notification.forum', function(o) {
        if (o && o.unread) {
          a.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ' <span id="sticky_notif_unread">(' + o.unread + ')</span>');
      }, 'json');

/* -- 09. update_notifier -- */
$(function() {
  if (_userdata.user_id == 1 && !my_getcookie('fae_update_alerted')) {

    $.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SethClydesdale/forumactif-edge/master/javascripts/version-data.js', function(d) {
      var script = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
      script.type = 'text/javascript';
      script.text = d.replace(/forumactif_edge_version_data/, 'fae_github_version_data');

      if (forumactif_edge_version_data.length < fae_github_version_data.length) {
        alert('An update has been found for Forumactif Edge. When you\'re ready, please proceed to your FAE Control Panel and click "Check for updates" to begin the update process.');

      my_setcookie('fae_update_alerted', '1');


/* -- 10. topic_icon_formatter -- */
$(function() {
  var a = $('.forum-info[style*="background-image"]'),
      i = 0,
      j = a.length;

  if (j) {
    for (; i < j; i++) {
      a[i].insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<img class="topic-icon" src="' + a[i].style.backgroundImage.replace(/.*?url\((.*?)\).*/, '$1').replace(/'|"/g, '') + '" />');
      a[i].style.backgroundImage = '';

    $('head').append('<style type="text/css">.topic-icon{vertical-align:middle;margin:0 3px;}</style>');

/* -- 11. dark mode -- */
(function() {
  window.fae_lightSwitchMode = my_getcookie('fae_light-switch-mode') || 'dark';

  document.write('<style type="text/css">#fae_light-switch-container{margin:6px 0}#fae_light-switch-label{font-weight:700;vertical-align:middle}#fae_light-switch{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.25);vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block;position:relative;height:26px;width:56px;border-radius:20px;cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden}#fae_light-switch>input{display:none}#fae_light-switch>div{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,.5);position:absolute;top:3px;left:3px;height:20px;width:20px;border-radius:20px;transition:.4s;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;line-height:22px}#fae_light-switch>div:before{content:"ON";margin-left:-24px;color:transparent;transition:.4s}#fae_light-switch>div:after{content:"OFF";margin-left:30px;color:rgba(255,255,255,.5);transition:.4s}#fae_light-switch>input:checked+div{background-color:#FFF;left:33px}#fae_light-switch>input:checked+div:before{color:#FFF}#fae_light-switch>input:checked+div:after{color:transparent}</style>');

  var footer = '.footer-links.left',

      cookie = my_getcookie('fae_light-switch'),

      changeTheme = function (cookie) {
        var button = document.querySelector('#fae_light-switch input');

        if ((button && button.checked) || cookie == 'on') {
          my_setcookie('fae_light-switch', 'on', true);

          if (window.sessionStorage && window.sessionStorage.faeLightSwitch) {
            $('head').append('<style type="text/css" id="fae_light-switch-css">' + window.sessionStorage.faeLightSwitch + '</style>');
          } else {
            $.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SethClydesdale/forumactif-edge/master/css/dark-mode/' + fae_lightSwitchMode + '-mode.min.css', function (d) {
              $('head').append('<style type="text/css" id="fae_light-switch-css">' + d + '</style>');

              if (window.sessionStorage) {
                window.sessionStorage.faeLightSwitch = d;

        } else {
          var css = document.getElementById('fae_light-switch-css');

          my_setcookie('fae_light-switch', 'off', true);

          if (css) {

  cookie && changeTheme(cookie);

  $(function() {
    if (!my_getcookie('fae_light-switch-mode')) {
      rgb = window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).getPropertyValue('background-color').replace(/rgb\(|\)|\s/g, '').split(',');
      fae_lightSwitchMode = Math.round(((parseInt(rgb[0]) * 299) + (parseInt(rgb[1]) * 587) + (parseInt(rgb[2]) * 114)) /1000) > 125 ? 'dark' : 'light';

      my_setcookie('fae_light-switch-mode', fae_lightSwitchMode, true);

    footer = document.querySelector(footer);

    if (footer) {
      button = document.createElement('LABEL');
      button.id = 'fae_light-switch';
      button.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" ' + (cookie == 'on' ? 'checked="true"' : '') + '/><div></div>';
      button.firstChild.onchange = changeTheme;

      container = document.createElement('DIV');
      container.id = 'fae_light-switch-container';
      container.innerHTML = '<span id="fae_light-switch-label">' + (fae_lightSwitchMode == 'dark' ? 'Modo Escuro:' : 'Modo Claro:') + '</span>';


/* -- 12. copy code button -- */
$.getScript('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/clipboard.js/1.5.16/clipboard.min.js', function() {
  window.fae_copyCode = {
    copy : 'Copiar Código',
    copied : 'Copiado!'

  $(function() {
    var a = $('.codebox dt').not('.spoiler > dt, .hidecode > dt'),
        i = 0,
        j = a.length;

    if (a[0]) {
      $('head').append('<style type="text/css">.fae_copy-code{float:right;cursor:pointer}.fae_copy-code:before{content:"\\f0ea";font-size:13px;font-family:FontAwesome;text-align:center;color:#69C;background:#FFF;border-radius:100%;display:inline-block;width:19px;height:19px;line-height:19px;margin:-1px 3px 0 3px}.codebox .fae_copy-code:hover:before{color:#EB5}.codebox .fae_copy-code.fae_copied:before{content:"\\f00c";font-weight:700;color:#8B5}</style>');

      for (; i < j; i++) {
        a[i].insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<span class="fae_copy-code">' + fae_copyCode.copy + '</span>');

      new Clipboard('.fae_copy-code',{
        target : function (copy) {
          if (copy.innerHTML != fae_copyCode.copied) {
            return $(copy).closest('.codebox').find('code')[0];
      }).on('success', function (e) {
        var copy = e.trigger;

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Super Membro

Membro desde : 20/01/2017
Mensagens : 1309
Pontos : 1577

http://jogosrpg-com-br.forumais.com/forum https://twitter.com/Ketholy Suan

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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por tikky 21.12.18 11:35

Olá @Ketholy,
Mude o script em cima para:
** ======= FUNCTIONS ======= **
** 00. fa_initForumModules (REMOVIDO)
** 01. fa_navactif
** 02. fa_theme_changer
** 03. pseudoInputs
** 04. toolbar search mod
** 05. fae_sticky_nav_panel
** 06. image resizer
** 07. fae_toggle_category
** 08. sticky_nav_notifications
** 09. update_notifier
** 10. topic_icon_formatter
** 11. dark mode
** 12. copy code button
** 13. local frame styler

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FAE.board_lang =  'Português';

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// theme selector for the forum
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"Laser" : ["#DDDD77", "#cccc66", "#BBBB55", "#999933", "#555533"],
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"Celery" : ["#AADD44", "#99cc33", "#88BB22", "#669900", "#445522"],
"Chartreuse" : ["#99EE11", "#88dd00", "#77CC00", "#55AA00", "#335500"],
"Forumactif Green" : ["#99DD44", "#88cc33", "#77BB22", "#559900", "#335522"],
"Dollar Bill" : ["#99CC66", "#88bb55", "#77AA44", "#558822", "#334422"],
"Wild Willow" : ["#AADD77", "#99cc66", "#88BB55", "#669933", "#445533"],
"Asparagus" : ["#88BB66", "#77aa55", "#669944", "#447722", "#334422"],
"Atlantis" : ["#77DD44", "#66cc33", "#55BB22", "#339900", "#335522"],
"Forest Green" : ["#339933", "#228822", "#117711", "#005500", "#113311"],
"Christmas Green" : ["#117711", "#006600", "#005500", "#003300", "#003300"],
"Apple" : ["#44DD44", "#33cc33", "#22BB22", "#009900", "#225522"],
"Mantis" : ["#77DD77", "#66cc66", "#55BB55", "#339933", "#335533"],
"De York" : ["#AADDAA", "#99cc99", "#88BB88", "#669966", "#445544"],
"Envy" : ["#99BB99", "#88aa88", "#779977", "#557755", "#334433"],
"Spruce" : ["#77DD88", "#66cc77", "#55BB66", "#339944", "#335533"],
"Bottle Green" : ["#22BB44", "#11aa33", "#009922", "#007700", "#114422"],
"Aqua Forest" : ["#77BB88", "#66aa77", "#559966", "#337744", "#334433"],
"Mountain Meadow" : ["#44DD77", "#33cc66", "#22BB55", "#009933", "#225533"],
"Meadow" : ["#33BB66", "#22aa55", "#119944", "#007722", "#114422"],
"Sea Green" : ["#449966", "#338855", "#227744", "#005522", "#223322"],
"Amazon" : ["#448866", "#337755", "#226644", "#004422", "#223322"],
"Emerald" : ["#77DDAA", "#66cc99", "#55BB88", "#339966", "#335544"],
"Shamrock" : ["#44DDAA", "#33cc99", "#22BB88", "#009966", "#225544"],
"Blue Lagoon" : ["#55CCBB", "#44bbaa", "#33AA99", "#118877", "#224444"],
"Turquoise" : ["#44DDDD", "#33cccc", "#22BBBB", "#009999", "#225555"],
"Downy" : ["#77DDDD", "#66cccc", "#55BBBB", "#339999", "#335555"],
"Sinbad" : ["#AADDDD", "#99cccc", "#88BBBB", "#669999", "#445555"],
"Teal" : ["#119999", "#008888", "#007777", "#005555", "#003333"],
"Blue Chill" : ["#2299AA", "#118899", "#007788", "#005566", "#113344"],
"Cerulean" : ["#11BBEE", "#00aadd", "#0099CC", "#0077AA", "#004455"],
"Deep Cerulean" : ["#1188BB", "#0077aa", "#006699", "#004477", "#003344"],
"Curious Blue" : ["#44AADD", "#3399cc", "#2288BB", "#006699", "#224455"],
"Slate Gray" : ["#8899AA", "#778899", "#667788", "#445566", "#333344"],
"Danube" : ["#77AADD", "#6699cc", "#5588BB", "#336699", "#334455"],
"Azure Radiance" : ["#1188FF", "#0077ff", "#0066EE", "#0044CC", "#003366"],
"Mariner" : ["#4477DD", "#3366cc", "#2255BB", "#003399", "#223355"],
"Azure" : ["#4466BB", "#3355aa", "#224499", "#002277", "#222244"],
"Governor Bay" : ["#4444DD", "#3333cc", "#2222BB", "#000099", "#222255"],
"Blue Marguerite" : ["#7777DD", "#6666cc", "#5555BB", "#333399", "#333355"],
"Blue Bell" : ["#AAAADD", "#9999cc", "#8888BB", "#666699", "#444455"],
"Comet" : ["#666688", "#555577", "#444466", "#222244", "#222233"],
"Purple Heart" : ["#7744DD", "#6633cc", "#5522BB", "#330099", "#332255"],
"Amethyst" : ["#AA77DD", "#9966cc", "#8855BB", "#663399", "#443355"],
"Amethyst Smoke" : ["#BBAACC", "#aa99bb", "#9988AA", "#776688", "#444444"],
"Mauve" : ["#EEBBFF", "#ddaaff", "#CC99EE", "#AA77CC", "#554466"],
"Affair" : ["#8855AA", "#774499", "#663388", "#441166", "#332244"],
"Purple" : ["#AA44DD", "#9933cc", "#8822BB", "#660099", "#442255"],
"Lavendar" : ["#CC88EE", "#bb77dd", "#AA66CC", "#8844AA", "#443355"],
"Cerise" : ["#DD44DD", "#cc33cc", "#BB22BB", "#990099", "#552255"],
"Fuchsia Pink" : ["#DD77DD", "#cc66cc", "#BB55BB", "#993399", "#553355"],
"Lilac" : ["#DDAADD", "#cc99cc", "#BB88BB", "#996699", "#554455"],
"Red Violet" : ["#DD44AA", "#cc3399", "#BB2288", "#990066", "#552244"],
"Disco" : ["#992266", "#881155", "#770044", "#550022", "#331122"],
"Carnation Pink" : ["#FFAADD", "#ff99cc", "#EE88BB", "#CC6699", "#664455"],
"Hopbush" : ["#DD77AA", "#cc6699", "#BB5588", "#993366", "#553344"],
"French Rose" : ["#FF5599", "#ee4488", "#DD3377", "#BB1155", "#552233"],
"Hibiscus" : ["#DD4477", "#cc3366", "#BB2255", "#990033", "#552233"],
"Claret" : ["#882244", "#771133", "#660022", "#440000", "#331122"],
"Bordeaux" : ["#771133", "#660022", "#550011", "#330000", "#330011"],
"Tickle Me Pink" : ["#FF99BB", "#ff88aa", "#EE7799", "#CC5577", "#663344"],
"Burgundy" : ["#991133", "#880022", "#770011", "#550000", "#330011"],
"Blush" : ["#EE6688", "#dd5577", "#CC4466", "#AA2244", "#552233"],
"Wild Watermelon" : ["#FF6688", "#ff5577", "#EE4466", "#CC2244", "#662233"],
"Amaranth" : ["#FF4466", "#ee3355", "#DD2244", "#BB0022", "#552222"],
"Mauvelous" : ["#FFAABB", "#ff99aa", "#EE8899", "#CC6677", "#664444"],
"Alizarin Crimson" : ["#FF3344", "#ee2233", "#DD1122", "#BB0000", "#551122"]


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                selected = fae_theme_list.querySelector('[data-index="' + fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex + '"]');

            fae_theme_list.className = '';
            fae_theme_list.style.left = offset.left + 'px';
            fae_theme_list.style.marginTop = offset.height + 1 + 'px';

            fae_theme_list.scrollTop = (selected.offsetTop - fae_theme_list.getBoundingClientRect().height) + (selected.getBoundingClientRect().height + 2);

          } else {
            fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

        } else if (!fae_theme_list.className) {
          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

      // change the theme when the up or down arrows are pressed
      fae_theme_picker.onkeydown = function (e) {
        var index = +fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex;
            next = fae_theme_list.querySelector('[data-index="' + (e.keyCode == 38 ? index - 1 : e.keyCode == 40 ? index + 1 : index) + '"]');

        if (next && next.className != 'pseudo-hover') {

        return false;

      // hover the selected option / last hovered option
      window.fae_hover_theme = function (that) {
        var hovered = document.querySelector('.pseudo-hover');

        if (hovered) {
          hovered.className = '';

        that.className = 'pseudo-hover';

      // change the theme picker style when the custom theme is changed
      document.getElementById('fae_custom-theme').addEventListener('change', function () {
        fae_theme_picker.style.backgroundColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.backgroundColor;
        fae_theme_picker.style.borderColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.borderColor;

      // create the theme list
      window.fae_theme_list = document.createElement('DIV');
      fae_theme_list.id = 'fae_theme_list';
      fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';
      fae_theme_list.style.width = fa_theme_color.selector.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px';

      // prevent unwanted window scrolling when the theme list has been scrolled all the way from the top or bottom
      fae_theme_list.onwheel = function (e) {
        if ((fae_theme_list.scrollTop == (fae_theme_list.scrollHeight - fae_theme_list.clientHeight) && e.deltaY > 0) || fae_theme_list.scrollTop == 0 && e.deltaY < 0) {
          return false;

      // hide the theme list on scroll
      window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
        if (!fae_theme_list.className) {
          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

      // get the original theme options and create new options for the updated UI
      for (var opts = fa_theme_color.selector.options, i = 0, j = opts.length, option; i < j; i++) {
        option = document.createElement('A');
        option.href = '#';
        option.dataset.index = i;
        option.innerHTML = opts[i].innerHTML;
        option.style.color = opts[i].style.color || '#FFF';
        option.style.backgroundColor = opts[i].style.backgroundColor;

        // apply the selected theme to both the new UI and hidden select element
        option.onclick = function () {
          var color = fa_theme_color.selector.options[this.dataset.index];

          color.selected = true;
          fae_theme_picker.innerHTML = fa_theme_color.selector.value;
          fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex = this.dataset.index;


          fae_theme_picker.style.backgroundColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.backgroundColor;
          fae_theme_picker.style.borderColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.borderColor;

          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

          return false;

        // update selected option on hover
        option.onmouseover = function () {


      // add the theme picker, list, and style to the document

        '<style type="text/css">'+
          '#footer_end #fae_theme_list,#page-footer #fae_theme_list{margin-top:-335px!important}'+
          'a#fae_theme_picker{color:#FFF;font-size:13px;font-family:Arial;background:#999;border:1px solid #888;position:relative;display:inline-block;padding:6px;margin:1px;float:left;text-decoration:none;outline:none;}'+
          '#fae_theme_list{background:#FFF;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.175);position:absolute;max-height:335px;overflow:auto;overflow-x:hidden;z-index:10;white-space:nowrap;visibility:visible}'+
          '#fae_theme_list a{font-family:Arial;display:block;padding:6px;text-decoration:none}'+
          '#fae_theme_list a.pseudo-hover{color:#FFF!important;background:#28F!important}'+
          '@media (max-width: 768px) and (min-width: 0px) {body #fae_theme_picker{float:right;width:240px !important;margin:0 0 6px}body #fae_theme_list{width:252px !important}}'+

      fa_theme_color.selector.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, fa_theme_color.selector);
      fa_theme_color.selector.style.display = 'none'; // hide to original theme selector element


function fae_editColor (str, op) {
  var letter = { 'F' : 15, 'E' : 14, 'D' : 13, 'C' : 12, 'B' : 11, 'A' : 10 },
      hex = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'],
      neg = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6];

  str = str.toUpperCase().split('');

  for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
    if (letter[str[i]]) {
      str[i] = letter[str[i]];
    } else {
      str[i] = +str[i];

    if (op == 'darken') {
      str[i] = neg[str[i]];
    } else {
      str[i] += op;

    if (str[i] > 15) {
      str[i] = 15;
    } else if (str[i] < 0) {
      str[i] = 0;

    str[i] = hex[str[i]];

  return str.join('');

/* -- 03. pseudoInputs -- */
// function to hide all checkboxes / radios and replace them with pseudo inputs
$(function() {
  for (var input = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), i = 0, j = input.length, type; i < j; i++) {
    type = input[i].type;
    if (/radio|checkbox/i.test(type)) {
      input[i].className += ' fa_input_hidden';
      input[i].insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<span class="fa_pseudo_' + type + '" onclick="this.previousSibling.click(); return false;"/>');

/* -- 04. toolbar search mod -- */
// gives the search bar a placeholder and attaches an event handler to the button
window.fa_textarea_placeholer = 'Buscar...';

  $(function() {
    var fa_magnifier = document.getElementById('fa_magnifier'),
        fa_textarea = document.getElementById('fa_textarea');

    if (fa_magnifier) {
      fa_magnifier.onclick = function() {

    if (fa_textarea) {
      fa_textarea.value = fa_textarea_placeholer;

      fa_textarea.onfocus = function() {
        if (this.value == fa_textarea_placeholer) {
          this.value = '';

      fa_textarea.onblur = function() {
        if (!this.value) {
          this.value = fa_textarea_placeholer;



/* -- 05. fae_sticky_nav_panel -- */
// adds a sticky navigation for quick use when the navbar isn't visible
$(function() {
  window.fae_sticky = {
            // various user options
            navbar : 'navbar',
          position : 'right',
             title : 'Navegação Rápida',
           tooltip : 'Alternar Navegação Rápida',
    additionalHTML : '<div class="nav-actions"><a href="javascript:fae_sticky.copyURL();" title="Copiar BBCode URL"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>' + ( _userdata.user_level == 1 ? '<a href="/admin" title="Painel Admin"><i class="fa fa-wrench"></i></a>' : '' ) + '<a href="#top" title="Início da Página"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a><a href="#bottom" title="Fim da Página"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></a></div>',
     alwaysVisible : false,

    // copy page URL as bbcode
    copyURL : function() {
      window.prompt('Copiar o BBCode URL abaixo. (CTRL+C)', '[url=' + window.location + ']' + document.title + '[/url]');

    // listen for changes in the navbar's bottom rect
    scroll : function() {
      var rect = fae_sticky.navbar.getBoundingClientRect(),
          position = fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position];

      if (rect.bottom <= fae_sticky.offset[fae_sticky.tb_state] && position == '-30px') {
        fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '';
      } else if (rect.bottom > fae_sticky.offset[fae_sticky.tb_state] && position != '-30px') {
        fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '-30px';

    // offsets for when the toolbar is hidden / shown
    offset : {
      fa_hide : 0,
      fa_show : 30

  // nodes used in the module
  fae_sticky.node = [
    // button
    $('<a class="widget_menu column_button_' + fae_sticky.position + ' color-secondary" />').attr({
       href : '#',
         id : 'fa_sticky_nav_button',
      style : fae_sticky.position + ':-30px;',
      title : fae_sticky.tooltip

    }).click(function() {
      $(fae_sticky.node)[/active/.test(this.className) ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('active');
      return false;

    // panel
    $('<div id="fae_sticky_nav_panel" class="module_column column_' + fae_sticky.position + ' color-secondary" />')
    .html('<div class="title module_column_title">' + fae_sticky.title + '</div><div class="module_inner"></div>')[0]

  fae_sticky.navbar = document.getElementById(fae_sticky.navbar); // get the old navbar

  // then clone its contents and add it to the sticky panel
  $('.module_inner', fae_sticky.node[1]).append($('a.mainmenu', fae_sticky.navbar).clone()).append(fae_sticky.additionalHTML);

  if (!fae_sticky.alwaysVisible) {
    fae_sticky.tb_state = my_getcookie('toolbar_state') || (_userdata.activate_toolbar ? 'fa_show' : 'fa_hide');


    $(function() {
      $('#fa_hide, #fa_show').click(function() {
        fae_sticky.tb_state = this.id;
  } else {
    fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '';

/* -- 06. image resizer -- */
(function() {
  window.fa_img_resizer = {
    max_width : 400, // maximum image width (400px)
    max_height : 250, // maximum image height (250px)

    selector : '.postbody .content img, .mod_news img, .message-text img', // where images should be resized

    options : {
            bar : true, // resized image options bar
        toggler : true, // Enlarge / Reduce Image
      full_size : true, // Mostrar tamanho grande
       download : false, // Baixar imagem link
       lightbox : true // lightbox effect

    // texts
    lang : {
      full_size : '<i class="fa fa-external-link"></i> Mostrar tamanho grande',
        enlarge : '<i class="fa fa-search-plus"></i> Aumentar imagem',
         reduce : '<i class="fa fa-search-minus"></i> Reduzir imagem',
       download : '<i class="fa fa-download"></i> Baixar imagem',
       tooltip : 'Clique para ver imagem completa'

    // resize all images inside the "resizeIn" elements
    resize : function() {
      for (var a = $(fa_img_resizer.selector), i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) {
        if (!a[i].alt && (a[i].naturalWidth > fa_img_resizer.max_width || a[i].naturalHeight > fa_img_resizer.max_height)) {
          a[i].className += ' fa_img_reduced';

          // make the image a "link" if it's not wrapper with one
          if (fa_img_resizer.options.lightbox && a[i].parentNode.tagName != 'A') {
            a[i].style.cursor = 'pointer';
            a[i].title = fa_img_resizer.lang.tooltip;

            a[i].onclick = function() {

          // create the resize bar
          if (fa_img_resizer.options.bar) {
            (a[i].parentNode.tagName == 'A' ? a[i].parentNode : a[i]).insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin',
              '<div class="fa_img_resizer" style="width:' + (a[i].width -  + 'px;">'+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.toggler ? '<a class="fa_img_enlarge" href="#" onclick="fa_img_resizer.toggle(this); return false;">' + fa_img_resizer.lang.enlarge + '</a>' : '')+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.full_size ? '<a class="fa_img_full" href="/viewimage.forum?u=' + a[i].src + '" target="_blank">' + fa_img_resizer.lang.full_size + '</a>' : '')+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.download && !/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) && 'download' in document.createElement('A') ? '<a class="fa_img_download" href="' + a[i].src + '" target="_blank" download>' + fa_img_resizer.lang.download + '</a>' : '' )+

    // toggle between enlarged and reduced image sizes
    toggle : function(that) {
      var img = that.parentNode.nextSibling;

      if (img.tagName == 'A') {
        img = img.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0];

      if (/fa_img_reduced/.test(img.className)) {
        that.innerHTML = fa_img_resizer.lang.reduce;
        that.className = 'fa_img_reduce';
        img.className = img.className.replace(/fa_img_reduced/, 'fa_img_enlarged');
      } else {
        that.innerHTML = fa_img_resizer.lang.enlarge;
        that.className = 'fa_img_enlarge';
        img.className = img.className.replace(/fa_img_enlarged/, 'fa_img_reduced');

      that.parentNode.style.width = img.width - 8 + 'px';

    // lightbox effect
    lightbox : function(that) {
      var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
          overlay = $('<div id="fa_img_lb_overlay" />')[0],
          img = $('<img id="fa_img_lb_image" src="' + that.src + '" />')[0];

      overlay.onclick = fa_img_resizer.kill_lightbox;
      img.onclick = fa_img_resizer.kill_lightbox;

      document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';

      img.style.marginTop = '-' + (img.height / 2) + 'px';
      img.style.marginLeft = '-' + (img.width / 2) + 'px';

    // kill the lightbox
    kill_lightbox : function() {
      var overlay = document.getElementById('fa_img_lb_overlay'),
          img = document.getElementById('fa_img_lb_image');

      overlay && document.body.removeChild(overlay);
      img && document.body.removeChild(img);
      document.body.style.overflow = '';

  // write styles into the document head
    '<style type="text/css">'+
      fa_img_resizer.selector + ', .fa_img_reduced { max-width:' + fa_img_resizer.max_width + 'px; max-height:' + fa_img_resizer.max_height + 'px; }'+
      '.fa_img_enlarged { max-width:100% !important; max-height:100% !important; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer { font-size:12px; text-align:left; padding:3px; margin:3px 0; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer a { display:inline-block; margin:0 3px; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer i { font-size:14px; vertical-align:middle; }'+
      '#fa_img_lb_overlay { background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); position:fixed; top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; z-index:999999; cursor:pointer; }'+
      '#fa_img_lb_image { max-height:100%; max-width:100%; position:fixed; left:50%; top:50%; z-index:9999999; cursor:pointer; }'+

  // begin modifying images when the page is loaded

  // kill forumactif's image resizer
  if (window.resize_images) {
    window.resize_images = function() {
      return false;

/* -- 07. fae_toggle_category -- */
function fae_toggle_category(that) {
  var next = that.nextSibling;
  that.className = 'title ';

  if (next.style.display == 'none') {
    next.style.display = '';
    that.className += 'c_hide';
    my_setcookie('fae_' + next.id, 'shown');
  } else {
    next.style.display = 'none';
    that.className += 'c_show';
    my_setcookie('fae_' + next.id, 'hidden');

/* -- 08. sticky_nav_notifications -- */
$(function() {
  if (_userdata.session_logged_in) {
    var nav = document.getElementById('fae_sticky_nav_panel'),
        a = $('<a class="mainmenu" href="/profile?mode=editprofile&page_profil=notifications">Notificações</a>')[0];

    if (nav) {
      $('a[href="/privmsg?folder=inbox"]', nav).after(a);

      $.get('/notification.forum', function(o) {
        if (o && o.unread) {
          a.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ' <span id="sticky_notif_unread">(' + o.unread + ')</span>');
      }, 'json');

/* -- 09. update_notifier -- */
$(function() {
  if (_userdata.user_id == 1 && !my_getcookie('fae_update_alerted')) {

    $.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SethClydesdale/forumactif-edge/master/javascripts/version-data.js', function(d) {
      var script = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
      script.type = 'text/javascript';
      script.text = d.replace(/forumactif_edge_version_data/, 'fae_github_version_data');

      if (forumactif_edge_version_data.length < fae_github_version_data.length) {
        alert('An update has been found for Forumactif Edge. When you\'re ready, please proceed to your FAE Control Panel and click "Check for updates" to begin the update process.');

      my_setcookie('fae_update_alerted', '1');


/* -- 10. topic_icon_formatter -- */
$(function() {
  var a = $('.forum-info[style*="background-image"]'),
      i = 0,
      j = a.length;

  if (j) {
    for (; i < j; i++) {
      a[i].insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<img class="topic-icon" src="' + a[i].style.backgroundImage.replace(/.*?url\((.*?)\).*/, '$1').replace(/'|"/g, '') + '" />');
      a[i].style.backgroundImage = '';

    $('head').append('<style type="text/css">.topic-icon{vertical-align:middle;margin:0 3px;}</style>');

/* -- 11. dark mode -- */
(function() {
  window.fae_lightSwitchMode = my_getcookie('fae_light-switch-mode') || 'dark';

  document.write('<style type="text/css">#fae_light-switch-container{margin:6px 0}#fae_light-switch-label{font-weight:700;vertical-align:middle}#fae_light-switch{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.25);vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block;position:relative;height:26px;width:56px;border-radius:20px;cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden}#fae_light-switch>input{display:none}#fae_light-switch>div{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,.5);position:absolute;top:3px;left:3px;height:20px;width:20px;border-radius:20px;transition:.4s;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;line-height:22px}#fae_light-switch>div:before{content:"ON";margin-left:-24px;color:transparent;transition:.4s}#fae_light-switch>div:after{content:"OFF";margin-left:30px;color:rgba(255,255,255,.5);transition:.4s}#fae_light-switch>input:checked+div{background-color:#FFF;left:33px}#fae_light-switch>input:checked+div:before{color:#FFF}#fae_light-switch>input:checked+div:after{color:transparent}</style>');

  var footer = '.footer-links.left',

      cookie = my_getcookie('fae_light-switch'),

      changeTheme = function (cookie) {
        var button = document.querySelector('#fae_light-switch input');

        if ((button && button.checked) || cookie == 'on') {
          my_setcookie('fae_light-switch', 'on', true);

          if (window.sessionStorage && window.sessionStorage.faeLightSwitch) {
            $('head').append('<style type="text/css" id="fae_light-switch-css">' + window.sessionStorage.faeLightSwitch + '</style>');
          } else {
            $.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SethClydesdale/forumactif-edge/master/css/dark-mode/' + fae_lightSwitchMode + '-mode.min.css', function (d) {
              $('head').append('<style type="text/css" id="fae_light-switch-css">' + d + '</style>');

              if (window.sessionStorage) {
                window.sessionStorage.faeLightSwitch = d;

        } else {
          var css = document.getElementById('fae_light-switch-css');

          my_setcookie('fae_light-switch', 'off', true);

          if (css) {

  cookie && changeTheme(cookie);

  $(function() {
    if (!my_getcookie('fae_light-switch-mode')) {
      rgb = window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).getPropertyValue('background-color').replace(/rgb\(|\)|\s/g, '').split(',');
      fae_lightSwitchMode = Math.round(((parseInt(rgb[0]) * 299) + (parseInt(rgb[1]) * 587) + (parseInt(rgb[2]) * 114)) /1000) > 125 ? 'dark' : 'light';

      my_setcookie('fae_light-switch-mode', fae_lightSwitchMode, true);

    footer = document.querySelector(footer);

    if (footer) {
      button = document.createElement('LABEL');
      button.id = 'fae_light-switch';
      button.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" ' + (cookie == 'on' ? 'checked="true"' : '') + '/><div></div>';
      button.firstChild.onchange = changeTheme;

      container = document.createElement('DIV');
      container.id = 'fae_light-switch-container';
      container.innerHTML = '<span id="fae_light-switch-label">' + (fae_lightSwitchMode == 'dark' ? 'Modo Escuro:' : 'Modo Claro:') + '</span>';


/* -- 12. copy code button -- */
$.getScript('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/clipboard.js/1.5.16/clipboard.min.js', function() {
  window.fae_copyCode = {
    copy : 'Copiar Código',
    copied : 'Copiado!'

  $(function() {
    var a = $('.codebox dt').not('.spoiler > dt, .hidecode > dt'),
        i = 0,
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Membro desde : 13/01/2017
Mensagens : 7946
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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Ketholy 21.12.18 11:47

Pedxz escreveu:Olá @Ketholy,
Mude o script em cima para:
** ======= FUNCTIONS ======= **
** 00. fa_initForumModules (REMOVIDO)
** 01. fa_navactif
** 02. fa_theme_changer
** 03. pseudoInputs
** 04. toolbar search mod
** 05. fae_sticky_nav_panel
** 06. image resizer
** 07. fae_toggle_category
** 08. sticky_nav_notifications
** 09. update_notifier
** 10. topic_icon_formatter
** 11. dark mode
** 12. copy code button
** 13. local frame styler

if (!window.FAE) {
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FAE.board_lang =  'Português';

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// finds the currently active navigation item and adds a classname to it.
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// theme selector for the forum
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"Hot Cinnamon" : ["#EE7733", "#dd6622", "#CC5511", "#AA3300", "#553311"],
"Blaze Orange" : ["#FF7711", "#ff6600", "#EE5500", "#CC3300", "#663300"],
"Pumpkin" : ["#FF8822", "#ff7711", "#EE6600", "#CC4400", "#663311"],
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"Earthtone" : ["#775533", "#664422", "#553311", "#331100", "#332211"],
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"Coffee" : ["#887766", "#776655", "#665544", "#443322", "#333322"],
"Cinnamon" : ["#995511", "#884400", "#773300", "#551100", "#332200"],
"Brown" : ["#AA6611", "#995500", "#884400", "#662200", "#442200"],
"Sandy Tan" : ["#EECC99", "#ddbb88", "#CCAA77", "#AA8855", "#554433"],
"Hokey Pokey" : ["#DDAA44", "#cc9933", "#BB8822", "#996600", "#554422"],
"Sienna" : ["#776644", "#665533", "#554422", "#332200", "#332222"],
"Shadow" : ["#998866", "#887755", "#776644", "#554422", "#333322"],
"Buttercup" : ["#FFBB22", "#eeaa11", "#DD9900", "#BB7700", "#554411"],
"Tulip Tree" : ["#FFCC44", "#eebb33", "#DDAA22", "#BB8800", "#554422"],
"Golden Grass" : ["#EEBB33", "#ddaa22", "#CC9911", "#AA7700", "#554411"],
"Pizza" : ["#DDAA22", "#cc9911", "#BB8800", "#996600", "#554411"],
"Reef Gold" : ["#BB9933", "#aa8822", "#997711", "#775500", "#443311"],
"Olive" : ["#999911", "#888800", "#777700", "#555500", "#333300"],
"Camouflage" : ["#555522", "#444411", "#333300", "#111100", "#222211"],
"Avocado" : ["#999977", "#888866", "#777755", "#555533", "#333333"],
"Earls Green" : ["#DDDD44", "#cccc33", "#BBBB22", "#999900", "#555522"],
"Laser" : ["#DDDD77", "#cccc66", "#BBBB55", "#999933", "#555533"],
"Pine Glade" : ["#DDDDAA", "#cccc99", "#BBBB88", "#999966", "#555544"],
"Pea Green" : ["#88AA33", "#779922", "#668811", "#446600", "#334411"],
"Celery" : ["#AADD44", "#99cc33", "#88BB22", "#669900", "#445522"],
"Chartreuse" : ["#99EE11", "#88dd00", "#77CC00", "#55AA00", "#335500"],
"Forumactif Green" : ["#99DD44", "#88cc33", "#77BB22", "#559900", "#335522"],
"Dollar Bill" : ["#99CC66", "#88bb55", "#77AA44", "#558822", "#334422"],
"Wild Willow" : ["#AADD77", "#99cc66", "#88BB55", "#669933", "#445533"],
"Asparagus" : ["#88BB66", "#77aa55", "#669944", "#447722", "#334422"],
"Atlantis" : ["#77DD44", "#66cc33", "#55BB22", "#339900", "#335522"],
"Forest Green" : ["#339933", "#228822", "#117711", "#005500", "#113311"],
"Christmas Green" : ["#117711", "#006600", "#005500", "#003300", "#003300"],
"Apple" : ["#44DD44", "#33cc33", "#22BB22", "#009900", "#225522"],
"Mantis" : ["#77DD77", "#66cc66", "#55BB55", "#339933", "#335533"],
"De York" : ["#AADDAA", "#99cc99", "#88BB88", "#669966", "#445544"],
"Envy" : ["#99BB99", "#88aa88", "#779977", "#557755", "#334433"],
"Spruce" : ["#77DD88", "#66cc77", "#55BB66", "#339944", "#335533"],
"Bottle Green" : ["#22BB44", "#11aa33", "#009922", "#007700", "#114422"],
"Aqua Forest" : ["#77BB88", "#66aa77", "#559966", "#337744", "#334433"],
"Mountain Meadow" : ["#44DD77", "#33cc66", "#22BB55", "#009933", "#225533"],
"Meadow" : ["#33BB66", "#22aa55", "#119944", "#007722", "#114422"],
"Sea Green" : ["#449966", "#338855", "#227744", "#005522", "#223322"],
"Amazon" : ["#448866", "#337755", "#226644", "#004422", "#223322"],
"Emerald" : ["#77DDAA", "#66cc99", "#55BB88", "#339966", "#335544"],
"Shamrock" : ["#44DDAA", "#33cc99", "#22BB88", "#009966", "#225544"],
"Blue Lagoon" : ["#55CCBB", "#44bbaa", "#33AA99", "#118877", "#224444"],
"Turquoise" : ["#44DDDD", "#33cccc", "#22BBBB", "#009999", "#225555"],
"Downy" : ["#77DDDD", "#66cccc", "#55BBBB", "#339999", "#335555"],
"Sinbad" : ["#AADDDD", "#99cccc", "#88BBBB", "#669999", "#445555"],
"Teal" : ["#119999", "#008888", "#007777", "#005555", "#003333"],
"Blue Chill" : ["#2299AA", "#118899", "#007788", "#005566", "#113344"],
"Cerulean" : ["#11BBEE", "#00aadd", "#0099CC", "#0077AA", "#004455"],
"Deep Cerulean" : ["#1188BB", "#0077aa", "#006699", "#004477", "#003344"],
"Curious Blue" : ["#44AADD", "#3399cc", "#2288BB", "#006699", "#224455"],
"Slate Gray" : ["#8899AA", "#778899", "#667788", "#445566", "#333344"],
"Danube" : ["#77AADD", "#6699cc", "#5588BB", "#336699", "#334455"],
"Azure Radiance" : ["#1188FF", "#0077ff", "#0066EE", "#0044CC", "#003366"],
"Mariner" : ["#4477DD", "#3366cc", "#2255BB", "#003399", "#223355"],
"Azure" : ["#4466BB", "#3355aa", "#224499", "#002277", "#222244"],
"Governor Bay" : ["#4444DD", "#3333cc", "#2222BB", "#000099", "#222255"],
"Blue Marguerite" : ["#7777DD", "#6666cc", "#5555BB", "#333399", "#333355"],
"Blue Bell" : ["#AAAADD", "#9999cc", "#8888BB", "#666699", "#444455"],
"Comet" : ["#666688", "#555577", "#444466", "#222244", "#222233"],
"Purple Heart" : ["#7744DD", "#6633cc", "#5522BB", "#330099", "#332255"],
"Amethyst" : ["#AA77DD", "#9966cc", "#8855BB", "#663399", "#443355"],
"Amethyst Smoke" : ["#BBAACC", "#aa99bb", "#9988AA", "#776688", "#444444"],
"Mauve" : ["#EEBBFF", "#ddaaff", "#CC99EE", "#AA77CC", "#554466"],
"Affair" : ["#8855AA", "#774499", "#663388", "#441166", "#332244"],
"Purple" : ["#AA44DD", "#9933cc", "#8822BB", "#660099", "#442255"],
"Lavendar" : ["#CC88EE", "#bb77dd", "#AA66CC", "#8844AA", "#443355"],
"Cerise" : ["#DD44DD", "#cc33cc", "#BB22BB", "#990099", "#552255"],
"Fuchsia Pink" : ["#DD77DD", "#cc66cc", "#BB55BB", "#993399", "#553355"],
"Lilac" : ["#DDAADD", "#cc99cc", "#BB88BB", "#996699", "#554455"],
"Red Violet" : ["#DD44AA", "#cc3399", "#BB2288", "#990066", "#552244"],
"Disco" : ["#992266", "#881155", "#770044", "#550022", "#331122"],
"Carnation Pink" : ["#FFAADD", "#ff99cc", "#EE88BB", "#CC6699", "#664455"],
"Hopbush" : ["#DD77AA", "#cc6699", "#BB5588", "#993366", "#553344"],
"French Rose" : ["#FF5599", "#ee4488", "#DD3377", "#BB1155", "#552233"],
"Hibiscus" : ["#DD4477", "#cc3366", "#BB2255", "#990033", "#552233"],
"Claret" : ["#882244", "#771133", "#660022", "#440000", "#331122"],
"Bordeaux" : ["#771133", "#660022", "#550011", "#330000", "#330011"],
"Tickle Me Pink" : ["#FF99BB", "#ff88aa", "#EE7799", "#CC5577", "#663344"],
"Burgundy" : ["#991133", "#880022", "#770011", "#550000", "#330011"],
"Blush" : ["#EE6688", "#dd5577", "#CC4466", "#AA2244", "#552233"],
"Wild Watermelon" : ["#FF6688", "#ff5577", "#EE4466", "#CC2244", "#662233"],
"Amaranth" : ["#FF4466", "#ee3355", "#DD2244", "#BB0022", "#552222"],
"Mauvelous" : ["#FFAABB", "#ff99aa", "#EE8899", "#CC6677", "#664444"],
"Alizarin Crimson" : ["#FF3344", "#ee2233", "#DD1122", "#BB0000", "#551122"]


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      fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex = fa_theme_color.selector.selectedIndex;
      fae_theme_picker.innerHTML = fa_theme_color.selector.options[fa_theme_color.selector.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
      fae_theme_picker.style.width = fa_theme_color.selector.getBoundingClientRect().width - 12 + 'px';
      fae_theme_picker.style.backgroundColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.backgroundColor;
      fae_theme_picker.style.borderColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.borderColor;
      fae_theme_picker.id = 'fae_theme_picker';
      fae_theme_picker.onclick = function () {
        return false;

      // show / hide the theme picker on click
      document.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
        var that = e.target;

        if (that.id == 'fae_theme_picker') {

          if (fae_theme_list.className == 'theme_list_hidden') {
            var offset = that.getBoundingClientRect(),
                selected = fae_theme_list.querySelector('[data-index="' + fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex + '"]');

            fae_theme_list.className = '';
            fae_theme_list.style.left = offset.left + 'px';
            fae_theme_list.style.marginTop = offset.height + 1 + 'px';

            fae_theme_list.scrollTop = (selected.offsetTop - fae_theme_list.getBoundingClientRect().height) + (selected.getBoundingClientRect().height + 2);

          } else {
            fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

        } else if (!fae_theme_list.className) {
          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

      // change the theme when the up or down arrows are pressed
      fae_theme_picker.onkeydown = function (e) {
        var index = +fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex;
            next = fae_theme_list.querySelector('[data-index="' + (e.keyCode == 38 ? index - 1 : e.keyCode == 40 ? index + 1 : index) + '"]');

        if (next && next.className != 'pseudo-hover') {

        return false;

      // hover the selected option / last hovered option
      window.fae_hover_theme = function (that) {
        var hovered = document.querySelector('.pseudo-hover');

        if (hovered) {
          hovered.className = '';

        that.className = 'pseudo-hover';

      // change the theme picker style when the custom theme is changed
      document.getElementById('fae_custom-theme').addEventListener('change', function () {
        fae_theme_picker.style.backgroundColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.backgroundColor;
        fae_theme_picker.style.borderColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.borderColor;

      // create the theme list
      window.fae_theme_list = document.createElement('DIV');
      fae_theme_list.id = 'fae_theme_list';
      fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';
      fae_theme_list.style.width = fa_theme_color.selector.getBoundingClientRect().width + 'px';

      // prevent unwanted window scrolling when the theme list has been scrolled all the way from the top or bottom
      fae_theme_list.onwheel = function (e) {
        if ((fae_theme_list.scrollTop == (fae_theme_list.scrollHeight - fae_theme_list.clientHeight) && e.deltaY > 0) || fae_theme_list.scrollTop == 0 && e.deltaY < 0) {
          return false;

      // hide the theme list on scroll
      window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
        if (!fae_theme_list.className) {
          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

      // get the original theme options and create new options for the updated UI
      for (var opts = fa_theme_color.selector.options, i = 0, j = opts.length, option; i < j; i++) {
        option = document.createElement('A');
        option.href = '#';
        option.dataset.index = i;
        option.innerHTML = opts[i].innerHTML;
        option.style.color = opts[i].style.color || '#FFF';
        option.style.backgroundColor = opts[i].style.backgroundColor;

        // apply the selected theme to both the new UI and hidden select element
        option.onclick = function () {
          var color = fa_theme_color.selector.options[this.dataset.index];

          color.selected = true;
          fae_theme_picker.innerHTML = fa_theme_color.selector.value;
          fae_theme_picker.dataset.selectedIndex = this.dataset.index;


          fae_theme_picker.style.backgroundColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.backgroundColor;
          fae_theme_picker.style.borderColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.borderColor;

          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';

          return false;

        // update selected option on hover
        option.onmouseover = function () {


      // add the theme picker, list, and style to the document

        '<style type="text/css">'+
          '#footer_end #fae_theme_list,#page-footer #fae_theme_list{margin-top:-335px!important}'+
          'a#fae_theme_picker{color:#FFF;font-size:13px;font-family:Arial;background:#999;border:1px solid #888;position:relative;display:inline-block;padding:6px;margin:1px;float:left;text-decoration:none;outline:none;}'+
          '#fae_theme_list{background:#FFF;border:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,.175);position:absolute;max-height:335px;overflow:auto;overflow-x:hidden;z-index:10;white-space:nowrap;visibility:visible}'+
          '#fae_theme_list a{font-family:Arial;display:block;padding:6px;text-decoration:none}'+
          '#fae_theme_list a.pseudo-hover{color:#FFF!important;background:#28F!important}'+
          '@media (max-width: 768px) and (min-width: 0px) {body #fae_theme_picker{float:right;width:240px !important;margin:0 0 6px}body #fae_theme_list{width:252px !important}}'+

      fa_theme_color.selector.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, fa_theme_color.selector);
      fa_theme_color.selector.style.display = 'none'; // hide to original theme selector element


function fae_editColor (str, op) {
  var letter = { 'F' : 15, 'E' : 14, 'D' : 13, 'C' : 12, 'B' : 11, 'A' : 10 },
      hex = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'],
      neg = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6];

  str = str.toUpperCase().split('');

  for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
    if (letter[str[i]]) {
      str[i] = letter[str[i]];
    } else {
      str[i] = +str[i];

    if (op == 'darken') {
      str[i] = neg[str[i]];
    } else {
      str[i] += op;

    if (str[i] > 15) {
      str[i] = 15;
    } else if (str[i] < 0) {
      str[i] = 0;

    str[i] = hex[str[i]];

  return str.join('');

/* -- 03. pseudoInputs -- */
// function to hide all checkboxes / radios and replace them with pseudo inputs
$(function() {
  for (var input = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), i = 0, j = input.length, type; i < j; i++) {
    type = input[i].type;
    if (/radio|checkbox/i.test(type)) {
      input[i].className += ' fa_input_hidden';
      input[i].insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<span class="fa_pseudo_' + type + '" onclick="this.previousSibling.click(); return false;"/>');

/* -- 04. toolbar search mod -- */
// gives the search bar a placeholder and attaches an event handler to the button
window.fa_textarea_placeholer = 'Buscar...';

  $(function() {
    var fa_magnifier = document.getElementById('fa_magnifier'),
        fa_textarea = document.getElementById('fa_textarea');

    if (fa_magnifier) {
      fa_magnifier.onclick = function() {

    if (fa_textarea) {
      fa_textarea.value = fa_textarea_placeholer;

      fa_textarea.onfocus = function() {
        if (this.value == fa_textarea_placeholer) {
          this.value = '';

      fa_textarea.onblur = function() {
        if (!this.value) {
          this.value = fa_textarea_placeholer;



/* -- 05. fae_sticky_nav_panel -- */
// adds a sticky navigation for quick use when the navbar isn't visible
$(function() {
  window.fae_sticky = {
            // various user options
            navbar : 'navbar',
          position : 'right',
             title : 'Navegação Rápida',
           tooltip : 'Alternar Navegação Rápida',
    additionalHTML : '<div class="nav-actions"><a href="javascript:fae_sticky.copyURL();" title="Copiar BBCode URL"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>' + ( _userdata.user_level == 1 ? '<a href="/admin" title="Painel Admin"><i class="fa fa-wrench"></i></a>' : '' ) + '<a href="#top" title="Início da Página"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a><a href="#bottom" title="Fim da Página"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></a></div>',
     alwaysVisible : false,

    // copy page URL as bbcode
    copyURL : function() {
      window.prompt('Copiar o BBCode URL abaixo. (CTRL+C)', '[url=' + window.location + ']' + document.title + '[/url]');

    // listen for changes in the navbar's bottom rect
    scroll : function() {
      var rect = fae_sticky.navbar.getBoundingClientRect(),
          position = fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position];

      if (rect.bottom <= fae_sticky.offset[fae_sticky.tb_state] && position == '-30px') {
        fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '';
      } else if (rect.bottom > fae_sticky.offset[fae_sticky.tb_state] && position != '-30px') {
        fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '-30px';

    // offsets for when the toolbar is hidden / shown
    offset : {
      fa_hide : 0,
      fa_show : 30

  // nodes used in the module
  fae_sticky.node = [
    // button
    $('<a class="widget_menu column_button_' + fae_sticky.position + ' color-secondary" />').attr({
       href : '#',
         id : 'fa_sticky_nav_button',
      style : fae_sticky.position + ':-30px;',
      title : fae_sticky.tooltip

    }).click(function() {
      $(fae_sticky.node)[/active/.test(this.className) ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('active');
      return false;

    // panel
    $('<div id="fae_sticky_nav_panel" class="module_column column_' + fae_sticky.position + ' color-secondary" />')
    .html('<div class="title module_column_title">' + fae_sticky.title + '</div><div class="module_inner"></div>')[0]

  fae_sticky.navbar = document.getElementById(fae_sticky.navbar); // get the old navbar

  // then clone its contents and add it to the sticky panel
  $('.module_inner', fae_sticky.node[1]).append($('a.mainmenu', fae_sticky.navbar).clone()).append(fae_sticky.additionalHTML);

  if (!fae_sticky.alwaysVisible) {
    fae_sticky.tb_state = my_getcookie('toolbar_state') || (_userdata.activate_toolbar ? 'fa_show' : 'fa_hide');


    $(function() {
      $('#fa_hide, #fa_show').click(function() {
        fae_sticky.tb_state = this.id;
  } else {
    fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '';

/* -- 06. image resizer -- */
(function() {
  window.fa_img_resizer = {
    max_width : 400, // maximum image width (400px)
    max_height : 250, // maximum image height (250px)

    selector : '.postbody .content img, .mod_news img, .message-text img', // where images should be resized

    options : {
            bar : true, // resized image options bar
        toggler : true, // Enlarge / Reduce Image
      full_size : true, // Mostrar tamanho grande
       download : false, // Baixar imagem link
       lightbox : true // lightbox effect

    // texts
    lang : {
      full_size : '<i class="fa fa-external-link"></i> Mostrar tamanho grande',
        enlarge : '<i class="fa fa-search-plus"></i> Aumentar imagem',
         reduce : '<i class="fa fa-search-minus"></i> Reduzir imagem',
       download : '<i class="fa fa-download"></i> Baixar imagem',
       tooltip : 'Clique para ver imagem completa'

    // resize all images inside the "resizeIn" elements
    resize : function() {
      for (var a = $(fa_img_resizer.selector), i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) {
        if (!a[i].alt && (a[i].naturalWidth > fa_img_resizer.max_width || a[i].naturalHeight > fa_img_resizer.max_height)) {
          a[i].className += ' fa_img_reduced';

          // make the image a "link" if it's not wrapper with one
          if (fa_img_resizer.options.lightbox && a[i].parentNode.tagName != 'A') {
            a[i].style.cursor = 'pointer';
            a[i].title = fa_img_resizer.lang.tooltip;

            a[i].onclick = function() {

          // create the resize bar
          if (fa_img_resizer.options.bar) {
            (a[i].parentNode.tagName == 'A' ? a[i].parentNode : a[i]).insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin',
              '<div class="fa_img_resizer" style="width:' + (a[i].width -  + 'px;">'+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.toggler ? '<a class="fa_img_enlarge" href="#" onclick="fa_img_resizer.toggle(this); return false;">' + fa_img_resizer.lang.enlarge + '</a>' : '')+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.full_size ? '<a class="fa_img_full" href="/viewimage.forum?u=' + a[i].src + '" target="_blank">' + fa_img_resizer.lang.full_size + '</a>' : '')+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.download && !/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) && 'download' in document.createElement('A') ? '<a class="fa_img_download" href="' + a[i].src + '" target="_blank" download>' + fa_img_resizer.lang.download + '</a>' : '' )+

    // toggle between enlarged and reduced image sizes
    toggle : function(that) {
      var img = that.parentNode.nextSibling;

      if (img.tagName == 'A') {
        img = img.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0];

      if (/fa_img_reduced/.test(img.className)) {
        that.innerHTML = fa_img_resizer.lang.reduce;
        that.className = 'fa_img_reduce';
        img.className = img.className.replace(/fa_img_reduced/, 'fa_img_enlarged');
      } else {
        that.innerHTML = fa_img_resizer.lang.enlarge;
        that.className = 'fa_img_enlarge';
        img.className = img.className.replace(/fa_img_enlarged/, 'fa_img_reduced');

      that.parentNode.style.width = img.width - 8 + 'px';

    // lightbox effect
    lightbox : function(that) {
      var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
          overlay = $('<div id="fa_img_lb_overlay" />')[0],
          img = $('<img id="fa_img_lb_image" src="' + that.src + '" />')[0];

      overlay.onclick = fa_img_resizer.kill_lightbox;
      img.onclick = fa_img_resizer.kill_lightbox;

      document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';

      img.style.marginTop = '-' + (img.height / 2) + 'px';
      img.style.marginLeft = '-' + (img.width / 2) + 'px';

    // kill the lightbox
    kill_lightbox : function() {
      var overlay = document.getElementById('fa_img_lb_overlay'),
          img = document.getElementById('fa_img_lb_image');

      overlay && document.body.removeChild(overlay);
      img && document.body.removeChild(img);
      document.body.style.overflow = '';

  // write styles into the document head
    '<style type="text/css">'+
      fa_img_resizer.selector + ', .fa_img_reduced { max-width:' + fa_img_resizer.max_width + 'px; max-height:' + fa_img_resizer.max_height + 'px; }'+
      '.fa_img_enlarged { max-width:100% !important; max-height:100% !important; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer { font-size:12px; text-align:left; padding:3px; margin:3px 0; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer a { display:inline-block; margin:0 3px; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer i { font-size:14px; vertical-align:middle; }'+
      '#fa_img_lb_overlay { background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); position:fixed; top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; z-index:999999; cursor:pointer; }'+
      '#fa_img_lb_image { max-height:100%; max-width:100%; position:fixed; left:50%; top:50%; z-index:9999999; cursor:pointer; }'+

  // begin modifying images when the page is loaded

  // kill forumactif's image resizer
  if (window.resize_images) {
    window.resize_images = function() {
      return false;

/* -- 07. fae_toggle_category -- */
function fae_toggle_category(that) {
  var next = that.nextSibling;
  that.className = 'title ';

  if (next.style.display == 'none') {
    next.style.display = '';
    that.className += 'c_hide';
    my_setcookie('fae_' + next.id, 'shown');
  } else {
    next.style.display = 'none';
    that.className += 'c_show';
    my_setcookie('fae_' + next.id, 'hidden');

/* -- 08. sticky_nav_notifications -- */
$(function() {
  if (_userdata.session_logged_in) {
    var nav = document.getElementById('fae_sticky_nav_panel'),
        a = $('<a class="mainmenu" href="/profile?mode=editprofile&page_profil=notifications">Notificações</a>')[0];

    if (nav) {
      $('a[href="/privmsg?folder=inbox"]', nav).after(a);

      $.get('/notification.forum', function(o) {
        if (o && o.unread) {
          a.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ' <span id="sticky_notif_unread">(' + o.unread + ')</span>');
      }, 'json');

/* -- 09. update_notifier -- */
$(function() {
  if (_userdata.user_id == 1 && !my_getcookie('fae_update_alerted')) {

    $.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SethClydesdale/forumactif-edge/master/javascripts/version-data.js', function(d) {
      var script = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
      script.type = 'text/javascript';
      script.text = d.replace(/forumactif_edge_version_data/, 'fae_github_version_data');

      if (forumactif_edge_version_data.length < fae_github_version_data.length) {
        alert('An update has been found for Forumactif Edge. When you\'re ready, please proceed to your FAE Control Panel and click "Check for updates" to begin the update process.');

      my_setcookie('fae_update_alerted', '1');


/* -- 10. topic_icon_formatter -- */
$(function() {
  var a = $('.forum-info[style*="background-image"]'),
      i = 0,
      j = a.length;

  if (j) {
    for (; i < j; i++) {
      a[i].insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<img class="topic-icon" src="' + a[i].style.backgroundImage.replace(/.*?url\((.*?)\).*/, '$1').replace(/'|"/g, '') + '" />');
      a[i].style.backgroundImage = '';

    $('head').append('<style type="text/css">.topic-icon{vertical-align:middle;margin:0 3px;}</style>');

/* -- 11. dark mode -- */
(function() {
  window.fae_lightSwitchMode = my_getcookie('fae_light-switch-mode') || 'dark';

  document.write('<style type="text/css">#fae_light-switch-container{margin:6px 0}#fae_light-switch-label{font-weight:700;vertical-align:middle}#fae_light-switch{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.25);vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block;position:relative;height:26px;width:56px;border-radius:20px;cursor:pointer;overflow:hidden}#fae_light-switch>input{display:none}#fae_light-switch>div{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,.5);position:absolute;top:3px;left:3px;height:20px;width:20px;border-radius:20px;transition:.4s;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;line-height:22px}#fae_light-switch>div:before{content:"ON";margin-left:-24px;color:transparent;transition:.4s}#fae_light-switch>div:after{content:"OFF";margin-left:30px;color:rgba(255,255,255,.5);transition:.4s}#fae_light-switch>input:checked+div{background-color:#FFF;left:33px}#fae_light-switch>input:checked+div:before{color:#FFF}#fae_light-switch>input:checked+div:after{color:transparent}</style>');

  var footer = '.footer-links.left',

      cookie = my_getcookie('fae_light-switch'),

      changeTheme = function (cookie) {
        var button = document.querySelector('#fae_light-switch input');

        if ((button && button.checked) || cookie == 'on') {
          my_setcookie('fae_light-switch', 'on', true);

          if (window.sessionStorage && window.sessionStorage.faeLightSwitch) {
            $('head').append('<style type="text/css" id="fae_light-switch-css">' + window.sessionStorage.faeLightSwitch + '</style>');
          } else {
            $.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SethClydesdale/forumactif-edge/master/css/dark-mode/' + fae_lightSwitchMode + '-mode.min.css', function (d) {
              $('head').append('<style type="text/css" id="fae_light-switch-css">' + d + '</style>');

              if (window.sessionStorage) {
                window.sessionStorage.faeLightSwitch = d;

        } else {
          var css = document.getElementById('fae_light-switch-css');

          my_setcookie('fae_light-switch', 'off', true);

          if (css) {

  cookie && changeTheme(cookie);

  $(function() {
    if (!my_getcookie('fae_light-switch-mode')) {
      rgb = window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).getPropertyValue('background-color').replace(/rgb\(|\)|\s/g, '').split(',');
      fae_lightSwitchMode = Math.round(((parseInt(rgb[0]) * 299) + (parseInt(rgb[1]) * 587) + (parseInt(rgb[2]) * 114)) /1000) > 125 ? 'dark' : 'light';

      my_setcookie('fae_light-switch-mode', fae_lightSwitchMode, true);

    footer = document.querySelector(footer);

    if (footer) {
      button = document.createElement('LABEL');
      button.id = 'fae_light-switch';
      button.innerHTML = '<input type="checkbox" ' + (cookie == 'on' ? 'checked="true"' : '') + '/><div></div>';
      button.firstChild.onchange = changeTheme;

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Não funcionou, deu erro.
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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por tikky 21.12.18 11:53

Localize e remova na sua folha de estilo, o seguinte código:

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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Ketholy 21.12.18 12:26

Pedxz escreveu:Localize e remova na sua folha de estilo, o seguinte código:

Retirei mais o código continua sem funcionar.
Super Membro

Membro desde : 20/01/2017
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http://jogosrpg-com-br.forumais.com/forum https://twitter.com/Ketholy Suan

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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Ketholy 26.12.18 21:11

Super Membro

Membro desde : 20/01/2017
Mensagens : 1309
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http://jogosrpg-com-br.forumais.com/forum https://twitter.com/Ketholy Suan

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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por RafaelS. 27.12.18 23:39

Olá @Ketholy!

Podia explicar um pouco melhor a sua questão?

Fico no aguardo. Piscada
Membro Entusiasta

Membro desde : 26/04/2014
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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Ketholy 28.12.18 14:17

RafaelS. escreveu:Olá @Ketholy!

Podia explicar um pouco melhor a sua questão?

Fico no aguardo. Piscada

Olá RafaelS,

Então minha questão é que os Widgets são anexados no lugar de aparecer normal no fórum, tem que clicar em um botão pra visualizar eles. Eu não quero eles assim, quero que apareça normalmente do lado esquedo das categorias e sub-fóruns. O código é esse:

** ======= FUNCTIONS ======= **
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** 01. fa_navactif
** 02. fa_theme_changer
** 03. pseudoInputs
** 04. toolbar search mod
** 05. fae_sticky_nav_panel
** 06. image resizer
** 07. fae_toggle_category
** 08. sticky_nav_notifications
** 09. update_notifier
** 10. topic_icon_formatter
** 11. dark mode
** 12. copy code button
** 13. local frame styler
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// theme selector for the forum
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"Selecionar um tema" : [],
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"Tema Aleatório" : [],
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"Dusty Gray" : ["#AAAAAA", "#999999", "#888888", "#666666", "#444444"],
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"Earthtone" : ["#775533", "#664422", "#553311", "#331100", "#332211"],
"Americano" : ["#998877", "#887766", "#776655", "#554433", "#333333"],
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"Shadow" : ["#998866", "#887755", "#776644", "#554422", "#333322"],
"Buttercup" : ["#FFBB22", "#eeaa11", "#DD9900", "#BB7700", "#554411"],
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"Golden Grass" : ["#EEBB33", "#ddaa22", "#CC9911", "#AA7700", "#554411"],
"Pizza" : ["#DDAA22", "#cc9911", "#BB8800", "#996600", "#554411"],
"Reef Gold" : ["#BB9933", "#aa8822", "#997711", "#775500", "#443311"],
"Olive" : ["#999911", "#888800", "#777700", "#555500", "#333300"],
"Camouflage" : ["#555522", "#444411", "#333300", "#111100", "#222211"],
"Avocado" : ["#999977", "#888866", "#777755", "#555533", "#333333"],
"Earls Green" : ["#DDDD44", "#cccc33", "#BBBB22", "#999900", "#555522"],
"Laser" : ["#DDDD77", "#cccc66", "#BBBB55", "#999933", "#555533"],
"Pine Glade" : ["#DDDDAA", "#cccc99", "#BBBB88", "#999966", "#555544"],
"Pea Green" : ["#88AA33", "#779922", "#668811", "#446600", "#334411"],
"Celery" : ["#AADD44", "#99cc33", "#88BB22", "#669900", "#445522"],
"Chartreuse" : ["#99EE11", "#88dd00", "#77CC00", "#55AA00", "#335500"],
"Forumactif Green" : ["#99DD44", "#88cc33", "#77BB22", "#559900", "#335522"],
"Dollar Bill" : ["#99CC66", "#88bb55", "#77AA44", "#558822", "#334422"],
"Wild Willow" : ["#AADD77", "#99cc66", "#88BB55", "#669933", "#445533"],
"Asparagus" : ["#88BB66", "#77aa55", "#669944", "#447722", "#334422"],
"Atlantis" : ["#77DD44", "#66cc33", "#55BB22", "#339900", "#335522"],
"Forest Green" : ["#339933", "#228822", "#117711", "#005500", "#113311"],
"Christmas Green" : ["#117711", "#006600", "#005500", "#003300", "#003300"],
"Apple" : ["#44DD44", "#33cc33", "#22BB22", "#009900", "#225522"],
"Mantis" : ["#77DD77", "#66cc66", "#55BB55", "#339933", "#335533"],
"De York" : ["#AADDAA", "#99cc99", "#88BB88", "#669966", "#445544"],
"Envy" : ["#99BB99", "#88aa88", "#779977", "#557755", "#334433"],
"Spruce" : ["#77DD88", "#66cc77", "#55BB66", "#339944", "#335533"],
"Bottle Green" : ["#22BB44", "#11aa33", "#009922", "#007700", "#114422"],
"Aqua Forest" : ["#77BB88", "#66aa77", "#559966", "#337744", "#334433"],
"Mountain Meadow" : ["#44DD77", "#33cc66", "#22BB55", "#009933", "#225533"],
"Meadow" : ["#33BB66", "#22aa55", "#119944", "#007722", "#114422"],
"Sea Green" : ["#449966", "#338855", "#227744", "#005522", "#223322"],
"Amazon" : ["#448866", "#337755", "#226644", "#004422", "#223322"],
"Emerald" : ["#77DDAA", "#66cc99", "#55BB88", "#339966", "#335544"],
"Shamrock" : ["#44DDAA", "#33cc99", "#22BB88", "#009966", "#225544"],
"Blue Lagoon" : ["#55CCBB", "#44bbaa", "#33AA99", "#118877", "#224444"],
"Turquoise" : ["#44DDDD", "#33cccc", "#22BBBB", "#009999", "#225555"],
"Downy" : ["#77DDDD", "#66cccc", "#55BBBB", "#339999", "#335555"],
"Sinbad" : ["#AADDDD", "#99cccc", "#88BBBB", "#669999", "#445555"],
"Teal" : ["#119999", "#008888", "#007777", "#005555", "#003333"],
"Blue Chill" : ["#2299AA", "#118899", "#007788", "#005566", "#113344"],
"Cerulean" : ["#11BBEE", "#00aadd", "#0099CC", "#0077AA", "#004455"],
"Deep Cerulean" : ["#1188BB", "#0077aa", "#006699", "#004477", "#003344"],
"Curious Blue" : ["#44AADD", "#3399cc", "#2288BB", "#006699", "#224455"],
"Slate Gray" : ["#8899AA", "#778899", "#667788", "#445566", "#333344"],
"Danube" : ["#77AADD", "#6699cc", "#5588BB", "#336699", "#334455"],
"Azure Radiance" : ["#1188FF", "#0077ff", "#0066EE", "#0044CC", "#003366"],
"Mariner" : ["#4477DD", "#3366cc", "#2255BB", "#003399", "#223355"],
"Azure" : ["#4466BB", "#3355aa", "#224499", "#002277", "#222244"],
"Governor Bay" : ["#4444DD", "#3333cc", "#2222BB", "#000099", "#222255"],
"Blue Marguerite" : ["#7777DD", "#6666cc", "#5555BB", "#333399", "#333355"],
"Blue Bell" : ["#AAAADD", "#9999cc", "#8888BB", "#666699", "#444455"],
"Comet" : ["#666688", "#555577", "#444466", "#222244", "#222233"],
"Purple Heart" : ["#7744DD", "#6633cc", "#5522BB", "#330099", "#332255"],
"Amethyst" : ["#AA77DD", "#9966cc", "#8855BB", "#663399", "#443355"],
"Amethyst Smoke" : ["#BBAACC", "#aa99bb", "#9988AA", "#776688", "#444444"],
"Mauve" : ["#EEBBFF", "#ddaaff", "#CC99EE", "#AA77CC", "#554466"],
"Affair" : ["#8855AA", "#774499", "#663388", "#441166", "#332244"],
"Purple" : ["#AA44DD", "#9933cc", "#8822BB", "#660099", "#442255"],
"Lavendar" : ["#CC88EE", "#bb77dd", "#AA66CC", "#8844AA", "#443355"],
"Cerise" : ["#DD44DD", "#cc33cc", "#BB22BB", "#990099", "#552255"],
"Fuchsia Pink" : ["#DD77DD", "#cc66cc", "#BB55BB", "#993399", "#553355"],
"Lilac" : ["#DDAADD", "#cc99cc", "#BB88BB", "#996699", "#554455"],
"Red Violet" : ["#DD44AA", "#cc3399", "#BB2288", "#990066", "#552244"],
"Disco" : ["#992266", "#881155", "#770044", "#550022", "#331122"],
"Carnation Pink" : ["#FFAADD", "#ff99cc", "#EE88BB", "#CC6699", "#664455"],
"Hopbush" : ["#DD77AA", "#cc6699", "#BB5588", "#993366", "#553344"],
"French Rose" : ["#FF5599", "#ee4488", "#DD3377", "#BB1155", "#552233"],
"Hibiscus" : ["#DD4477", "#cc3366", "#BB2255", "#990033", "#552233"],
"Claret" : ["#882244", "#771133", "#660022", "#440000", "#331122"],
"Bordeaux" : ["#771133", "#660022", "#550011", "#330000", "#330011"],
"Tickle Me Pink" : ["#FF99BB", "#ff88aa", "#EE7799", "#CC5577", "#663344"],
"Burgundy" : ["#991133", "#880022", "#770011", "#550000", "#330011"],
"Blush" : ["#EE6688", "#dd5577", "#CC4466", "#AA2244", "#552233"],
"Wild Watermelon" : ["#FF6688", "#ff5577", "#EE4466", "#CC2244", "#662233"],
"Amaranth" : ["#FF4466", "#ee3355", "#DD2244", "#BB0022", "#552222"],
"Mauvelous" : ["#FFAABB", "#ff99aa", "#EE8899", "#CC6677", "#664444"],
"Alizarin Crimson" : ["#FF3344", "#ee2233", "#DD1122", "#BB0000", "#551122"]
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        return false;
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        if (next && next.className != 'pseudo-hover') {
        return false;
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      window.fae_hover_theme = function (that) {
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        that.className = 'pseudo-hover';
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          return false;
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      window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
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        option.style.backgroundColor = opts[i].style.backgroundColor;
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        option.onclick = function () {
          var color = fa_theme_color.selector.options[this.dataset.index];
          color.selected = true;
          fae_theme_picker.innerHTML = fa_theme_color.selector.value;
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          fae_theme_picker.style.borderColor = fa_theme_color.selector.style.borderColor;
          fae_theme_list.className = 'theme_list_hidden';
          return false;
        // update selected option on hover
        option.onmouseover = function () {
      // add the theme picker, list, and style to the document
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          '#footer_end #fae_theme_list,#page-footer #fae_theme_list{margin-top:-335px!important}'+
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      fa_theme_color.selector.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, fa_theme_color.selector);
      fa_theme_color.selector.style.display = 'none'; // hide to original theme selector element
function fae_editColor (str, op) {
  var letter = { 'F' : 15, 'E' : 14, 'D' : 13, 'C' : 12, 'B' : 11, 'A' : 10 },
      hex = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'],
      neg = [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6];
  str = str.toUpperCase().split('');
  for (var i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
    if (letter[str[i]]) {
      str[i] = letter[str[i]];
    } else {
      str[i] = +str[i];
    if (op == 'darken') {
      str[i] = neg[str[i]];
    } else {
      str[i] += op;
    if (str[i] > 15) {
      str[i] = 15;
    } else if (str[i] < 0) {
      str[i] = 0;
    str[i] = hex[str[i]];
  return str.join('');
/* -- 03. pseudoInputs -- */
// function to hide all checkboxes / radios and replace them with pseudo inputs
$(function() {
  for (var input = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'), i = 0, j = input.length, type; i < j; i++) {
    type = input[i].type;
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      input[i].className += ' fa_input_hidden';
      input[i].insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<span class="fa_pseudo_' + type + '" onclick="this.previousSibling.click(); return false;"/>');
/* -- 04. toolbar search mod -- */
// gives the search bar a placeholder and attaches an event handler to the button
window.fa_textarea_placeholer = 'Buscar...';
  $(function() {
    var fa_magnifier = document.getElementById('fa_magnifier'),
        fa_textarea = document.getElementById('fa_textarea');
    if (fa_magnifier) {
      fa_magnifier.onclick = function() {
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      fa_textarea.value = fa_textarea_placeholer;
      fa_textarea.onfocus = function() {
        if (this.value == fa_textarea_placeholer) {
          this.value = '';
      fa_textarea.onblur = function() {
        if (!this.value) {
          this.value = fa_textarea_placeholer;
/* -- 05. fae_sticky_nav_panel -- */
// adds a sticky navigation for quick use when the navbar isn't visible
$(function() {
  window.fae_sticky = {
            // various user options
            navbar : 'navbar',
          position : 'right',
            title : 'Navegação Rápida',
          tooltip : 'Alternar Navegação Rápida',
    additionalHTML : '<div class="nav-actions"><a href="javascript:fae_sticky.copyURL();" title="Copiar BBCode URL"><i class="fa fa-link"></i></a>' + ( _userdata.user_level == 1 ? '<a href="/admin" title="Painel Admin"><i class="fa fa-wrench"></i></a>' : '' ) + '<a href="#top" title="Início da Página"><i class="fa fa-chevron-up"></i></a><a href="#bottom" title="Fim da Página"><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></a></div>',
    alwaysVisible : false,
    // copy page URL as bbcode
    copyURL : function() {
      window.prompt('Copiar o BBCode URL abaixo. (CTRL+C)', '[url=' + window.location + ']' + document.title + '[/url]');
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    scroll : function() {
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          position = fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position];
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        fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '';
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        fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '-30px';
    // offsets for when the toolbar is hidden / shown
    offset : {
      fa_hide : 0,
      fa_show : 30
  // nodes used in the module
  fae_sticky.node = [
    // button
    $('<a class="widget_menu column_button_' + fae_sticky.position + ' color-secondary" />').attr({
      href : '#',
        id : 'fa_sticky_nav_button',
      style : fae_sticky.position + ':-30px;',
      title : fae_sticky.tooltip
    }).click(function() {
      $(fae_sticky.node)[/active/.test(this.className) ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('active');
      return false;
    // panel
    $('<div id="fae_sticky_nav_panel" class="module_column column_' + fae_sticky.position + ' color-secondary" />')
    .html('<div class="title module_column_title">' + fae_sticky.title + '</div><div class="module_inner"></div>')[0]
  fae_sticky.navbar = document.getElementById(fae_sticky.navbar); // get the old navbar
  // then clone its contents and add it to the sticky panel
  $('.module_inner', fae_sticky.node[1]).append($('a.mainmenu', fae_sticky.navbar).clone()).append(fae_sticky.additionalHTML);
  if (!fae_sticky.alwaysVisible) {
    fae_sticky.tb_state = my_getcookie('toolbar_state') || (_userdata.activate_toolbar ? 'fa_show' : 'fa_hide');
    $(function() {
      $('#fa_hide, #fa_show').click(function() {
        fae_sticky.tb_state = this.id;
  } else {
    fae_sticky.node[0].style[fae_sticky.position] = '';
/* -- 06. image resizer -- */
(function() {
  window.fa_img_resizer = {
    max_width : 400, // maximum image width (400px)
    max_height : 250, // maximum image height (250px)
    selector : '.postbody .content img, .mod_news img, .message-text img', // where images should be resized
    options : {
            bar : true, // resized image options bar
        toggler : true, // Enlarge / Reduce Image
      full_size : true, // Mostrar tamanho grande
      download : false, // Baixar imagem link
      lightbox : true // lightbox effect
    // texts
    lang : {
      full_size : '<i class="fa fa-external-link"></i> Mostrar tamanho grande',
        enlarge : '<i class="fa fa-search-plus"></i> Aumentar imagem',
        reduce : '<i class="fa fa-search-minus"></i> Reduzir imagem',
      download : '<i class="fa fa-download"></i> Baixar imagem',
      tooltip : 'Clique para ver imagem completa'
    // resize all images inside the "resizeIn" elements
    resize : function() {
      for (var a = $(fa_img_resizer.selector), i = 0, j = a.length; i < j; i++) {
        if (!a[i].alt && (a[i].naturalWidth > fa_img_resizer.max_width || a[i].naturalHeight > fa_img_resizer.max_height)) {
          a[i].className += ' fa_img_reduced';
          // make the image a "link" if it's not wrapper with one
          if (fa_img_resizer.options.lightbox && a[i].parentNode.tagName != 'A') {
            a[i].style.cursor = 'pointer';
            a[i].title = fa_img_resizer.lang.tooltip;
            a[i].onclick = function() {
          // create the resize bar
          if (fa_img_resizer.options.bar) {
            (a[i].parentNode.tagName == 'A' ? a[i].parentNode : a[i]).insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin',
              '<div class="fa_img_resizer" style="width:' + (a[i].width - 8) + 'px;">'+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.toggler ? '<a class="fa_img_enlarge" href="#" onclick="fa_img_resizer.toggle(this); return false;">' + fa_img_resizer.lang.enlarge + '</a>' : '')+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.full_size ? '<a class="fa_img_full" href="/viewimage.forum?u=' + a[i].src + '" target="_blank">' + fa_img_resizer.lang.full_size + '</a>' : '')+
                (fa_img_resizer.options.download && !/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent) && 'download' in document.createElement('A') ? '<a class="fa_img_download" href="' + a[i].src + '" target="_blank" download>' + fa_img_resizer.lang.download + '</a>' : '' )+
    // toggle between enlarged and reduced image sizes
    toggle : function(that) {
      var img = that.parentNode.nextSibling;
      if (img.tagName == 'A') {
        img = img.getElementsByTagName('IMG')[0];
      if (/fa_img_reduced/.test(img.className)) {
        that.innerHTML = fa_img_resizer.lang.reduce;
        that.className = 'fa_img_reduce';
        img.className = img.className.replace(/fa_img_reduced/, 'fa_img_enlarged');
      } else {
        that.innerHTML = fa_img_resizer.lang.enlarge;
        that.className = 'fa_img_enlarge';
        img.className = img.className.replace(/fa_img_enlarged/, 'fa_img_reduced');
      that.parentNode.style.width = img.width - 8 + 'px';
    // lightbox effect
    lightbox : function(that) {
      var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(),
          overlay = $('<div id="fa_img_lb_overlay" />')[0],
          img = $('<img id="fa_img_lb_image" src="' + that.src + '" />')[0];
      overlay.onclick = fa_img_resizer.kill_lightbox;
      img.onclick = fa_img_resizer.kill_lightbox;
      document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden';
      img.style.marginTop = '-' + (img.height / 2) + 'px';
      img.style.marginLeft = '-' + (img.width / 2) + 'px';
    // kill the lightbox
    kill_lightbox : function() {
      var overlay = document.getElementById('fa_img_lb_overlay'),
          img = document.getElementById('fa_img_lb_image');
      overlay && document.body.removeChild(overlay);
      img && document.body.removeChild(img);
      document.body.style.overflow = '';
  // write styles into the document head
    '<style type="text/css">'+
      fa_img_resizer.selector + ', .fa_img_reduced { max-width:' + fa_img_resizer.max_width + 'px; max-height:' + fa_img_resizer.max_height + 'px; }'+
      '.fa_img_enlarged { max-width:100% !important; max-height:100% !important; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer { font-size:12px; text-align:left; padding:3px; margin:3px 0; background:#FFF; border:1px solid #CCC; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer a { display:inline-block; margin:0 3px; }'+
      '.fa_img_resizer i { font-size:14px; vertical-align:middle; }'+
      '#fa_img_lb_overlay { background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); position:fixed; top:0; right:0; bottom:0; left:0; z-index:999999; cursor:pointer; }'+
      '#fa_img_lb_image { max-height:100%; max-width:100%; position:fixed; left:50%; top:50%; z-index:9999999; cursor:pointer; }'+
  // begin modifying images when the page is loaded
  // kill forumactif's image resizer
  if (window.resize_images) {
    window.resize_images = function() {
      return false;
/* -- 07. fae_toggle_category -- */
function fae_toggle_category(that) {
  var next = that.nextSibling;
  that.className = 'title ';
  if (next.style.display == 'none') {
    next.style.display = '';
    that.className += 'c_hide';
    my_setcookie('fae_' + next.id, 'shown');
  } else {
    next.style.display = 'none';
    that.className += 'c_show';
    my_setcookie('fae_' + next.id, 'hidden');
/* -- 08. sticky_nav_notifications -- */
$(function() {
  if (_userdata.session_logged_in) {
    var nav = document.getElementById('fae_sticky_nav_panel'),
        a = $('<a class="mainmenu" href="/profile?mode=editprofile&page_profil=notifications">Notificações</a>')[0];
    if (nav) {
      $('a[href="/privmsg?folder=inbox"]', nav).after(a);
      $.get('/notification.forum', function(o) {
        if (o && o.unread) {
          a.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ' <span id="sticky_notif_unread">(' + o.unread + ')</span>');
      }, 'json');
/* -- 09. update_notifier -- */
$(function() {
  if (_userdata.user_id == 1 && !my_getcookie('fae_update_alerted')) {
    $.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SethClydesdale/forumactif-edge/master/javascripts/version-data.js', function(d) {
      var script = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
      script.type = 'text/javascript';
      script.text = d.replace(/forumactif_edge_version_data/, 'fae_github_version_data');
      if (forumactif_edge_version_data.length < fae_github_version_data.length) {
        alert('An update has been found for Forumactif Edge. When you\'re ready, please proceed to your FAE Control Panel and click "Check for updates" to begin the update process.');
      my_setcookie('fae_update_alerted', '1');
/* -- 10. topic_icon_formatter -- */
$(function() {
  var a = $('.forum-info[style*="background-image"]'),
      i = 0,
      j = a.length;
  if (j) {
    for (; i < j; i++) {
      a[i].insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<img class="topic-icon" src="' + a[i].style.backgroundImage.replace(/.*?url\((.*?)\).*/, '$1').replace(/'|"/g, '') + '" />');
      a[i].style.backgroundImage = '';
    $('head').append('<style type="text/css">.topic-icon{vertical-align:middle;margin:0 3px;}</style>');
/* -- 11. dark mode -- */
(function() {
  window.fae_lightSwitchMode = my_getcookie('fae_light-switch-mode') || 'dark';
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            $.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SethClydesdale/forumactif-edge/master/css/dark-mode/' + fae_lightSwitchMode + '-mode.min.css', function (d) {
              $('head').append('<style type="text/css" id="fae_light-switch-css">' + d + '</style>');
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  cookie && changeTheme(cookie);
  $(function() {
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$.getScript('https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/clipboard.js/1.5.16/clipboard.min.js', function() {
  window.fae_copyCode = {
    copy : 'Copiar Código',
    copied : 'Copiado!'
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/* -- 13. local frame styler -- */
// global function for getting local iframes
function fae_styleLocalFrames () {
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      head.append($('#fa_theme_style, #fae_light-switch-css').clone());
    } catch (error) {
      window.console && console.log(error);
// waits for frames to load (such as chatbox and smilies) and then applies preferred styles to them
$(window).load(function() {
  $('iframe[src^="/"]').on('load', fae_styleLocalFrames);
  $('object[data^="/"]').attr('onload', 'fae_styleLocalFrames();');
  $('#fae_custom-theme, #fa_theme_selector, #fae_light-switch input').on('change', fae_styleLocalFrames);

Super Membro

Membro desde : 20/01/2017
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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por RafaelS. 28.12.18 16:40

Olá @Ketholy,

Então resumindamente, você quer os widgets como são por padrão?
Exemplo: link (externo).

Fico no aguardo.
Membro Entusiasta

Membro desde : 26/04/2014
Mensagens : 5746
Pontos : 7156


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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Ketholy 28.12.18 17:13

RafaelS. escreveu:Olá @Ketholy,

Então resumindamente, você quer os widgets como são por padrão?
Exemplo: link (externo).

Fico no aguardo.

Exato Envergonhado
Super Membro

Membro desde : 20/01/2017
Mensagens : 1309
Pontos : 1577

http://jogosrpg-com-br.forumais.com/forum https://twitter.com/Ketholy Suan

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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por RafaelS. 28.12.18 18:11

Ah ok, não tinha entendido isso haha!
Nesse caso basta desativar o script que colocou no seu fórum. O script começa da seguinte forma:


Até mais. Feliz
Membro Entusiasta

Membro desde : 26/04/2014
Mensagens : 5746
Pontos : 7156


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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Ketholy 28.12.18 19:17

RafaelS. escreveu:Ah ok, não tinha entendido isso haha!
Nesse caso basta desativar o script que colocou no seu fórum. O script começa da seguinte forma:


Até mais. Feliz

Tirei, mais não mudou em nada.
Super Membro

Membro desde : 20/01/2017
Mensagens : 1309
Pontos : 1577

http://jogosrpg-com-br.forumais.com/forum https://twitter.com/Ketholy Suan

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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por RafaelS. 31.12.18 17:22

Olá @Ketholy,

Tente adicionar este código à sua folha de estilos (CSS):
.widget_menu, .module_column_title { display:none; }
#fa_sticky_nav_button { display:block; }
#right .module_inner { position:static; }
#right {
#content { margin-right:306px; }
#main {

Até mais. Feliz
Membro Entusiasta

Membro desde : 26/04/2014
Mensagens : 5746
Pontos : 7156


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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Ketholy 31.12.18 17:37


Muito obrigada @RafaelS Piscada
Super Membro

Membro desde : 20/01/2017
Mensagens : 1309
Pontos : 1577

http://jogosrpg-com-br.forumais.com/forum https://twitter.com/Ketholy Suan

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Tópico resolvido Re: Widgets no fórum

Mensagem por Convidado 31.12.18 17:44

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